I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 91 The Final Judgment Of Sin, The Wicked Will Reward The Judge! (Please Subscribe, Please Cu



The shrill screams rang out.

But unfortunately, no one can save him.

Because for the Cai family and his son.

The sight in front of them had already scared them to the point of trembling with fear!

These zombies look like wolves!

Crazy tearing and biting Jiang Hongyin's body!

Amidst the shrill screams, the air was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood!

A person who controls zombies.

In the end, he died at the hands of the zombies he had controlled.

have to say.

This is indeed a great irony!


Jiang Hongyin had been chewed into a pile of bones.

After completing this thing, those zombies seemed to have completed their final revenge!

Each one stopped making any movement.

Standing straight on the spot, it seemed like a real corpse!

"You dead souls, please enter the reincarnation and return!"

Bai Wuchang's voice sounded.

The mourning stick was waved in his hand.

I saw translucent shadows flying out of the zombies' bodies.

Finally, it disappeared into the void.

no doubt.

They are completely liberated!

"Next, it's your turn!"

The leopard-tailed handsome man looked at Cai and his son with his huge eyes.

What just happened was "two, eight, three" emotions.

The Cai family and his son were completely frightened!

Jiang Hongyin.

How could the corpse exorcist hired at a huge price be wiped out so easily?

It’s incredible!


At this moment, their psychological defense completely collapsed!

The two of them fell to their knees with a plop.

"Have mercy, we know we were wrong!"

"Please, let us go this time!"

"We have a lot of money, and we can use it all to compensate the victims!"

The father and son kept kowtowing!

Bang bang bang!

In a short while.

Their foreheads were already filled with large blood marks.

Like most villains.

I have no fear of heaven or earth, and believe that there is no such thing as good and evil being rewarded in the world!

But when judgment does come.

Everyone will feel unprecedented fear!

this moment.

They also seemed to know their mistakes!

Know that there are still some things in this world that are inviolable!


It's too late!

However, the leopard-tailed Yin Shuai just looked at the two of them coldly.

In Zhou Chen's eyes, this father and son.

They are all evil people who deserve to die!

There is no way I can give them a chance to survive!

“You are emitting pollution and destroying the ecological environment.

"Countless residents and even cherished wild animals have suffered tragic consequences!"

"The sin is so heavy that it cannot be forgiven!"

A powerful voice followed.

Soon, countless pictures appeared in front of them.

The villagers who suffered from strange diseases under their pollution!

Those animals that have no way to survive because their environment has been destroyed!

Rivers reeking of stench.

In the river, fish turned their bellies one after another.

And beside the river, countless wild animals died in pain!

Such a picture.

Constantly impacting the minds of father and son!

It was a huge blow to their hearts!

"We know we were wrong. We are willing to spend all our money. We just ask you to spare our lives!"

The two cried bitterly.

They were really scared!

Fear of the Judge!

However, if such sin can be forgiven.

That is the greatest sorrow in the world!

Zhou Chen has no intention of letting them go!

I saw the leopard-tailed Yin Shuai wave his spear, and bursts of wild beasts roared in the void.

With a deafening roar.

In an instant, countless beast souls appeared!

These wild beasts had ferocious faces, and they rushed toward the Yan family and his son like flying birds.

The two of them were terrified!

But they have nowhere to escape!

"Now, taste the pain of those animals!"

Leopard Tail's sinister and handsome voice continued.

These beast souls are having crazy intercourse with them!

No matter how much Cai and his son screamed, it was of no use at all!


They have become a bloody mess!

But even so, they still have one breath left!


Bai Wuchang's strange laughter sounded.

He waved the soul-grabbing chain and rushed towards the two of them: "The soul is bound to be impermanent, so go to the underworld to be tortured!"


Chains come out of the chest!

The two souls were instantly pulled out of their bodies!

Next, what awaits them is endless punishment!

There is never any possibility of escape!

The next day.

When workers come to work.

Three fragmented corpses came into view!

These three people died in a very miserable state, their bodies were covered in blood and flesh, and there was not a single piece of good flesh at all!

It's like being eaten by some wild beast!

In addition to these three corpses, there were ten lying corpses lying in various directions on the scene!

Those ten corpses were intact.

Each one of them had stiff bodies and hard spots all over their body, obviously they had been dead for a long time.

But what's weird is.

There was traces of blood on the corners of the mouths of these corpses.

There was even bitten flesh and blood left in their mouths!

People from the Sheriff's Department quickly became involved in the investigation.

After their investigation, they found that the flesh and blood was on one of the corpses.

But these ten corpses are all people who have been dead for a long time!

How could they bite off this flesh and blood?

This is shocking!

However, when I think of it, it must be Judge Xi.

The people in the Sheriff's Department didn't have anything good to say.

The people the Judge has killed all died in various bizarre and horrific ways!

After investigation by the Sheriff's Department.

An even more shocking fact has surfaced!

That is, these ten corpses are all people who were reported missing a long time ago.

At that time, the Public Security Department was also looking everywhere.

It’s a pity that he is really a person who can’t be seen alive but can’t be seen dead!

Unexpectedly, it would appear in this place now.



When people from the Public Security Department came to the factory.

The serious pollution problem in the factory has also been exposed!

The factory was sealed off by the Public Security Bureau, and the workers in the factory were properly arranged!

The main thing is.

Those local residents who have relocated no longer have to live in fear!

Sin has been judged!

Without exception, netizens applauded!

"The Cai family and his son have committed many crimes and should have been brought to justice long ago! It is a miracle that they can survive to this day!"

"That's right, if it hadn't been for the judge's intervention, these two guys wouldn't have known how long they would have been illegally discharging here!"

"I have long heard that they will threaten local residents. If they dare to expose them, these people will kill local residents!"

"Too vicious!"

"Fortunately, they have finally been sanctioned now!"

"It's a pity that Cai and his son have been illegally discharging here for a long time, and the ecological damage caused has already reached a certain scale...

"Yes! It's not that easy to restore the environment here! We can only rely on time to smooth out the damage caused!"

Comments are displayed one by one.

Both the Public Security Department and the evil people who did not take action have all seen these comments on the Internet.

The people at the Sheriff's Department are okay.

But those people whose hands were stained with blood all felt extremely angry after seeing this information.


Every comment here seems to make them feel endless ridicule and gloating through the screen!

Let their hearts be filled with rage!


Even if these people are full of anger, they have no ability to express it at all.

Because of what the judge did.

For people like them, it is undoubtedly full of intimidation and shock!

It’s enough to make everyone feel scared!

Make everyone restless!

Dark web.

The discussion about the judge is also becoming more and more heated.

"This judge is so terrifying. He actually has such a powerful power! If we don't find a way to eliminate him, we will have a hard time surviving!"

A big boss said.

People speak anonymously on the dark web.

Therefore, no one knows what kind of person is hidden behind these garbled accounts!

There is no exception.

Everyone knows a little bit.

Anyone who is active on the dark web is definitely not a good person!

"That's right! From Jiang Chen, Scar Liu, to Qiu Jun, Cai and his son..."

"These people are all powerful people, but the result is good, they all died at the hands of the judge!"

"I think this guy will target us sooner or later!"

Another person followed.

As soon as he finished speaking, other people also started discussing like a boiling pot.

"That's true, but how are we going to deal with him?"

"Exactly! Some people had previously suspected that this judge was a highly intelligent criminal. Therefore, they expected to use a large number of bodyguards to deal with him!"

"Hmph, now it seems that he is not a simple criminal with a high IQ! Ordinary security personnel are of no use to him at all!'

"That's right! Not to mention the security personnel, even those monks and Taoist priests were easily killed by this guy?"

"I guess no one in this world can deal with him!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can there be an invincible person in this world!"

"That's right! There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Even if he can deal with ordinary mages, there must be people for him!"

"Put a reward, I want to put a reward!"

Someone raised an opinion.

Soon, many people followed suit.

"Yes, let's put a bounty on him together! I don't believe it! There are so many people in the world, how can there be no one who can deal with him?!"

"I bid one hundred thousand!""

"One hundred thousand? You are really willing to give up! For such a person, I don't think even one million is too much!"

"Then I'll give you one million too!"

"I'll pay three million!"


These sinful people have reached a consensus.

They made bids one after another.

The amount of the judge's bounty has skyrocketed!

Soon, it reached 10 million!

Ten million.

Put a reward on a man's life!

This is also a very high price on the dark web!

Just don't know.

Who can take this money?!

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