Faced with the surrender of the Hell Tornado, Fang Xin was indifferent.

Since he chose to enter the duel arena, this battle is inevitable.

“You’re in charge here?”

Fang Xin looked over, and his gaze fell on the other party’s face.

He didn’t use any force, just stared closely.

Even if he is not a Demon Time King in a complete state, even if his strength is still far from his peak state.

But just this little bit of power.

Enough too.

The power involved in the realm of time is by no means a boundary that the general material world can break through.

Hell Tornado also saw this look.

At this moment, she felt great panic.

Even his legs went limp, and he almost fell to his knees.

However, the tsundere of the hell tornado eventually overcame her fears.

“Just… You just look great, come on. ”

At this time, the hell tornado was still holding on.

The corner of Fang Xin’s mouth hooked a sneer.

While it’s nice to teach hell tornado with your own hands, but…

“You are not qualified to let me personally strike.”

Fang Xin made a one-handed move.

Opened the door to knights of the ages.

I saw a flash of white light.

A Kamen Rider with white upper body armor and alternating lower body armor black and red, with a black hole symbol on the helmet and chest appear.

The entire Duelist’s Hall trembled when this knight appeared, and behind him appeared for a moment, a phantom of a black hole spinning.

Instantly transformed into a cosmic deep space battlefield.

“This is … Kamen Rider Evol black hole form. ”

Zhao Qian’er dodged and exhaled the knighthood summoned by Fang Xin.

At this time, Zhao Qian’er became excited.

Win the devil!

This is indeed the power of the Demon King.

Only his power can directly summon an ultimate knight like Kamen Rider Evol’s black hole form.

Zhao Qian’er was extremely shocked in her heart.

This is the ultimate knight.

An invincible existence as the final villain boss.

One foot at a black hole.

An invincible existence with an ultimate explosion in one hand.

An existence like this, although not capable of destroying the universe.

But used to deal with characters like Hell Tornado.

That’s an exaggeration.

Although the others did not know who the armored figure summoned by Fang Xin was.

But I can feel it from the words and deeds of the administrator sister.

This domineering guy must also be an incredible monster.

Kamen Rider EVOL Black Hole Body first bent down and bowed to each other to show obedience to him.

Then his eyes looked at the Hell Tornado.

Without hesitation, a black hole kick was kicked and bombarded out.

His whole body was wrapped in black hole energy, and his right foot was wrapped in a thick and deep mass of huge energy, which was rapidly selected.

Just for a moment, everyone present felt this power.

The next moment, a black hole formed in front of his feet and expanded at an incredible speed.

“Nope! No! ”

The Hell Tornado used its most powerful mental power to resist.

“Nian Dong, big wind!”

The Hell Tornado creates a storm powerful enough to blow away any city.

This storm is definitely a powerful force in the one-punch world.

But…… Now her enemy is E-Total, the ultimate knight capable of wielding the power of black holes.

The storm created by Nian Power was simply ridiculous in front of him.

Can’t even cause a little scratch on his armor.

So the results can be imagined.

What is the power of the hell tornado before the vast black hole energy?

This black hole expanded rapidly, instantly encroaching on the field of vision.

“Boom boom…”

A smaller and smaller sound accompanied by the black hole getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into nothingness.

And the hell tornado also disappeared directly after a whimper.

“Too weak!”


“It seems that my slight exertion is a little too much.”

Fang Xin waved his finger again, and after attacking the enemy, E always returned to the void.

Although he was very weak, he couldn’t even provide the energy to transform.

But summoning an ultimate knight can still do it.

Although he is not the peak, not every strength has weakened.

It’s just that the demon energy in his body has become diluted.

His whole is still the king of the Demon Time.

He can use any of the Demon King’s basic powers.

And summoning an ultimate knight is the ability that can no longer be based on the Demon King.

Everyone in the stands was shocked!

They were completely frightened silly.

“Black hole!”

“It can actually create a black hole!”

The hammer in Thor’s hand smashed to the ground, not only the Demon King himself was powerful.

The little brothers he summoned casually were all too strong.

With a squire who can create black holes at will, how strong should this kind of master be?

“It’s incredible!”

“I actually saw a black hole!”

Fengsaka Dahe’s watery eyes widened, and the whole person was frightened and motionless by the scene just now.

This is the power of the king.

This is the power of Fang Xin!

“It’s too powerful!”

Administrator Zhao Qian’er’s beautiful eyes showed incredulity.

She knew that Fang Xin would severely punish the Hell Tornado.

But I couldn’t have guessed that it was in this way.

He can actually dominate a black hole?

“But… What’s so strange about that. ”

Then Zhao Qian’er was relieved.

The power of the Demon King is the power of all the knights of Heisei.

What happened to summoning an E and hitting a black hole?

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