
Su Yu was stunned for a moment.

His eyes narrowed, and he looked strange.

The sentence that Yao Wuwu said just now is extremely informative.

The huge wound in the chest.

It was slashed out by the Dragon Yuan Sword held by Meng Tian.

It was a white bone.

But it was brought back to life.

It can also swing a sword to slash the thieves who come to commit crimes, and protect the peace of the First Emperor's sleep.

This situation.

It's so weird and terrifying, it sends chills down your spine.

Su Yu frowned, took a sip of the teacup on the table, and asked in a deep voice.

"What you just said. "

"But the white bones in armor really deserve to be resurrected and lifelike?"

Yao Wuwu smiled miserably, looking sideways at the deep bone-visible wound on his chest.

After nodding silently, the urn replied angrily.

"Exactly. "

"But it's really concrete. "

"Compared to what Master Su is thinking about now, it is even more terrifying. "

"Back then. "

"The four of us looked at the white bones stationed in the last underground palace of the First Emperor, and we didn't dare to say anything. "

"You know. "

"In the underground tombs, all kinds of strange things are happening one after another. "

"The bizarre things that the four of us have experienced over the years, if not a thousand, are at least a hundred"

"But that's the situation right now. "

"It makes us all a little cold, and the blood seems to be a little stagnant. "

"It's not because we're afraid. "

"It's the momentum of that white bone. "

"It's like a general who has killed countless enemies on the battlefield, slaughtering thousands of people with a giant sword in his hand. "

"Behind him was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and there were even stumps and broken flesh, flying around. "

"It's just momentum. "

"It's so horrible. "

"People die. "

"Even if it's due to obsession. "

"If you become a zombie or a ghost, you can only have yin and ghost energy left on your body. "

"It's not like Meng Tian at all. "

"The white bones are wearing helmets, kneeling to guard the ancestral dragon coffin. "

"Holding the dragon abyss, angrily slash the enemy who comes to attack. "

"All of a sudden. "

"We don't dare to take half a step forward. "

"Even thinking about this retreat. "

"It's not that it's because of fear of death or cowering. "

"It's us. "

"Not sure. "

"Yes. "

"It's just not sure. "

"It seems that there are a lot of equipment and tools prepared. "

"Black donkey hooves, flying tiger claws, probe needles, and so on. "

"But there's nothing that can deal with this weird white bone. "

"The momentum on Bai Gu's body that could burst out at any time and hurt people. "

That says it all. "

"If you go with your head covered like this, it's like a real moth to a fire, and you have no chance of winning. "

"Although we are not interested in the palace where the First Emperor is located. "

"There are all kinds of obsessions. "

"But now we have to think long-term and choose the wisest path. "

"Temporarily retreat from the burial palace of the First Emperor. "

"When we find a solution to the problem of guarding the White Bone General, we will come in again. "

"It's the best and the most reliable. "

"We are not stupid, even though we have all kinds of greed in our hearts. "

"Temporary departure to seek solutions and direct disagreements still understands the different weights. "

"So we hardly need words to say anything. "

They all slowly stepped back. "

"I didn't dare to disturb the white bones who were kneeling on one knee at all. "

"But it's with us. "

"Just when I took a step back. "

There was an incomparably majestic voice coming from the deepest part of the underground palace. "

The voice. "

"It's like the Son of Heaven complaining deeply, and the real dragon whispers. "

It was only five words, but we were speechless in astonishment. "

"That sentence is..."

Yao Wuwu's eyebrows were even frightened, thinking of the words that had sounded in his ears.

Trembling all over, he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice

"He said..."

"See you up..."

Hear this.

Su Yu suddenly looked slightly startled.

It immediately became clear what this meant.

See you on the court.

At this time.

There is only that group of people who can use the word upward.

It was those emperors.

The emperor was in the early dynasty and governed the major events of the world.


Represents the Son of Heaven.

In the tomb of the ancestral dragon, the person who is called by the word chao.

There's no need to speculate.

It's to know who it is.

The First Emperor.

Still in his spiritual bed, commanding the world.

Yao Wuwu came back to his senses, looked at Su Yu and said with a bitter face.

"See you on the court. "


When we heard this, our faces turned pale and bloodless. "

"The First Emperor didn't know in what state. "

"Thousands of years have passed. "

He is still alive in his underground palace spiritual bed, retaining consciousness. "

"This thing. "

"It's so weird and terrifying, it really makes people's scalp tingle. "

"Even when I went to the tomb before, I had encountered all kinds of strange things. "

"But I really never saw it. "

"That's the case. "

"He who dies does not know in what state he is alive. "

"In the dungeon. "

"Continue the so-called domination of the world. "

We looked at each other, but we didn't dare to say anything, and we didn't dare to answer. "

Although his legs trembled, he continued to slowly retreat. "

"Trying to leave this burial palace. "

"Back on the ground. "

"It's taking a long-term view. "

"This thing. "

"It's weird and scary. "

I was speechless in shock, and my head was tingling and trembling. "

"There wasn't much thought in mind. "

"There are no superfluous decisions either. "

"That's what I was thinking. "

"Escape. "

"But it's not that easy. "

"Just as we took two steps back, in the deepest part of the dungeon. "

The majestic voice sounded again. "

He said. "

"In the past thousands of years, we are the first people to come here, why don't we dare to come to the court, do you want him to invite!"

"All of a sudden. "

"We were like April rabbits in an instant, scattered towards the exit of the dungeon. "

"As a tomb robber. "

Naturally, we understand this. "

"It's basically the last warning. "

"If we continue to stay in the dungeon. "

"Undoubtedly, sit back and wait, and be captured. "

"Fearing that the one-knee White Bone General would storm and hurt people, we fled in all directions. "

"It's this point in time. "

"We don't care about anything. "

"Before entering the dungeon, I discussed one thing. "

"If there is an irresistible crisis in the dungeon, then the four of us will scatter and flee, each showing our powers. "

"As long as one person can escape from the dungeon. "

"Take the news out there. "

"That's the biggest achievement. "

"Just as we were fleeing, a cold snort came from the deepest underground palace. "

With this cold snort. "

"The white bones, which were originally kneeling on one knee, suddenly let out a 'click' sound, and the giant sword was pulled up from the ground deep in it. "

"There is a majestic and sinister aura all around him, and the scarlet violent killing intent is even more permeated and is blocking us. "

"Meng Tian, a generation of famous generals, has dry bones behind him. "

"The body is extremely brave, the divine power is overwhelming, and the horror is like a god. "

"After death, only white bones and obsessions. "

"So that we can't have any idea of resistance, and we can only flee. "

"If it is replaced by a master of Yin like you, Master Su, maybe there is a way to deal with this general ghost god who has turned into white bones. "

"But we..."

"It's like the relationship between fish and knife, there is no room for resistance at all. "

"Running for your life is the only option. "

"We were running for our lives, and suddenly there was a roar behind us. "

With the shouting ended. "

"The sound of the wind breaking sounded behind us. "

There was a dull clash of armor that lingered in our ears. "

"You don't have to think about it at all. "

"The white bone general who was originally kneeling on the ground. "

"At the moment. "

"It must have been running towards us with his legs. "

"Run. "

"Run. "

"Escape !!"

"We were screaming in our hearts, and we just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. "

"The black donkey's hooves and Luoyang shovels were thrown on the ground by us at will. "

"These things that used to be invincible. "

"It's no longer useful. "

"We don't have any other distractions in our minds. "

But less than two seconds later. "

A scream came from behind me. "

I hurriedly looked behind me. "

Instantly, my hair was numb and I couldn't say a word. "

"The same person who moves the mountain. "

Directly slashed down by the power of the giant sword, his left shoulder fell to the ground, and blood gushed out. "

"And that's not the end of it. "

"The mercury that came out of nowhere covered the wounds of the mountain movers. "

"It's even more terrifying. "

I was stunned for a moment and continued to run forward with my head covered. "

"Ran through the third dungeon, the second dungeon, the first dungeon. "

"The screams of the generals in the middle of the hair and the unloading of the wrestlers. "

"One after the other, like a hammer hitting me in the chest. "

"I don't dare to look back, and I can't look back. "

"I'm going to live. "

"To pass on the news of the Ancestral Dragon's Tomb, we have to come up with a way. "

"Steal the things of the First Emperor. "

"Realize the glory of my tomb robbery. "

"Listening to the dull footsteps in my ears getting closer and closer, my mind was like a mess, and my mood was chaotic. "


"Just as I was about to step out of the dungeon and enter the periphery, the land of the morning bell and the twilight drum. "

"The sound of footsteps. "

"The sound of the clash of armor. "

"Tell me a word. "

"He's right behind me. "

"I can't escape..."

"That's when it was. "

Anger swelled in my heart, and I grabbed the dagger horizontally from one hand and stabbed it into the red eyes of the bones. "

The dagger slowly fell, and time seemed to freeze. "

"Bai Gu held the Longyuan Sword and flicked my dagger directly, and the giant sword slashed out diagonally. "

"Severe pain. "

"It instantly passed from my chest to my brain. "

"Blood gushed out. "

But it was only for a moment, and it was covered with mercury. "

"I don't know if it's fate. "

"Or what..."

"Under the slash of the heavy sword, I fell directly from the dungeon to the place of the morning bell and the twilight drum. "

"I couldn't stop coughing up blood. "

"The despair of my heart outweighed the pain of my flesh. "

"Just as I looked up and waited for death. "

"The giant sword named Long Yuan has never been slashed again. "

"I looked up at the pain with all my might,"

"I noticed that the white bone eye flashed red, and the giant sword in his hand pointed directly at me. "

But he didn't dare to move forward for half a point. "

"It's like there's some limit. "

"But no matter what. "

"I know..."

"Heaven forbid. "

"I'm safe. "

"And the other three, I'm afraid they have already been in different places. "

"The four of them were all the highest skilled people in the tomb robbery lineage, but they were hit by this. "

"I'm unwilling!"

"I'm angry!"

"I swear to take back the bodies of the three of them at the Tomb of the Ancestral Dragon. "

"I want to !! more"

"Make it pay !!"

"Master Su. "

"Please. "

"Please help me..."

Speaking of which.

Yao Wuwu's situation, Su Yu already has a basic understanding.

For the truth of what he said.

It is also undeniable.

Just now, he opened the Yin Yang Sky Eye and carefully observed Yao Wuwu, and indeed did not find anything unusual.

Wounds in the chest.

Not only does it have a violent aura, but it also has a majestic killing intent.

As previously stated.

but it was a strong sword from Meng Tian.

Fortunately, there was mercury covering it to stop the bleeding.


Even if you are lucky enough to escape under the giant sword, you will be buried because of the blood that does not stop.

As for why Meng Tian only stayed in front of the underground palace.

Don't dare to take another step forward.

It only takes a little speculation to find out.

There is no mercury in the land of morning bells and dusk drums.

And in the midst of five large dungeons.

There are rivers of mercury like stars.

This mercury doesn't seem to be that simple.

Su Yu squinted.

Fingers tapped on the coffee table and slowly spoke.

"Let's not talk about whether I can save you. "

"This Ancestral Dragon Mausoleum, you plan to go again..."

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