Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang.

After hearing these four words.

Su Yu and the three of them all glanced at each other, and their eyes showed puzzled looks.

I was a little puzzled by the opportunity that the blind man Liu said.

The blind man Liu was not selling anything at this time.

With the last hope in his eyes, he slowly spoke.

"Southern Xinjiang Worm Valley. "

"It's a fairly hidden place in our entire southern Xinjiang. "

"Located in the deep mountains and old forests, there is no sunlight all year round. "

"Yin Qi is gathered, and countless poisonous ants, flying insects, and evil ghosts are cultivating and resting in it, and there are extremely large numbers. "

But it is precisely this kind of place that has the way to resurrect the swallow. "

"The three of you should know. "

"When people die, they no longer linger on the things of the world, and in a short period of time, they will be reincarnated in the Huangquan Prefecture. "

"It stands to reason. "

"As long as you walk through Huangquan Road, even if you are obsessed, those ghosts and souls will not be able to return to the world. "

"Yin and yang are separated by eternity. "

Speaking of which.

Before the blind willow could continue to speak.

Lao Lin touched his chin and thought for a while, then asked with a puzzled expression.

"I thought something was wrong, but it never really happened. "

"I just heard what you said, and I finally understood the problem. "

"As you just said. "

"In the past ten years, you have not brought back the soul of the swallow, so how can you be sure that the soul of the swallow is still in this world. "

"It's not. "

"You have already entered the underworld and been reincarnated?"

"If she's already reincarnated, I'm afraid it is..."

Lao Lin didn't finish his words.

But all the people present were people who had made great achievements in the Yin Xing, and they all knew in their hearts what this meant.

When a man dies, his soul returns to the underworld.

To be reincarnated is to restart the new world.

After all the souls drink the Meng Po soup, all the memories of life will turn into nothingness.

Whether it is family, love, friendship, etc., the most cherished things in life will not be remembered.

The consciousness will be muddy, waiting for rebirth.

It's like.

Two completely different flowers.

Maybe the face and personality can be the same as the previous life.

But the soul within.

But he is no longer the same person he used to be.

In this case.

If you forcibly summon a person who has been reincarnated and reborn to come here.

Then help him recover his memory.

It's not just about competing with the sky.

Instead, the entire set rule and the reincarnation of the Three Realms were completely broken.

No matter what the relationship is.

Even if it's a life-saving grace.

None of the three would help Blind Liu.

You can use the seven-star lamp to continue your life, and you can summon the soul of the person whose life has not been exhausted, and enjoy the rest of your life again.

But never.

Do this kind of thing when the soul has already been reborn and started a new life.

After Cheng Banxian heard this, he also suddenly turned his head to look at the blind man, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

Through Lao Lin's reminder.

He also noticed that the blind man had never mentioned it before, and the soul of the swallow was still in this world.


has long lost the nostalgia for the past in the world, and has been reincarnated and reincarnated.


The blind man covered his mouth and coughed lightly twice, and stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Naturally, I know exactly what you mean. "

"I forgot to tell you earlier that I actually have a way of feeling the soul of a swallow. "

"Whether it exists in this world, or whether it has entered samsara. "

"Because we are in the same vein as a witch Gu, our natal Gu has been cultivated since childhood, so it is naturally contaminated with the breath of the host. "

"And the swallow's natal Gu is in my heart at this time. "

"It's because of this particular circumstance. "

"That's why I don't have to conjure spirits to perceive whether the swallow's soul still exists now. "

"For so many years. "

"I know that very well. "

"She didn't leave, she wasn't reincarnated, she was like she was always by my side, but I couldn't touch or see her. "

"I can guarantee and affirm. "

"She hasn't been reincarnated yet, and she still can't let go of me. "

"That's exactly what happened. "

"I can't just give up. "

"I'm going to save her. "

"I'm going to rob the heavens. "

These words.

The blind man did not pause or doubt in his heart.

His eyes were full of sincerity.

Actually, it's up to now.

Blind Liu also understands that nothing should be hidden.

Make it clear.


is the only right way.

Because it's really hard to prepare for what you're doing, it's really hard.

Any doubt that exists.

will lead to the failure of this operation.

If even this time fails.

that in this world.

There really is no one who can help the blind man.

Because of the four of them.

It represents the strongest and most top-notch type of people in the Yin Xing.

After getting this response from the blind man.

The three of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

Listen carefully to the follow-up words of the blind man Liu about the worm valley in southern Xinjiang.

"As I just said, I haven't been able to recover the soul of the swallow in the past ten years. "

"For me, the pain and bitterness in my heart drowned me like the deep sea. "

"I searched and searched for ancient books, and finally understood why this was the case. "

"Because after the swallow died, I immediately wanted to take her back from heaven and earth. "

"It caused the dissatisfaction of heaven and earth, so I hid and sealed the soul of the swallow to prevent me from using various methods of conjuring spirits and returning it to the yang. "

"People are doing it, the sky is watching, and everything has its own providence. "

"I understand. "

"This kind of thing should not be done. "

"But this is already an obsession in my heart, but I really can't let go. "

"Whenever I think of the time when Yanzi used my natal Gu to save me, I feel a heartache, it is like heart-rending pain. "

"I'm willing to trade my life for her back. "

"It's what I did wrong, why should I let her bear it for me with her life. "

"In this decade of searching. "

"Finally, some time ago, in an ancient book that I don't know how long it had been stored, I found a way to successfully resurrect it. "

"I'm not 100% sure of this option. "

"But that's enough. "

"At this point, how can I ask for the so-called 100% possibility. "

After taking a deep breath, the blind man continued with a light tap of his fingers.

"There is such an incident recorded in ancient books. "

"The Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang is a place where the Miao people used for large-scale festivals and sacrifices in ancient times. "

Later, for unknown reasons, it was abandoned, and the historical records also disappeared strangely. "

"In order to get the answers, I began to look up all kinds of information in ancient books. "

"Finally, in an unexpected situation, I saw the possible reasons for this. "

"Because the southern Xinjiang Worm Valley is located in the depths of the mountains, the terrain is dangerous, and the surrounding feng shui five elements are even more strange and outrageous, it is an excellent place to gather yin and conceive souls. "

"Thousands of years ago, a prince died in an accident, and his life was not over. "

"His men tried to save him. "

He deliberately went to the place of the insect valley in southern Xinjiang and built an altar, wanting to recall it from the underworld. "

Although the final result is not well documented. "

"But when I was looking through various historical sources, I found that there was no news of the prince's unexpected death during that time period. "

"After this speculation, we can tell. "

"Those family members must have successfully summoned the spirits and brought the prince back to the world. "

"This incident is tantamount to a beacon of light, which gives me a direction to run when I am confused. "

So I hurried to the place where the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang was located and carefully observed the situation around me. "

"It was found that the place had long been abandoned. "

"It can even be said that there are no villagers and people within a radius of 100 miles. "

"It's this strange situation, but it adds a few points to my confidence. "

Because it was written in ancient books at that time. "

"In order to prevent heaven and earth from discovering this, they sent down heavenly damnation. "

"Those strangers have moved all the people of the surrounding villages to other places. "

And set up all kinds of maze arrays to cover up this place, and keep silent to all those involved, and not to reveal the slightest rumor. "

"For so many years, the specifics of this have not been known. "

"But a few days ago, I thought I was ready for everything. "

"Take all kinds of witches and Gu with you, and when you are ready to go and find out. "

"Before they even reached their original altar position, they were only on the periphery, and they were hit hard. "

At this time.

The blind willow waved, and his right arm, which was still oozing blood even if it was wrapped in bandages, said with a bitter expression.

"At that time, if I hadn't voluntarily given up an arm, I might not have been able to escape. "

"Originally, I thought that my Taoism was already at the peak of the entire Yin Xing, but now I know that there is a heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. "

"The magic circles arranged by those capable people in ancient times are still effective today, and every step is a killing machine. "

"It's just a matter of the direction of the circle. "

"Because I don't know how long it has been abandoned, it has been covered up by a magic circle. "

"This original Miao Village altar has now completely become a paradise for all kinds of poisonous insects. "

"Even standing on the periphery. "

"My whole body is creepy, my scalp is numb, and my back is cold. "

"All kinds of insects and ghosts howl, ringing in the ears non-stop, the yin qi is majestic and whistling, like the capital of the underworld. "

"And we're aiming for it this time. "

"Overcoming all the obstacles, entering the deepest part of the entire Southern Worm Valley, and arriving at the location of the altar. "

"This location is also the most majestic place in the entire Worm Valley. "

"At that time, I will use my natal Gu to conjure spirits. "

"Through the peculiarity of this place, the spirit of the swallow is forcibly summoned. "

"And then the physical resurrection. "

"Against the sky, against the earth, that's the purpose of this time. "

"Anyway. "

"I'm determined to bring the swallow back to life. "

"Unless I die..."

After Liu Blind said these words through gritted teeth.

The three of them all looked different and pondered carefully.

Su Yu also had to admit one thing in his heart at this time.

Many industries are getting stronger over time.

But the yin line is different.


The various miraculous abilities possessed by those Yin Masters in ancient times are particularly amazing.

Push back diagrams, tortoise shell diagrams, break demons and subjugate demons and other spells.

It is a pity that it has long disappeared from history.

Cheng Banxian touched his chin and squinted his eyes slightly.

"If it's getting late today, it's not a good idea to rush to the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang. "

"As far as I can see, we'll rest for the night. "

"Early tomorrow morning, pack all your bags. "

"Just as the blind willow said, go to the altar in the depths of the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang. "

"What are your intentions?"

Lao Lin glanced at Liu's blind man's expression and echoed as well.

"Indeed, it is just as Cheng Banxian said. "

"The road is difficult and dangerous, and you really shouldn't rush for a momentary success. "

"If you are in a hurry, you go in a hurry, and for various reasons, you flee back in a panic. "

"Wouldn't it be more troublesome and a waste of time. "

The blind man Liu, who looked anxious, heard Chen Banxian and Lao Lin say this.

He could only open his mouth, silent, and also nodded in agreement?

Nothing was said all night.

As soon as the sky was bright, the sound of roosters and dogs barking sounded.

The four of them had already embarked on the journey to the Worm Valley in Southern Xinjiang.

The mountain roads are rugged and especially difficult to walk.

From this cottage to the Worm Valley in southern Xinjiang, it takes half a day to walk.

The four didn't say much along the way.

Cheng Banxian put away the mountain and sea compass and carefully observed the surrounding terrain.

Lao Lin was also holding a peachwood sword, his eyes narrowing slightly to look at the surrounding environment.

Although the blind man is blind in both eyes, his heart is like a mirror, his hearing is even keen, and his steps are not slow at all.

Su Yu's eyes flashed with the five elements of yin and yang gossip, probing the surroundings.

The four of them showed their skills and hurried towards the Worm Valley in southern Xinjiang.

That's right.

The blind man stopped suddenly, waved his hand and hurriedly spoke.

"Wait a minute!"

"Stop !! first"

"Something's coming..."

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