
Or a dead man?

Su Yu asked fiercely.

Echoes linger in tattoo parlors.

After Zeng Hui heard this question, he was stunned for several seconds.

Looking at Su Yu's increasingly cold eyes, he hurriedly replied with a trembling heart.

"Dead man, dead man!"

"I always secretly go to the funeral home or morgue and cut off the heads of the deceased to make human heads. "

"I wouldn't dare to make porcelain with a living person!"

Su Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't fully believe it.

With yin and yang gossip flashing in his eyes, he looked towards Zeng Hui.

After a few careful glances.

It was found that there was indeed no extreme resentment to kill people.

It was also a nod without a trace

If Zeng Hui used the head of a living person to cut off the head of a human being.

For such wicked people.

Su Yu naturally didn't want to say more than half a sentence.

But just from the observation of the Yin Yang Sky Eye.

It is true that I did not find that kind of resentment, but the death gas is extremely majestic, and the ghost qi is entangled in it, and it is estimated that death is not far away.

It's not hard to understand either.

Originally, the body was intact, but Zeng Hui's head was cut off.

ended up in a situation where there were no dead bodies.

This practice.

Replace it with someone who is still alive.

It's not much different from digging people's ancestral graves.

Therefore, it is normal to be infested by ghosts.

Or even arguing.

It's not easy to live for so long.

Zeng Hui no longer hidden, his hands were clasped together quite nervously, and he asked in a trembling voice.

"Master Su, can I still be saved?"

Su Yu looked at Zeng Hui's expectant eyes, shook his head and said.

"It's hopeless!"

"Three days if it's fast, five days if it's slow, and you're bound to die without a body. "

Hear this.

Zeng Hui's face turned pale for a moment, his eyes lost their brilliance, and he leaned weakly behind the sofa.

After a moment of silence.

Zeng Hui's voice was hoarse, and his tone was extremely lonely.

"Actually, I know that when I decide to make Touqing, I will inevitably die. "

"I'm not afraid of death, and my only regret is that I wasn't able to make the human head blue that I was really happy with. "

When you're here.

Zeng Hui paused for a few seconds, and began to tell his story with a somewhat confused look.

"I was born in Changnan Town, which is known as the porcelain capital, and my family is a well-known local porcelain family, and the blue and white porcelain made is second to none. "

"So what I grew up with was not toys, but all kinds of porcelain, and I love all kinds of porcelain from the bottom of my heart. "

"After junior high school, I dropped out of school at home and followed my father to learn how to make blue and white porcelain. "

"I can even say that the blue and white porcelain I fired is even better than what my father made. "

"But in my opinion, these blue and white porcelain is not good at all, without a trace of aura, it is just porcelain. "

"I started to stop at the status quo and I wanted to make something different. "

Speaking of which.

Zeng Hui suddenly stopped, looked at Su Yu with sharp eyes and asked.

"Master Su, do you know that feeling?"

"It's the kind of person who thinks you've done the best, but you know in your heart that it's not enough, it can be better!"

When a man is about to die, his words are good.

Su Yu squinted at Zeng Hui, neither agreeing nor objecting.

Just silently being a listener.

Zeng Hui didn't wait for Su Yu to answer, and continued to talk to himself.

"Finally, one day, I saw a top-notch blue and white porcelain in an ancient book, and the name was called human head blue. "

"I started to try to make this so-called human head blue, but no matter how I tried dog head, pig head, cow head or even tiger head, I found that I couldn't make human head blue. "

"I couldn't even mold it, let alone make it, and I understood one thing at that time. "

"Cyan can only be made from human heads. "

"But I had nowhere to get the head, and it was a dead knot until one day. "

Zeng Hui suddenly picked it up with some excitement, and the people on the tea table mountain were blue.

Rubbing it carefully with great pity.

"When my father died in an accident, I cut off his head one night and burned it to the ground. "

"When I first fired it, I forgot what it was like. "

"But I vividly remember that I didn't close my eyes all night because of the excitement. "

"It's the one I'm holding in my hand right now, a human head made from my father's head. "

Su Yu once again took a serious look at the human head in Zeng Hui's hand, and secretly gasped.

I made a human head blue with my father's head.

How terrifying this must be.

Zeng Hui gently put the head green in his hand on the coffee table and continued excitedly.

"From that time on, I knew that only human heads could be fired to produce human heads. "

"That shine, that pattern, that wonderful bulge, I was addicted. "

"But I know it's not good yet, I haven't done it to the extreme, I haven't burned the human head green with a dark fragrance yet. "

"So I started acting like a thief, going in and out of hospital morgues and funeral homes everywhere and cutting off the heads of corpses. "

"They're all dead anyway, so it's nothing to lend me my head. "

"From one, to ten, to a hundred. "

"I don't know how many dead people's heads have been cut off over the years, men, women, and children, in all kinds of ways. "

"But I haven't been able to burn the kind of top-notch blue and white porcelain I wanted. "

"The other day, the heads of all sorts of ghosts appeared in my eyes, and I knew I didn't have much to live. "

"But I'm not done yet, the kind of blue and white porcelain I want, I'm not reconciled, I'm really unwilling. "

Naturally, there is no need to say much later.

In order to be able to continue to fulfill his obsession, he concealed what he had done.

I came to the tattoo shop.

Hoping for a way out.

After listening to Zeng Hui's story, Su Yu exhaled a breath of turbidity.

I don't know why.

He turned out to be a little pitiful Zeng Hui at this time, but the poor person has something to hate.

This has come to this, and there is no doubt about death.

Su Yu hesitated for a moment and then slowly spoke.

"So far. "

"Have you ever regretted this journey?"

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