Born to be king: “What are you talking about?” So happy? ”

Born to be king: “I remember there was a bald head in the tornado world, he was very strong, right? ”

Shuddering Tornado: “This… The master, indeed, has a hateful bald head, and my power is useless to him. ”

One punch world, in the hero headquarters building.

Hell Tornado was lying on the bed, she had just finished taking a shower, her long curly hair was vertical, and her green dress had also been changed into a nightdress, if anyone saw it, she would definitely be attracted by the beauty of Hell Tornado.

In fact, even if you dress up as a battle attire, Hell Tornado is one of the best beauties in the one-punch world.

She clenched her slender white fists and looked angrily in a certain direction of City A.

“That… Abominable fellow, why doesn’t my power work? ”

Shuddering tornado: “The master really knows everything, that guy is really strange.” ”

Brother Hammer, son of Odin: “Isn’t this Lord Shiwang?” Meet Lord Shiwang. Kneel jap. ”

Online collection of his son’s white beard: “Meet Lord Shiwang.” Kneel jap. ”

It was not Ben Zina: “Meet Lord Shiwang.” Kneel jap. ”

Palm Tiger Daihe-chan: “Meet Lord Shiwang.” Kneel jap. ”

“Meet Lord Shiwang, kneel down Jap.” ”

Do you also remember dancing: “Greet Lord Shiwang, kneel down Jap.” ”

Administrator Britney: “Meet Lord Shiwang, kneel down Jap.” ”

Everyone in the group greeted Fang Xin loudly.

Even Whitebeard came to see Fang Xin in the direction of status and stature.

It is not shameful to submit to a super strong person like Fang Xin.

On the contrary, it is an honor.

How many people in this world have the opportunity to communicate with the King of Time?

Born to be king: “Don’t be so exaggerated, you don’t have to make it so grand every time.” ”

Born to be king: “I’m just an ordinary hello.” ”

These people’s worship made Fang Xin very comfortable, but if it was like this every time, it would become a trouble.

Although he is the king of the time of the devil, he is also a crosser of Blue Star, and in the face of these anime characters, he still hopes to see them as they are.

Brother Hammer, son of Thor: “Okay, Lord Shiwang.” ”

Online collection of his son’s white beard: “I know, huhahahahaha, Lord Shiwang is really approachable.” ”

Do you also think of dancing: “It is worthy of being Lord Shiwang, with extraordinary temperament.” ”

It’s not Ben Zina: “Uh-huh. ”

Shallot: “Received.” ”

Palm tiger Daihe sauce: “People received it.” ”

Administrator Britney: “Okay. ”

Palm Tiger Dahe-chan: “@颤栗的龙卷, let’s continue the topic just now, there are so many weirdos in your world, so how many heroes are you had?” Your strength is considered second, and I feel that your world is dangerous. Worry about Jap! ”

It’s not Benzina: “+1”

Shallot: “+1”

Shuddering Tornado: “Strictly speaking, my strength can only be regarded as the third, because there is a strange guy who is not registered, I heard that there are many big monsters in private that he solved and robbed me of a lot of credit.” ”

Shuddering Tornado: “And that guy is wooden-brained, talking to him, he is still distracted, I really want to teach him a good lesson.” ”

Palm tiger Daihe-chan: “Then don’t you hate him very much?” ”

Shuddering Tornado: “Yes, but my power is useless to him.” ”

Fang Xin looked at these chats in the group and found it very interesting.

Where else can you see the interaction between these popular anime characters?

“I’m already a senior administrator, shouldn’t I send some red envelopes?”

Fang Xin’s mind moved, and he felt that it was necessary to do this.

Such a purpose, in addition to receiving a wave of admiration, he can also establish a prestige among the group members.

The so-called way of the king, grace and power are given, the power is already there, and the rest is grace.

“Then let me fulfill your little wish.”

Say nothing.

Fang Xin mobilized the vast power of the Feng Demon in his body.

From this force is mobilized the power of time.

These forces that dominate and travel through time and space are like crystalline liquids.

In Fang Xin’s hands, it turned into “Power of Time” particles.

These “power of time” particles are not some panacea, but time, a thousand years.

Recipients will receive an additional thousand years of time.

Whether it is used to exchange spiritual skills.

Increase lifespan.

It takes time to stop the space when it is turned on.

Pause your own body growth time.

Or respawn back to the time elapsed at the record point.

These “forces of time” can do it.

People who get these particles will have a complete change in their lives.

Born to be king: “Send everyone a red envelope.” ”

Immediately, Fang Xin uploaded the “Power of Time” particles with the same number of members to the chat group and sent them into red envelopes.

“Ding… Brother Hammer, son of Odin, receives your red envelope. ”

“Ding… Collect your son’s white beard online and receive your red envelope. ”

“Ding… It wasn’t Ben Zina who received your red envelope. ”

“Ding… The onion lady received your red envelope. ”

“Ding… Do you also remember dancing and receiving your red envelope. ”

“Ding… Palm Tiger Daihe sauce received your red envelope. ”

“Ding… The administrator Britney received your red envelope. ”

Palm Tiger Daihe Sauce: “Thank you, Lord Shiwang, but what is this little white grain?” ”

It was not Ben Zina: “Thank you, Lord Shiwang, it must be a good thing, you think, this is given to us by Lord Shi Wang.” ”

Administrator Britney: “This… If my guess is correct, it won’t be the power of time. ”

Everyone: “What! ”

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