Chen Song shook the stack of life and death agreements in his hand.

His eyes widened, and he suddenly said loudly with some madness.

"The people who were buried under the four buildings all signed these agreements with me. "

"Did I force them to sign this agreement?"

"What's wrong with giving their lives when they got what they wanted?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"And. "

"I'm here to make money, and I haven't done anything hurtful. "

"I have a clear conscience!"

"What retribution!"

"Appeared on me!!"

These roaring words.

Reverberated throughout the thirtieth floor.

After Chen Song paused for a few seconds, he placed the life and death agreement in his hand on the ground.

With a calm face, he took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it in his mouth.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled a thick smoke and pointed at the protocol on the ground.

"Master Cheng, you have to feel that there is a problem. "

"Then come and see for yourself, are these agreements true or false?"

Cheng Banxian had already made a decision in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

Pick up the life and death agreement from the ground and examine it carefully.

Every life and death agreement.

It is written that the deceased signed this agreement for various reasons.

All of them also deliberately wrote out that they were voluntary.

Some because of gambling debts, some because of sick children, and even because they want to experience the life of the rich...

It's all about the money.

But every last word is.

Heaven and earth can be learned, and there is no joke.

There are also bloody finger prints, pressed on top of the agreement.

When I saw the last one again.

Cheng Banxian was suddenly stunned.

With such a look, he sneered.

"That's a good word. "

"A clear conscience. "

"I see that you have done all the bad things, not with a clear conscience. "

Then he picked up the last life and death agreement and read.

"I, Luo Jiangdong, am in debt because of the failure of the investment, and my wife and children are also suffering, and I am being collected everywhere and threatened with warnings. "

"Then I signed a life and death agreement with Mr. Chen Song, and if Mr. Chen Song was willing to repay the debt owed to me, so that I would not owe anyone in this life, I would voluntarily become a sacrifice for the blood of my body. "

"Everything is voluntary and has nothing to do with Mr. Chen Song. "

"Heaven and earth can be learned, and there is no joke. "

There is nothing strange about hearing these words.

Chen Song took a hard sip of his cigar and threatened with a gloomy opening.

"Master Cheng, you can't talk nonsense. "

"Woe to the mouth. "


Cheng Banxian directly slammed the life and death agreement in his hand to the ground and said coldly.

"Can't talk nonsense?"

"Luo Jiangdong is a famous master of Feng Shui Xuankong Flying Stars. "

"Never invest. "

"People in the shadows will never dare to earn this kind of money. "

The expression on Chen Song's face still didn't change, and he sneered.

"Master Cheng, aren't you funny?"

"Let's not talk about whether I know Luo Jiangdong, who is in your feng shui lineage. "

"Even if you know. "

The life-and-death agreement he left behind in black and white also represents everything. "

"I helped him pay off his debts. "

"He fought against me with his life. "

"What's wrong?"

Hear that.

Cheng Banxian pointed to the life and death agreement on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong?"

"You connect the first two words of each sentence in the first paragraph and read it to me!!"

Chen Song squinted, picked up the life and death agreement on the ground, and pulled out the bottom one.

Combine the first two words of each sentence and mumble them together.

"I was killed because of my wife and children..."

Halfway through the reading.

Chen Song was stunned for a moment.

According to what Cheng Banxian said, combine the first two words of the first paragraph.

It turned out to be a sentence.

I was blackmailed because of my wife and children.

As for what the coercion did, there is no need to say more.

When Cheng Banxian saw Chen Song's appearance, he already knew everything in his heart, and suppressed his anger and spoke.

"You're a brute who does all sorts of evil. "

"In order to achieve the purpose of accumulating wealth. "

"Kidnapping other people's wives and children to threaten them. "

"Let him help make a vicious feng shui trend of collecting money, and finally in order to prevent the news from leaking. "

"It's going to be him. "

"Directly used as a human blood pile. "

"Even forcing him to write down a life and death agreement is really a good ploy. "

"I'm afraid of the other eleven bitter lords. "

"It was also under your persecution that this life and death agreement was signed!!"

At this point.

All the confusion has been solved all at once.

The human body blood pile is such a vicious feng shui technique.

Luo Jiangdong is also a well-known master in the feng shui lineage.

Naturally, it is also known.

Because his wife and children were coerced by Chen Song's house arrest, he had no choice but to help him do this evil thing.

But there is also an extra eye.

That is, the feng shui on the periphery of the dragon and phoenix was made into a Jedi where the dragon and the phoenix were buried.

As his own hole card back, he used it to blackmail Chen Song.

But in the end, it was discovered.

Chen Song was not prepared to give him a way to live at all, and directly wanted to use him as a human blood pile and drown in cement.

So I could only leave a short hidden sentence.

It is used as a warning to those who come after it.

Because Luo Jiangdong knew it in his heart.

In the end, the Jedi and the human blood pile of the dragon burial phoenix will definitely affect each other.

Cause a catastrophe!

Chen Song will not rest on his laurels.

I must be looking for other people who practice yin to find a way to solve it.

Chen Song was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly burst out laughing.

Tearing the life-and-death agreement in his hand to shreds, he took a hard puff of his cigar and exhaled a heavy smoke airway.

"Now that it's here, then I won't hide it. "

"Luo Jiangdong was killed by me. "

"I cut my left and right wrists, applied anticoagulant, and threw them into the cement foundation to make a human blood pile. "

"And. "

Chen Song paused suddenly, threw the cigar in his hand on the ground, and trampled on it.

With a hideous grin, he whispered a threat.

"I'll tell you plainly. "

"If you don't help me solve this problem. "

"Your end. "

"Compared to Luo Jiangdong, it will only be worse. "

"Never underestimate the means of the rich..."

PS: A new January, a new beginning, the author of Gou cheekily begged for a monthly pass.

There will be more updates in the next week.,Because I combed through the plot yesterday~.

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