Spirit hunting orders are divided into four categories: monsters and monsters, among which monsters are all tangible objects. To kill, you need to take a photo and upload it before you can click to confirm the order.

Ghosts are invisible things.

If it's resolved, just transfer it away, and wait until the initiator of the order clicks to confirm, and the money will be credited to your account.

"The order you initiated has been completed by the god. If you have no questions, please complete the order within 24 hours. If you have any questions, you can contact the god to solve it.

If there is no response for more than 24 hours, the system will automatically determine that the order is completed. "

A robotic female voice echoed in the director's office.

The packed escape documents were put back one by one. Nohara Taro picked up a cup of tea and said without changing his face: "How is the situation in the surveillance room of the sealed area?"

"The mutation value has dropped to five, so there is probably no problem."

"What's the reason for the recurrence?"

"I just called the priest of Nohara Shrine and said that someone from the Spring God Sect placed the statue on the battlefield in the park. He had killed it and left the body there."

"A bunch of lunatics."

Nohara Taro's face was full of disgust, and he had no good impression of the guy who learned the art of worshiping gods.

Those who worship gods often die for the gods they sacrifice. They are willing to gamble their lives and bring others to gamble with them. This is bullshit.

He was so scared that he almost ignored the police station and went to other places.

"Miyamoto Police Department, what did you see just now?"

Taro Nohara took a sip of tea.

Miyamoto Police Department stood up straight and said: "Director Nohara stayed calm in the face of danger, calmly commanded the personnel at all levels of the police station, and controlled the weirdness that should have broken out at the first time, so that the city did not cause major losses."

"You can't say that. The priest of Nohara Shrine also has some merit."

Nohara Taro touched the beard on his chin and fell into thinking.

He was transferred from Tokyo to the Nohara Police Station a year ago and took over the position of director.

Born in Tokyo, he had a disdain for remote areas like Nohara.

Unexpectedly, there are still talented people hiding in this small field.

He said: "In my opinion, it is better to use the name of the police station to award the Outstanding Shrine Master Award to commend Nohara Shrine for stopping the weird behavior this time.

By the way, what level is that God Lord? "

"The previous divine master was at LV.7, and the current one is at LV.1."

Miyamoto Police Department answered truthfully.

When Nohara Taro heard this level, he frowned slightly and changed his words: "Only level one? It's probably because he is lucky, so I don't want to commend him."

"Yes." Miyamoto Police Department did not persuade him that the hierarchy of spirit hunters had changed, and he did not need to educate his immediate superiors about such a trivial matter.

"You go down."

Taro Nohara clicked the mouse and transferred 300,000 yuan to the other party's account, and canceled another order. Within ten minutes, the illegal cancellation only resulted in a 10% deduction.

All these had to be reimbursed from above, and he began to write this report.

The Komori family.

The inner ghost returned to the lamp and turned into flames in the wick. As her mood swayed, the girl pursed her lips, and a little bit of pink shone in the light of the fire.

A pair of furrowed eyebrows, crimson phoenix eyes darting nervously, what should I do?

Was the Lord God angry just now?

When Jun Komori thought about his exposed voice and attitude of running away, his heart became panicked, as if there was a deer running around in his chest.

Afraid of being blamed and also afraid of being kicked out of Nohara Shrine.

The little head is full of distracting thoughts.

She shouldn't be so impulsive. When she senses the aura of the God of Spring, she can't wait to control the inner ghost to rush there.

He even forgot whether he could win or not, and all he could think about was wanting to wash away the cowardice he felt at that time.

If she wasn't afraid, her sister wouldn't...

The inner ghosts became stronger as if they were poured with oil. She came back to her senses and hurriedly restrained her thoughts to avoid leaking her true feelings again.

"Chun, what's the matter with you running out in such a hurry? Chun."

Anxious shouts came from inside the house, accompanied by the thump of a cane on the corridor.

"Sister, I'm fine."

Komori Jun quickly returned to the house.

At the entrance, Aoi Komori is leaning on a cane in her right hand.

Her limbs seemed to be sound, but when she moved forward, her right foot felt like it was missing and she couldn't lift it at all, so she had to rely on crutches.

The left hand is also like a noodle, dangling in the air. The real power is the right hand and left foot.

Her long black hair was spread down her back, and her big eyes were open, but lifeless. The dilated pupils made it clear that she could not see anything.

"Sister, I just heard the alarm and went outside to take a look. It's okay now. The Lord God has taken care of it."

With a gentle tone, Jun Komori took off her shoes and walked onto the corridor, "Let's go have lunch."

"Yes." Komori Aoi nodded and asked, "What kind of person is the Lord God?"

"At first, I felt a little harsh, but slowly, people can still notice that the Lord God is a gentle and powerful person."

Jun Komori truthfully stated his feelings, "When I feel lost, I will lie in the corridor. When I am upset, I will lie in the corridor. When I am happy, I will lie in the corridor."

"He is the Corridor Immortal."

Komori Aoi complained.

"Maybe he likes to bask in the sun there."

Jun Komori gave her own reasons. She felt that the shrine lord had a tendency to stay at home. He rarely left the shrine or even his residence until he received orders.

However, she found that the Lord God often watched short YouTube videos on travel, food, racing, etc. This interest did not seem like someone who wanted to stay at home.

She couldn't draw a conclusion, so she didn't tell her sister.

"How do the rest of the people treat you?" Komori Aoi continued to ask.

“They are very nice people, Kannagi is a real lady, she looks very shining.

Kiryuin has a bold personality and looks very handsome, but I hope she can be more restrained when taking a shower. "

When Jun Komori said this, he said with some helplessness: "She is always naked when taking a shower, wearing nothing."

"That's right, sister, I'm also one of those people who don't wear clothes."

Komori Aoi puffed out her flat chest.

The mother's good genes seemed not to have been inherited.

"I won't mind if it's my sister."

Jun Komori explained quickly.

"Okay, I know Chun is a good boy."

Komori Aoi smiled, "Sister, I want to hear more about what you did at the shrine."

"Hi." Xiaomori rarely spoke to outsiders. As for her sister, she never felt tired of talking. She wanted to describe everything in the world and stuff it into her sister's mind.

After lunch, Jun Komori came to a conclusion through his description of life at the shrine.

I must go back and apologize to the Lord God.

"Sister, the dishes and chopsticks have been washed. I want to go back to the shrine."

"Well, keep practicing."

Komori Aoi waved with her right hand without getting up. She was sitting in the living room with a funny variety show playing on the TV.

It was very noisy, but she could still hear the sound of the door opening and closing in the entrance hall. The smile on her face gradually disappeared, and her eyes were lifeless, like a statue that had lost its soul.


"Nobunaga, where did you go? I didn't even see you when Jun came back just now."

Komori Aoi's expression suddenly became full of vitality, and she waved to the black cat.

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