I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 96 The Price Of Sin! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)



Now, late at night.

It's very close to midnight.

Zhang Xifa had everything ready and was waiting for the judge to arrive.



time up.

Outside the house, a cold wind suddenly picked up.

At this moment, everyone held their breath.

Because they really felt that the surrounding temperature dropped instantly at this moment!

at the same time.

They see.

Several figures appeared outside the yard.

Those figures are shadowy and shadowy.

Gradually we approached the courtyard.

Is it the judge?

Zhang Xifa's heart suddenly lifted.

At the same time, he held his breath and looked forward.

And the speed of those figures is not too slow.

After a while, they were already close to them.

And at this time.

Zhang Xifa finally saw clearly the identity of the visitor!

It turned out to be a man wearing a tall pointed hat and white clothes, holding a mourning stick and an iron chain!

Isn’t this the legendary Bai Wuchang?!

Zhang Xifa was immediately shocked.

In fact.

It’s not just Zhang Xifa.

Including his subordinates.

At this time, everyone was completely shocked!

Could it be said that the judge is actually heaven?

In addition to impermanence, a bull-headed horse-face also appears!

Zhang Xifa's every move was "five-four-three" under Zhou Chen's eyes.

Therefore, he knew that this person was not even the slightest threat to him!

Deal with Zhang Xifa.

The impermanence and ox head horse noodles are enough!

There is no need to mobilize so many troops at all!


Zhang Xifa's mouth twitched.

The fear in his heart also became more intense at this time.


Zhang Xifa has no intention of backing down!


He had no choice but to fire the arrow!

Even if you want to retreat, there is no possibility of retreating!

before him.

There is only one way!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xifa shouted angrily: "Stop!"

Impermanence really stopped.

Zhang Xifa held a machete on a girl's neck.

Under the moonlight, the sword gleamed.

Apparently he looks very fierce!

Zhang Xifa said in a cold voice: "If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill this little girl!"

After saying that, he put the knife in his hand against the girl's neck.

This knife is indeed sharp!

Even though he wasn't using any particular force.

But because it was very close to the girl's neck, a blood mark still appeared on the girl's fair neck.

And what about the girl?

At this time, I was so frightened that my face turned pale.

She kept sobbing, her eyes filled with endless fear!

Including Zhang Xifa's subordinates.

At this time, he mustered up the courage to point the weapon in his hand at the beggars.


In their view.

These beggars have become their own hostages!

As long as the judges dare to take a step forward, they will immediately kill all the beggars!

By the time.

It’s worth it even in front of the judge!

When death really comes, these people actually risk it!

Apparently a bunch of desperadoes!


Wu Chang made a weird laugh.

"Threat? What's the point?"

"You can give it a try!"

A gentle word comes from the mouth of Impermanence.


Zhang Xifa was obviously surprised when he heard this.

at the same time.

These words completely ignited the anger in Zhang Xifa's heart.

It looked like her eyes were about to burst.

Then, he glared fiercely: "Really? Then I will kill this little girl now and let you see how powerful I am!"

He simply gave up!

Still don't believe it.

He could kill her with just a wave of his hand!

No matter how powerful the judge is, can he still be faster than his own sword?!


Thinking of this, he took action without hesitation.


Just for a second.

Zhang Xifa was stunned on the spot!

Because he suddenly noticed that he couldn't move at all to share!

His hands seemed to be out of control.

Especially the hand holding the knife was trapped by an invisible force.

He couldn't exert any force at all!


"Why are you still standing there? Kill me!"

Zhang Xifa understood immediately.

At the same time, there was another roar.

Since there is nothing you can do to be the judge, then let all your subordinates do it together!

He didn't believe it.

With so many people working together, couldn't he handle it?

But as soon as he finished speaking.

Next to him, the screams of his men could be heard.

"Boss, we, we can't move!"

"Ah, my hand!"


A series of screams came and went.

Zhang Xifa looked around, and the next scene made him feel unparalleled shock.


All I saw was blood spraying!

All of his subordinates were killed instantly!


In the midst of wailing, they all fell on their backs!

And all this happens in just a few seconds!

It catches people completely off guard!


Zhang Xifa was the only one left in the field!

And he could only watch his men die before his eyes!

But there is absolutely nothing I can do!

"Zhang Xifa, you should be punished even if you enter Feng!"

The judge let out a strange laugh.

At the same time, a long chain flew like a spiritual snake.


Zhang Xifa also burst into shrill screams.

But alas, it was completely to no avail.

What awaits him is death!

As the chain passed through his chest, Zhang Xifa was completely dead.

He and his men died together in this huge yard!

He died in front of the beggars who were artificially maimed by them!

do not know why.

Seeing such a shocking scene.

The beggars showed no fear at all!

It was obviously a terrifying and ferocious underworld, but it made them feel quite friendly.

In comparison.

Zhang Xifa and others, who look like humans, are truly like devils!

Zhang Xifa was pierced through the chest with an iron chain.

He thought he was dead.

But the next moment,

But he felt that his body seemed to have fallen into an extremely dark tunnel.

The intense feeling of weightlessness made him feel unprecedentedly frightened.


Much to his relief.

This feeling quickly disappeared.

Instead, it was an extremely desolate place.

He looked around.

I found that the sky here is gray and the ground here is bare rocks.

Even if there are some plants occasionally, they are all withered.

There were even faint screams heard in the distance.

Make this place not like the human world at all!

Follow the screams.

Zhang Xifa walked forward.

He didn't know how far he had walked when he saw two people.

The two people were a man and a woman.

Their limbs have been chopped off!

Make them look like two human pigs!

There was blood everywhere, and he was pushed into a huge pit!

And that pit is full of sharp blades!

The two men's pigs were riddled with sharp wounds and screamed in agony...

But it's a pity.

The harder they struggled, the sharper the sharp blades pierced their bodies.

After a while, the two people were already a bloody mess.

"W-where is this?"

"What is this?"

Where has Zhang Xifa seen such a scene?

He was frightened.

A question inevitably came out of his mouth.

And his words seemed to be heard by the other party.

Soon, the two people raised their heads and looked at him.

It's okay not to look at him. At first glance, the two people seemed to recognize him.

"Zhang Xifa, you bastard!"

"We are in so much pain, why can you look up there?"

"Come down quickly and stay with us! Come down quickly!"

The two men made hoarse sounds.

Do they know themselves?

But who are they?

This made Zhang Xifa feel very confused and puzzled.

However, soon.

Zhang Xifa seemed to recognize them.

Because, the voices of these two people are too familiar!

Obviously Hu Xiaoyan and Li Rongfa!

Two people who have business dealings with him!


Aren't they dead?

Why did it appear here?

Zhang Xifa was confused.

However, the next second, an idea appeared in his mind.

Zhang Xifa seems to have realized something!

Could it be that………………

Is this place the legendary hell?

Everyone who has died must come to this place to be tortured?!

When such an idea appeared, Zhang Xifa initially thought that he might be overthinking it!


Are you really overthinking this?

If you are really overthinking, then what is going on with this scene in front of you?

Just when Zhang Xifa was confused.

There was a chirping sound in the distance!

It turned out that several green-faced and fanged brats came over!

Moreover, these brats quickly discovered Zhang Xifa.

This left Zhang Xifa, who was just about to escape, with nowhere to escape!

He was immediately held down by the imps.

Now, the little devils are obviously overjoyed: "Zhang Xifa, just accept the punishment!"

"No, I don't want to be tortured!"

"I have money, I have a lot of money!"

"Please let me go, I will burn paper money for you later!"

Zhang Xifa burst into tears.

He thought of Hu Xiaoyan and Li Rongfa whose limbs were cut off.

A chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

But how could the kid listen to him?


Several muffled sounds.

Zhang Xifa’s limbs were cut off directly!


He let out a shrill scream.

However, he had not yet recovered from such pain.

He was suddenly pushed into the huge pit!

Next, what Zhang Xifa suffered was the same treatment as Hu Xiaoyan and Li Rongfa!

Countless sharp knives pierced his body, causing him to feel unprecedented pain.

The most terrible thing is.

In such a situation.

He couldn't even avoid it.

He could only let those blades poke countless scars on his body!

But there was nothing he could do!

"Zhang Xifa, this is your retribution!"

"When you used such vicious methods on those children, did you ever think that one day, such punishment would fall on you?"

"So, you can stay here and be tortured!"


The voices of the little devils rang in Zhang Xifa's ears.

this moment.

He finally paid the price for his sins!.

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