The place to go is not peaceful.

Old man Pei's words couldn't help but make the atmosphere in the tattoo parlor a little gloomy.

Cheng Banxian took a deep breath and replied slowly.

"Old man Pei, I already knew that this place was not peaceful, if there was no problem, why did I come to you. "

"And. "

"It's not peaceful. "

"The reason why we are in this world is that we are in the shadows. "

"Isn't it just to rehabilitate these unpeaceful things one by one?"

When Old Man Pei heard Cheng Banxian's words, he couldn't help but sigh deeply and continued.

"Cheng Banxian. "

"Do I not know what you mean, even if I do not come out of the world, I have not forgotten a single thing about the evil deeds. "

"But what I just said is not peaceful, not only about the grievances there, but also about the incomparably strange place. "

"It's so weird that even I can't spy on it for half a minute, I can only see the yin qi of the unjust soul roaring majestically. "

"I'm worried that you're going in with an old bone, and your future is uncertain. "

"You know that the blind man Liu just showed it some time ago, and I don't want to send it away so soon..."

Hearing Old Man Pei's unfinished words.

Cheng Banxian was also a little silent, and opened his mouth to say something, but he choked in his throat.

Just like Old Man Pei said.

Their generation used to be born and died together, though most of them are now retired from the shadows.

But that friendship has not faded in the bumble.

The feeling of watching old friends leave one by one is definitely not comfortable.

Cheng Banxian took a deep breath and said hoarsely.

"Don't worry, old man Pei. "

"It's not the first day you've known me, when do you see me putting yourself in a situation where there's no way out. "

"And this time it's not just me who goes alone, Lao Lin also goes with me, so don't worry about anything. "

"I'm still waiting for the Chinese New Year, when I go to you to visit the door and have a good chat. "

Old man Pei seemed to want to persuade him, but he could only whisper helplessly.

"Forget it. "

"Your temper is not half a point worse than that of a blind man, and I don't want to convince it. "

"Be careful in everything. "

"That place was more dangerous and weird than any Jedi we'd been to before. "

"It doesn't feel much different from the Yellow Springs Purgatory. "

Cheng Banxian's eyes gradually became solemn, what could make Old Man Pei remind him so many times.

I'm afraid it's really not that simple, there is a hidden killing machine.

Cheng Banxian pondered in his heart for a few seconds before continuing to ask.

"By the way, Old Man Pei, I still want to ask you something. "

"Have you improved a lot in your Taoism, and I haven't even asked you just now, so you can know what I want to ask you?"

"Alas, you said you, why do you hide from the world, you obviously have such a high Taoism, isn't it a pity?"

Old man Pei directly snorted lightly.

"What a way to be diligent. "

"Do you think I don't know that there is a problem with Yin Lao'er's Yin Yang Restaurant?"

"Just five minutes before you called, Ding Laosan came to ask me where this place was, and I did a hexagram for him. "

"Plus you Cheng Banxian is going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, can I still not know what kind of ghost calculus you are fighting?"

"Let's not talk about it yet. "

"Another person called. "

"This old man is really uncomfortable. "

After all that is said.

Old man Pei didn't hesitate anything, and hung up the phone directly.

Hear a blind tone in your phone.

Cheng Banxian also shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Old man Pei is one of the best people in today's Yin Xing. "

"Even someone as arrogant as me has to admit one thing. "

"Old Man Pei's numerology has reached an extremely terrifying realm. "

"It's not easy to have such a person in the Qin Heavenly Prison. "

Qin Tianjian.

After hearing these three words, Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Tianjian was a minister of the emperor in ancient times.

Specializing in the observation of astronomical and geomorphological aspects, numerology academics, it can be said that he is a bull's ear for the reasoning of the phase.

Lao Lin, who had been silent all the time, also touched his chin and said thoughtfully at this time.

"So to speak. "

"That woman is basically the village of Qiren in the northern east. "

"If it is according to what Old Man Pei said. "

"The gloomy aura just now has also been explained, after all, it can make him unable to tell fortunes, and it is estimated that it is not easy to go there. "

Cheng Banxian also nodded in agreement.

picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip of tea, and said slowly.

"This is the end of it. "

"No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, we have to bite the bullet. "

"After all, if you receive the mandate of heaven, how can you not do it..."

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