Grafted flowers, Li Dai peach stiff.

These eight words have an alternative sense of mystery.

It's as if it has some special meaning,

But it's inscrutable.

Su Yu looked at Jiang Xue standing at the door, carrying a paper figure in his hand.

After thinking seriously for a few seconds, he bowed his head slightly.

did not refuse Jiang Xue.

Let's give it a try.

After all, it's like what was said before.

Yin line.

After all, it's still a place to see real skills.

To be able is to be able.

Can't just can't.

There are not so many twists and turns.


Not only will it not be appreciated, but it will also attract all kinds of karmic retribution.

Jiang Xue is a papermaker.

A Taoist walk.

Although it is not as good as Su Yu and the three.

But there must also be real talent and real learning.

Jiang Xue held the paper figure in her hand and walked into the store step by step.

looked at Yao Wuwu, who bowed his head and was silent.

With a slight excitement on his face, he asked Su Yu.

"Then I'll..."

"Let it go?"

Jiang Xue also understood.

Yao Wuwu was Su Yu's guest after all.


That's one thing that's essential.

When Su Yu heard Jiang Xue's inquiry, he also stretched out his hand without hesitation.

"Well, let's give it a try. "

"I want to take a look at it too. "

"Your so-called paper-binding skills don't preach the Dharma. "

"What the hell does it look like? "

Yin runs through all veins.

There are famous people, and there are unknown people.

But no matter what.

Basically, they all have a unique skill.

After all, the weak in the yin line eat the strong.

It is not half a point weaker than other industries.

If you don't have some specific skills, or you don't preach the Dharma.

Eventually, it will only slowly disappear in the course of time.

It's like the wake weeping and mourning that I met before.

Under the development of society.

Like dust in the desert, it dissipates in the breeze.

After Jiang Xue got Su Yu's affirmative answer.

Squinting his eyes, he scratched his head and smiled.

"Then you three, let's take a good look at what I'm capable of. "

After all that's said.

He restrained his smile.

Turning his head to look at Yao Wuwu with an extremely serious expression, he asked in a heavy tone.

"I'll ask you one last time. "

"Are you..."

"In order to go to the First Emperor's Underground Palace again, I would rather pay the price of my life, and I will not hesitate. "

"I'll just tell you that. "

"I can help you get back to health temporarily. "

"But the price you have to pay. "

"It's going to be very heavy. "

"It's probably going to be your life. "

"In our yin. "

"Pay attention to yin virtue and good fortune, and pay more attention to losses and gains. "

"Transplanting flowers and grafting trees, Li Dai Tao stiff. "

"Once this spell is performed, there is no chance of regret. "

"If you let my uncle help you. "

"Although maybe in the future, it may be half-paralyzed. "

"But at least this life was saved. "

"Both cases. "

"I've already told you everything. "

"You think carefully and carefully and come back..."

Before Jiang Xue finished speaking.

Yao Wuwu hurriedly spoke and said bluntly.

"No, I don't. "

"Don't think about it anymore..."

"The reason why I came to find a few masters. "

"Actually, it's not for my own life. "

"For me now. "

"Life is not the most important thing. "

"The most important thing is to be able to enter again. "

"The First Emperor's Underground Palace. "

"Not only for myself, but also for the three dead companions, but also for the sake of touching the golden vein. "

"I know. "

"If you go to the First Emperor's Underground Palace again. "

"No matter how well prepared. "

"Maybe death is just a momentary thing. "

"Before. "

"Maybe you will also worry about your own life. "

"Hope. "

"Several masters were able to heal this sword wound in my chest. "

"But now. "

"I only plead and hope. "

"I can go to the First Emperor's Underground Palace again in the best condition. "

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that the obsession in my heart has not disappeared. "

"As a captain of the touching gold, he died in the underground palace. "

"Maybe. "

"It's a real honor..."


"Help me !!"

These words.

Yao Wuwu said without the slightest hesitation or pause.

These are all his heartfelt words.

Originally under the paralysis of mercury.

Think the knife wound isn't that horrible.

But with Su Yu's explanation.

Yao Wuwu also understands how tricky it is.

originally for this life of his own.

There is still some hope.

to the back.

I hope to have a healthy attitude.

Head to the Underground Palace of the First Emperor again.

That's it.

But I still have a wish in my heart.

Let the weakening touch the gold vein.

Shine again in the yin line.


If you can take out anything in the palace of the First Emperor.

will be in the entire yin line.

Or even the whole world.

Set off a game-shaking discussion.

This kind of discussion.

It's consternation, it's envy, it's disbelief.

It is also an admiration for touching the gold vein.

Kyushu ancestral dragon, who doesn't know.

An emperor through the ages, who can not know.

I didn't hear Jiang Xue that Yao Wuwu had told before.

At this time, I can't help but look at a few points.

Close your eyes and concentrate.

Keeping yourself in top shape.

After a few seconds.

Slowly open your eyes, your gaze sharp and focused.

Spread the paper figure on the coffee table and said in a deep voice.

"Now. "

"Pierce your own finger and drop a drop of blood on this paper figure. "

Yao Wuwu didn't ask anything more.

Directly picked up the dagger next to him and lightly slashed his fingers.

Crimson blood suddenly infected.

A drop of blood.

It slipped from the belly of the finger and dripped onto the paper figure.

At the moment when the blood dripped down.

The paper figure instantly glowed red.

A series of strange spell runes appeared on the paper man.

Grafted flowers, Li Dai peach stiff.

It's the beginning.

Su Yu and the three of them also glanced at each other.

Hold your breath and wait.

Jiang Xue pinched the Dao decision in her hand and recited in a low voice.

"Tie the paper in a vein, for the paper to attach the spirit, the sky has good virtue, the earth has good benevolence, there is a thing today, but seek the spirit. "

With Jiang Xue's mantra chanting.

The paper figure that was originally laid flat on the coffee table had the runes around it flickering violently.

The body swelled up little by little.

Except that his face was still like a blank sheet of paper, empty.

All the rest.

It is also ordinary inaction with the real human body.

Jiang Xue's expression was calm, and she slowly picked up the paper man's right hand and handed it to Yao Wuwu, signaling.

"Hold on!"

"No matter what, don't let go!"

After hearing this, Yao Wuwu, who was nervous, hurriedly stretched out his hand and clenched it.

Right in this moment.

A runic spell that originally appeared on a paper figure.

It is also full of Yao Wuwu's body.

The arms, chest, neck, and even the face are all strange runes.

It's a little scary.

After Jiang Xue took a deep breath, she pinched her hands and said in a deep voice.

"The paper man has a spirit, bears the pain for the Lord, transfers flowers and trees, and Li Dai is stiff, seeking peace in order to obtain peace. "

"If it's an objection. "

"This will be done!!"

As Jiang Xue finished reciting the last mantra.

The whole air froze a little for a moment.

Between the paper man and Yao Wuwu, countless thin threads like silk appeared.

Yin and yang, blessings and misfortunes, scars of illness and pain.

It's all in the middle of these thin lines.

An indescribable pain.

instantly swept all of Yao Wuwu's nerves.

It's like being cut off alive with a knife on the chest.

The flesh of the living is cut off.

This sensation is felt even in the presence of mercury paralysis.

It's all extremely painful!

Yao Wuwu gritted his teeth and made a burst of "awkward" sounds.

The whole body was spasmed, his face was pale, and his muscles were bulging.

His eyes rolled a little, and he looked a little unbearable.

Jiang Xuexiu frowned lightly, and hurriedly shouted in a low voice.

"Hold your mind. "

"If the mind collapses at this time, it will definitely lead to the inability to return to heaven. "

"Don't say it's going to the First Emperor's Underground Palace. "

"Even if you survive, you can't do it!!"

Hear this.

Yao Wuwu trembled, clenched his fists, and slammed his head on the coffee table.

His clothes were completely soaked with sweat.

Hold on to the last wisp of clarity and obsession in my heart.

At this moment when Yao Wuwu was emotionally stable.

The huge sword on his chest slashed at the wound.

At this time, it was slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the paper figure was originally smooth on the chest.

It turned out to be a huge oblique slash wound out of thin air.

Cheng Banxian saw this scene.

couldn't help but be the first to be shocked and spoke.

"It's kind of interesting. "

"What kind of subtleties might you see in this technique?"

Lao Lin touched his chin, squinted and pondered for a moment before speaking.

"From my point of view. "

"It should be to transfer the scars and pain on the body of the bitter master to the paper man. "

"This is a grafting tree, Li Dai Taozhuang. "

"As for the price to pay. "

From Xiaoxue's words just now. "

"It's also a leopard in the tube, and I know one or two..."

The spell progresses extremely quickly.

It only takes less than a minute.

All the thin lines began to crumble, and the runes began to slowly fade.

Three seconds later.

All is calm.

Yao Wuwu leaned back on the sofa and gasped.

The scars on his body have completely dissipated.


The paper man had a mercury-filled wound on his body.

Jiang Xue let out a long breath and wiped the fine sweat on her forehead.

"It's over. "

"Your original wounds have been temporarily transferred by me to the paper man. "

Yao Wuwu came to his senses and arched his hand at Jiang Xue.

"Thank you, Master. "

"I can fulfill my obsession. "

Jiang Xue pursed her lips and explained slowly.

"Don't thank me. "

"It's something that deserves it. "

"The price you pay, and the things you get, are not a good deal. "

"But you can be satisfied. "

"That's great. "

"From now on. "

"You should have three days to live. "

"Three days later. "

"Yin, anger, and good fortune will be shattered and grafted onto the paper figure who suffers the pain. "

"Three days. "

"It's good to do it yourself..."

Yao Wuwu pursed his lips and replied in an extremely serious tone.

"Regardless of the outcome. "

"As long as I can go to the Ancestral Dragon's Tomb again. "

"I don't regret it. "

"Thank you, masters. "

Su Yu tapped his fingers on the coffee table and said meaningfully.

"Now that you have the desire of your heart,"

"Time is also of the essence. "

"I won't leave you to say anything more. "

"Go ahead. "

"I hope you get what you want. "

Yao Wuwu bowed his head and said nothing.

After exhaling a deep breath, he arched his hand again at several people.

Didn't say anything more.

Walk straight out the door.

The pace is hurried, showing that I am in a hurry.

With Yao Wuwu's figure, he left step by step.

Su Yu frowned, looked at Lao Lin and asked.

"Lao Lin, what do you mean by what you said before?"

"And that gaze. "

"What's wrong with this?"

Lao Lin pondered for a few seconds, nodded and shook his head.

"It's so strange that I can't talk about it. "

"I just think. "

"Maybe his trip to the First Emperor's Underground Palace this time will probably be empty. "

"Sometimes. "

"What you see is not necessarily true, and what you think is not true. "

"I'm afraid I'm blinded. "

"In the end, we have to see the truth. "

"It's unbearable..."

Lao Lin's words.

Didn't say it thoroughly.

But there was a trace left.

The next day.

Yao Wuwu regained his health.

I know that my time is numbered.

So there is not the slightest friction at all.

Directly packed up all kinds of utensils and went to Lishan again.

Follow the thief hole that the four men had fought before.

Once again, he entered the underground palace of the First Emperor.

Compared to last time.

This time he was incredibly prepared.

He is even more confident.

Plunge directly into the depths of the final dungeon.

Feet on the ground of the morning bell and dusk drums.

Looking at the beginning of the dungeon, there are still traces of blood on it that have not dried up.

Yao Wuwu clenched his fists, and his heart was not calm.

After a deep sigh.

He took a gas mask out of his backpack and put it on his head.

Step by step, he walked towards the dungeon.

The Underground Palace of the First Emperor.

Mercury everywhere.

It's always a big problem.

The first time they came to the dungeon.

There was no protection, just holding your breath to enter.

I have to say.

It looks too rough.

Yao Wuwu stepped on the dungeon again, but only took two steps.

His eyes widened and his face looked terrified!!

It's like there's something weird.

appeared in front of him...

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