"It's not just you. "

"I'm also here for the village of Chiren..."

As soon as these words came out.

Cheng Banxian's eyes were slightly chilled in an instant, and they were even more cold.

But he didn't show it to Zhang Hai.

Instead, he smiled and continued his previous cliché.

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

"If you hadn't come here for the village, we wouldn't be in the same car. "

"If you want me to tell me. "

"Let's open the skylight and say something. "

"After all, we all sit in the same car, and we know each other. "

"It's time to get off. "

"I don't even know what kind of person you are, Brother Zhang, and you don't know what I, an old man, are trying to do. "

"Think about it. "

"Am I right?"

After a long stretch of rip-off.

Cheng Banxian threw the last question and question to Zhang Hai and asked him to give an answer.

Zhang Hai still tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, not knowing what he was thinking, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Just when Cheng Banxian was about to take the next dose of fierce medicine.

Zhang Hai suddenly sighed twice and said slowly.

"It's kind of interesting. "

"Master, as far as you just said, if I don't pay attention, I may fall into your way, and maybe everything will be turned upside down by you. "

"So it seems. "

"You're also an old man. "

"That being the case. "

"You also said that you opened the skylight and said something bright, do you have to say it first?"

When Cheng Banxian heard this, his eyes couldn't help but become more solemn.

Zhang Hai's experience and precaution were far beyond his imagination.

With such keen feelings and thoughts, Zhang Hai is definitely not an ordinary person.

Cheng Banxian exchanged glances with a few people without showing a look, then sighed and said slowly.

"Brother Zhang. "

"Since you've said so. "

"Then I can't hide or deceive anything. "

"As I said before, the four of us are here for the village of Qiren. "

"The reason why I came to this place is because I was entrusted by someone. "

"I am a Taoist priest, that is, a Taoist priest who everyone says is a divine stick. "

"Because a few days ago, someone asked me to go to Qiren Village to open an altar to ward off evil spirits, and the price was not low. "

"That's why I'm here. "

"But just now I heard your words, Brother Zhang, it really made me a little nervous and speechless. "

"We didn't think about it that much before we came, and we didn't do all the preparations. "

"Arguably. "

"We're like fish running into it, and we haven't found the slightest bit of information about it until now. "

"There was still darkness in front of me, as if I had opened my eyes blind. "

"Because of this situation. "

"Plus the owner is urging again. "

"I finally heard about the situation in Qiren Village. "

"Naturally, the old man, I can only ask out loud, and I want to get the phone out of Brother Zhang's mouth. "

"I didn't expect it. "

"In the end, it turned out to be a mutual test of our needle-to-needle. "

After hearing Cheng Banxian's explanatory words.

Zhang Hai's eyes were also stagnant, and after thinking carefully about what Cheng Banxian said in his heart.

Finally, he sighed and said differently.

"Since you've said so, Master, I won't hide anything from me either. "

"A few of us would talk to each other about something important. "

"After all, Qiren Village is really an incomparably terrifying place, and the strange situation I mentioned earlier is completely and truly present in it. "

Speaking of which.

Zhang Hai shook his head slightly, sighed, and said slowly.

"Let's put it this way. "

"You are going to open an altar in Qiren Village to arrange the rituals, and you really need to be extremely careful. "

"I'm going to talk to you about the terrible things about this Qiren Village. "

"It's just like what you described before, a place where no other driver or master dares to come. "

"Why did I dare to come, I didn't even have the slightest nervousness. "

"That's why this is happening. "

"Actually, it's not much different from the four of you, for example, you were moved by someone's high reward, and I came here on purpose. "

"Just to seek, to find what I want. "

"Because as the master said, I don't seem to be very human, and I can keenly perceive the temptation and questioning in the master's words. "

"The reason why there is such a keen sense of consciousness and the ability to grasp details. "

"This is due to my professional relationship. "

"Actually. "

"I'm a detective..."

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