Killed by his apprentice.

As soon as this remark came out.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin both showed expressions of disbelief.

As a person in the shadows.

They all knew exactly what that sentence meant.

Killing a teacher.

Heaven and earth do not tolerate.

Not to mention.

It was such a once-famous master who was finally killed by his own apprentice.

If this matter is spread to the people of the underworld.

It will cause a terrible shock, and it will make people angry.

The love of master and apprentice.

The purest emotion in the underworld.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin glanced at each other again, and they both saw the solemnity and anger in their eyes.

They know it all too well.

Su Yu would never make up lies to deceive them.

Since you can say such a thing.

Then it is almost certain that this thing is real.

After Cheng Banxian put the horror in his heart down for the time being, he asked in a low and solemn voice.

"Su Yu. "

"What's going on?"

"I haven't heard from my predecessor for decades, but I didn't expect it. "

When I heard it again, it would be such a sad and helpless thing. "

Lao Lin also nodded, with a little murderous aura in his eyes.

As Mr. Yin and Yang.

Lao Lin thinks he is jealous and hateful.

This is true not only for the ghosts in the world, all kinds of weird and evil things.

Su Yu picked up the teacup and poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and stretched out his hand to point at Guan Long.


"It is the apprentice of the predecessor of the dusty heart, named Guan Long, who is also the descendant of the martial saint Guan Gong. "

"The thing I told you earlier. "

"That's why he came to look for me, and he'll tell you about the specifics. "

And then. "

"This is Cheng Banxian, this is Master Lin, they are both two very famous masters in the Yin Xing. "

Take this opportunity.

Su Yu also introduced Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin to Guan Long.

After saying that.

Su Yu nodded his head and motioned for Guan Long to speak.

After all.

It's this time.

Rather than having someone else relay it on their behalf.

It is better for Guan Long to tell this shocking and disgusting thing himself.

After taking a deep breath.

Guan Long arched his hand in the direction of Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin and said.

"Thank you two masters for being here. "

"I have also heard of the names of the two masters in the Yin Xing, and I have great admiration in my heart. "

"As for the specifics of that matter. "

"I'll just talk about it carefully, and I hope the two masters can help. "

After all these polite words are finished.

Guan Long also had a look of memory in his eyes and told about this incident.

"Here's how it happened..."

Minutes passed.

As Guan Long finished his last sentence.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin were both lost in thought.

But from the subtle movements of the two of them, it is extremely obvious that their hearts are extremely unpeaceful.


No matter in that era.

No matter where it is.

These are all situations that will never be tolerated, and everyone will be punished.

Cheng Banxian took a sip of the tea in front of him, and said with a sneer.

"If you kill your master because of greed and jealousy, you are really worse than a beast. "

Then he turned his head to look at Su Yu and said undoubtedly.

"Su Yu. "

"I have to help !! in this matter"

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