The helicopter and the camera were destroyed together, but the recorded video was saved.

The last scene happens to be the shot of the active attack helicopter sitting in the sky.

This is a first-hand information for studying divine beasts, which is very precious.

Everyone saw it, and from the time Qin Mu left the side of the rift sitting as the node, the momentum of the rift sitting changed.

From obedience, coquettish, very obedient, shocking without the majesty of a divine beast, the cracked empty seat has become a fierce god, and the majestic sky overlord cracked the empty seat.

Before the helicopter flew well in the air, it was able to photograph the crack sitting up close without doing anything.

Most likely, it was also because the boy was sitting next to the crack.

If the rift is alone, let alone shoot at close range, the helicopter will be immediately discovered and destroyed if it dares to get a little closer to the rift.

This fully shows that the divine beast is still the divine beast, and the rift is still itself, as recorded in the record, very fierce, and has not changed at all.

As for why it treats the teenager differently, it should be the boy’s ability.

For a time, well-known trainers in various regions, senior elf research doctors, were speculating what kind of existence this teenager who could stay safely next to the rift was.

It can be clearly seen from the live broadcast that the teenager is very young, estimated to be only in his twenties.

It’s amazing that such a young person can make Rift sit so well-behaved, fly wherever he wants, whether he steps on his head or rebukes, he will not be rebellious.

Moreover, people don’t know what kind of method the young man used to make the divine beast with a burst temperament obey beside him.

And as soon as he walked away, he became the same again, and even because he was gone, he was depressed and became more terrible.

You know, divine beasts are fundamentally different from ordinary elves.

The average elf, if the trainer wants to tame them, has a method.

Or subdue them.

Or peacefully tamed.

The first step is to gain the trust of the elves and let them know that trainers will not harm them.

After gaining trust, it is necessary to begin to gain their favor by slowly approaching.

This process is commonly known as brushing favorability and is an important part of the process of taming elves.

Many novice trainers always fail to pass this level, and some senior trainers can sometimes quickly brush up the favorability of the elves.

After the elf has a good impression of the trainer, it also needs to send a signal so that the elf understands the trainer’s intentions and wants to be its partner and fight together.

Finally, he threw the Pokeball and successfully subdued it.

This set of processes is already a compulsory course for every trainer before becoming a trainer.

But this set is of no use to the divine beast.

Because the divine beast is very special, it is different from other elves, they are very powerful.

Powerful enough not to put humans in their eyes.

So much so that they disdain and will not fight for humanity.

Because in their eyes, letting their powerful self fight for humanity is simply a humiliation.

This means that the divine beast is almost impossible to subdue.

At least it is impossible to subdue in the traditional way.

Perhaps there are training masters in this world who can subdue divine beasts.

But how can a training master be young?

Trainers and doctors from various regions watched videos of rift sitting with teenagers repeatedly.

In the end, I had to accept the results of the previous speculation.

That is, this teenager is really a trainer.

And a divine beast trainer!

When watching the video before, almost no one thought that the teenager was a trainer, because on the video, the interaction between the teenager and the rift was completely different from that of ordinary trainers.

Only now did people suddenly realize that the boy regarded Rift Void as a friend, and Rift Void Sat accepted him!

That’s why the rift is so good to the boy.

This may be the way to tame the divine beast!

Although I hate to admit it, this is indeed the most likely guess.


“That’s interesting.”

In a dark room, a teenager with dark blue curly hair watched the live broadcast with a happy face.

His name is Daktor and he is a mysterious trainer in the Sinnoh region.

He has excellent strength and talent, and he has two divine beasts at a young age.

Latios and Darkrai.

Among them, Darkrai belongs to the dark elves.

It is said to appear on moonless nights, causing people to fall asleep and suffer nightmares.

When Daktor was traveling in the Sinnoh region, Darkrai was the elf he used the most.

And Darkrai also helped Daktor win the championship at the Sinnoh Alliance Suzuran Conference.

As a divine beast trainer, Daktor was full of interest in the Rift Sky Seat that suddenly appeared on Tianlong Island.

“This Tianlong Island is obviously a place like no man’s land, isolated from the world for hundreds of years, why did the rift suddenly appear in such a place?”

While repeatedly watching the live broadcast playback of the “Elf Adventure” program team on Tianlong Island, Daktor looked up information about Tianlong Island.

He also didn’t understand why the rare rift seat suddenly appeared on this island.

But Daktor was more interested in the boy than sitting in the air.

From the beginning of the discussion to the present, people have reached basically the same conclusion.

People and Daktor believed that this mysterious boy was a divine beast trainer.

And Daktor, who also has a divine beast, is of course more interested in this teenager.

He couldn’t wait to get to know it.

Because even Daktor repeatedly watched the video of Rift sitting and getting along with the teenager.

It is also impossible to speculate how the boy tamed the rift seat.

Judging from the video, Rikusa likes to eat strawberries and is happy to accept the strawberries provided to him by the teenager.

Even after eating all the strawberries brought by the teenager, he would feel low.

It can’t be a strawberry tamer, right?

Daktor immediately dismissed his idea.

Taming the divine beast, how can it be such a simple thing.

“It seems that if you want to find the answer, you can only go to Tianlong Island.”

Daktor snapped the computer shut.

By looking up information on the Internet, he never got what he wanted.

Instead of wasting time like this, it would be better for him to set off and run to Tianlong Island as soon as possible.

Not to mention the possibility of meeting a mysterious divine beast trainer.

It had been a while since his last trip to the Sinnoh region, and Daktor hadn’t traveled far in a while.

He immediately began to pack his things, intending to leave immediately and go to the isolated Tianlong Island to find out the news.

If you can get to know the divine beast trainers on that island and communicate with them, it will be a big gain.

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