Su Yu, who had been waiting for a long time, looked towards the door.

A woman also wearing a cheongsam stood outside the door, her chest rising and falling violently.

Bright and bright teeth, eyes like peach blossoms, dotted red lips.

The countenance is equally excellent.

The whole body is full of youthful atmosphere.

Whether it is makeup or clothing, it is almost the same as Feng Xuan.

Although the two sisters' likeness is carved out of a mold.

But each has its own flavor.

A coquettish one like a red rose.

A young man is as starry as a sky.

However, Su Yu was keenly aware.

In the depths of Feng Zhi's eyes, there was a slight amount of yin qi entangled.

It's a little weird.

Feng Xuan, who was curled up in a ball, heard this incomparably familiar voice.

Trembling up, he looked out the door.

The tears in his eyes overflowed, and his emotions were already a little irrepressible.

Feng Zhi hurriedly strode forward.

Stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Feng Xuan's eyes.

There was a distressed look on his face.

Tears also slowly welled up in his eyes.

Sisters are of the same heart.

When my sister is so sad, I can empathize with my sister.

After comforting Feng Xuan for a while.

Feng Zhi turned her head sideways, looked at Su Yu angrily and asked.

"Did you make my sister angry!"

"What the hell have you done to be sorry for my sister!!"

Su Yu, who was serving tea and sipping it.

Hearing this sharp questioning, he was immediately a little embarrassed.

It seems that there is not just a difference in temperament.

Even the personalities are a little different.

Feng Xuan's personality is charming and gentle.

As for Feng Zhi.

is a little arrogant in youth.

Although the personality and temperament are different, they all have their own flavors.

Let Su Yu find historical figures for comparison.

It is roughly similar to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao during the Three Kingdoms period.

Get one of them.

You can enjoy the blessings of heaven and man.

But appreciation is appreciation, Su Yu has not forgotten the purpose of this time.

He pointed to the sofa in front of him and spoke slowly.

"No matter what. "

"Sit down to talk. "

Feng Zhi glared at Su Yu, and the anger in her eyes was undisguised.

In her opinion.

Su Yu is a negative man.

Causing her sister to be so sad.

So he didn't listen to what Su Yu said at all, and still stood in place.


Not even sitting on the couch.

Feng Xuan, who was a little emotionally broken, eased up.

took Feng Zhi's hand and sat on the sofa, and explained that something had happened.

"Xiao Zhi, you misunderstood. "

"Master Su is here to help me, not what you think. "

Feng Zhi who was staring at her eyes.

In an instant, his mouth grew up, and his face showed an indescribable look.

In her opinion.

can make my rather strong sister so sad.

Except for emotional things.

There should be nothing else.

I didn't expect it to be such an oolong.

But there is also nothing to argue.

bowed his head and apologized to Su Yu and said loudly.

"Yes, I'm sorry Master Su. "

"It's me who is too frizzy. "

Su Yu waved his hand absently.

Touching his chin and thinking carefully.

Judging from Feng Zhi's performance just now, the two sisters should have an excellent relationship.

There is no gap.

Let's put it this way.

It is very likely that Feng Zhi's unilateral problem.

Now that the people are coming.

Su Yu stopped speculating on his own, and asked with his finger tapping on the coffee table.

"Don't you want to know why your sister is crying so sadly?"

"Then I'll tell you directly. "

"The cause of this is you. "

"It's just you. "

"It's going to make your sister so sad. "

As soon as Su Yu's words came out.

Feng Zhi's eyes were filled with disbelief for a moment.

Pointing at himself, he said in astonishment.

"Because of me?"

"Why is it because of me?"

Although the performance was stunned.

But his voice was already trembling slightly.

Su Yu didn't open his mouth to explain.

Directly opened the wooden box on the coffee table and signaled.

"Feng Xuan, you are trying to shake the hairpin. "

Although I don't understand what Su Yu wants to do this time.

Feng Xuan still stretched out her hand to shake the wooden hairpin in the box.

Biting his lip, his eyes showing a little determination.

That kind of grit.

Yes, even if you are stabbed and bleeding a hundred times, a thousand times.

It is also necessary to regain the belief in picking up the hairpin.

But this time.

Before they could hold the hairpin, there was a more obvious rejection.

The whole hairpin was shaking violently.

Feng Xuan's fingertips were even more in sharp pain, and blood beads came out from above again.

At the moment when he was about to hold the wooden hairpin.

Su Yi stretched out his hand at the right time and pinched Feng Xuan's right hand in mid-air.

Shaking his head, he said meaningfully.

"If you hold it this time. "

"But it's not just about being stabbed with blood. "

"Why is the hairpin's reaction more violent than before, I think you already have the answer in your heart. "

"I don't need to say anything more. "

Feng Xuan nodded with dull eyes and withdrew her hand tremblingly.

The situation before and now is contrasted.

The only difference is.

At this time, Feng Zhi was sitting beside her.

The rest doesn't make a difference.

That's telling.

Feng Xuan was silent for a moment, then looked ahead in a daze and asked in a trembling voice.

"Xiao Zhi, you tell me the truth. "

"Have you done anything lately that you shouldn't have done?"

Feng Zhi in doubt.

At this time, the body trembled slightly, and the beautiful face was a little unnatural.

He shrunk his neck, his eyes slightly fearful.

In the course of so many years of getting along.

In her impression.

Feng Xuan had never spoken to her in such a tone.

I was extremely flustered in my heart, and hurriedly subconsciously retorted.

"No, no. "

"Sister, I didn't do anything. "

"I didn't, I really didn't..."

Speaking of the back.

Feng Zhi's voice became more and more subtle, like the sound of mosquitoes.

Su Yu frowned, but he didn't say anything.

Saying goes.

It is difficult for a clean official to cut off family affairs.

Now this situation is up to the two sisters to solve on their own.

If there is a real need.

It's not too late for him to speak.

I heard Feng Zhi say no.

Feng Xuan's heart twitched, and the two got along day and night since childhood.

I can't be more familiar with each other for a long time.

At a glance, you can hear that Feng Zhi has something to hide.

The last ray of hope in my heart was also shattered at this moment.

Sit quietly on the sidelines.

He never said a word.

But there were teardrops the size of beans in his eyes, which kept slipping down.

See this.

Feng Zhi panicked suddenly.

She finally understood that what Su Yu said earlier was crying for her.

What does it mean?

Looking at the two lines of tears on Feng Xuan's face, his heart hurt like a knife.

Knife by knife.

Slit her heart open.

Sisterhood is like ten fingers connecting hearts.

Feng Zhi finally understood what she had done.

Tears flowed down her face, and the pear blossom choked with rain.

"Sister, I was wrong, I was wrong. "

"I shouldn't have done that. "

"I'm not supposed to do bone stitches..."

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