Chapter 165: Re-entering the Undead Clan!!

What a treasure to find!

Qin Feng's heart was extremely excited, you must know that the last time he fought with the water dragon, he had an extremely headache.

Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to it for so long, finally looking forward to a powerful teammate!

He was a little incoherent: "What do you lack, I have everything here!"

If you change to someone else, you will feel that happiness comes too quickly.

Most players in the game world know about the god Shura, and they also know that he has a lot of good things.

If you can get a few treasures of the Shura God, not to mention walking sideways in this game world, it is definitely enough for self-preservation!

But Su Mengmeng was a little scared, but the blue bird beside him didn't care, because it knew that Qin Feng had no malicious intentions.

"Tell me what you lack, just be willing to be my permanent teammate. Qin Feng's incoherent words rose to a new height, which made Su Mengmeng even more scared.

But how did she know that this guy actually fell in love with her divine pet.

If it were someone else, with Qin Feng's conditions, maybe he would have robbed it a long time ago, but fortunately, he was not such a person.

The blue bird blinked at Qin Feng, and then smelled a temptation from his body.

It knew that he had something to gain in his own strength.

In this world, whether it is a player, an NPC, or other beasts or monsters, they will choose what is good for them.

It's a pity that it can't speak, otherwise, it will say what it wants.

After a while, Qin Feng realized that he had been rude, so he hurriedly apologized.

Su Mengmeng, who was still ashamed, suddenly burst out laughing: "You are so interesting." "

Qin Feng's face also turned red, and then he smiled awkwardly: "By the way, you said that you let it do damage on the body of the tentacle at that time, how much did it hit?"

"Blue Bird's [Meteorite Giant Electricity] is actually hydropower, which has a freezing effect, and the damage can be stacked, almost 55W damage"

"At that time, it was just an experiment, and I didn't fight it, so after pointing out a skill, I hurriedly retreated. "

Su Mengmeng is no longer shy, nor is she so timid, and when she speaks, she dares to face him.

"Isn't this guy not defending against this damage and hitting it too high? The last time my ice dragon and water dragon were fighting, they didn't deal such high damage. Wind recalled.

"The Blue Bird is a high defense, a high attack, I am very slow to upgrade, and I can get to this day mainly by its help. Su Mengmeng stroked the body of the blue bird as he spoke, and the green made a purring sound.

He was about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood after hearing this, is her chance so strong? How could she get so many good skills?

Su Mengmeng was afraid that he would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained, saying that it was born with these skills, and that it was all a mistake to contract with it.

It turned out that when she was doing a mission back then, she met a young one, and several lower-level players chased it and wanted to force a contract with it.

Before they found out, it was in a state of serious injury, but it was born with a haughty attitude, and would never contract with anyone.

If Su Mengmeng hadn't helped that time, it would have died.

As for how to defeat those players, the method is simple.

At that time, she happened to have high-priced healing medicine on her body, so she gave it a hot head.

After being cured, it was like a tiger fighting back and knocking them away, and then wherever Su Mengmeng went, it followed.

Sometimes kindness can indeed change a person's fate, and it is natural for her to get it.

"In that case, let's hurry up, I heard that the tentacle monster of the orcs ran away to the undead clan some time ago. "

Qin Feng was already impatient, he wanted to witness the scene of that annoying guy losing blood with his own eyes.

Su Mengmeng nodded, and then sat on the blue bird, he also planned to summon the undead bone dragon, but he didn't expect that the blue bird opened its mouth and picked him up and put it on his back.

She opened her cherry mouth and looked at the bluebird in amazement, for it had never had ever had anyone but herself sitting on its back, not even those closest to her.

Qin Feng understood that this guy was flattering himself, because there were enough "candies" on his body to lure him to walk


The bluebird chirped and flew high into the air, and at the same time, Lena on the ground looked at him indignantly.

"Okay, this hateful fellow, I haven't seen him for a long time, and he actually found a new love, it's still so beautiful, I'm going to tell Illya!"

She stomped away angrily.

The speed of the blue bird was no worse than that of the undead bone dragon, and it took a day to patrol most of the circles above the undead clan, but he didn't see the shadow of the tentacle monster.

There were no loud footsteps, no shouts of killing, proving that there was no danger in the vicinity.

Qin Feng suddenly remembered something: "Let's go to that destroyed post station and have a look!"


There was not a single residue left of the inn, and in its original place, there was a huge crater in which snoring could be heard. _

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