Qin Mu saw that Gurado’s mood was not quite right, so he began to think about whether he had forgotten something.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that Gurado had come to him before.

Please ask Qin Mu to help sort out its nest.

Gurado loves hard rocks, and there are naturally many rocks on Tenryu Island.

So Gurado found a clean place on Tenryu Island and settled down.

It is also a very fierce divine beast that disdains to be close to humans.

But in the end, he was touched by Qin Mu’s gentleness and kindness.

Gurado likes to get along with Qin Mu, and sometimes invites Qin Mu to his nest, a pile of broken rocks, to sit.

Gurado had also come to Qin Mu’s residence, but he was dumbfounded when he came once.

Qin Mu, who is extremely creative and actionable, has been on the island for so long, and he is naturally very good at decorating his residence.

Gurador saw that Qin Mu’s residence was so good-looking, and he was very envious in his heart.

So he used his hands and feet together and dragged Qin Mu to his pile of broken rocks.

Even if he was as patient as Qin Mu, it took a lot of effort to figure out Gurado’s thoughts.

It originally wanted Qin Mu to help it clean up the nest.

Give it a good look. At least not as plain as it was.

Helping the elves on Tianlong Island was Qin Mu’s unshirkable responsibility, and he readily agreed at that time.

And made an appointment.

Qin Mu remembered that today seemed to be the day to tidy up the homeland for Gurado.

“It’s over, I really want to completely forget to clean up this matter for Xiaohong.”

Qin Mu secretly called it bad in his heart, he didn’t expect that bathing Xiaolan and cleaning up Xiaohong’s home would actually cause a conflict.

“Xiaohong, I…”

Before Qin Mu finished speaking, Gurado stepped forward first.

But not towards Qin Mu, but towards Gaioka.

It’s angry with Gaioka right now.

Gurado didn’t think that it was because Qin Mu had forgotten the time, so he didn’t go to Gurado’s nest to help as originally agreed.

Instead, it was Gaioka’s fault.

Because Gaioka was here, it took up Qin Mu’s time.

That’s why Qin Mu didn’t go to it to help.

Gurado rushed forward and rushed to Gaioka’s side.


A low roar came out of Gurado’s mouth, it was blaming Gaioka, why did he limit Qin Mu here.


Gurado said that it was clear that Qin Mu had already made an appointment with it to help clean up its home.

Now it’s all because of Gaioka, which has led to the collapse of the plan.

Qin Mu also had no time to accompany him.

It’s all because Gaioka confined Qin Mu here.


Not to be outdone, Gaioka let out a low sound of majesty.

That was to refute Gurador, it was Qin Mu himself who came to wash it, and also fed freshwater fish to eat for himself.

Qin Mu didn’t go to Gurado, it was completely Qin Mu who forgot, and there was no Gurado in his heart.


Gurado was a little angry, Gaioka could say anything, but he just couldn’t say that Qin Mu didn’t have himself in his heart.

So many elves on the island could occupy a place in Qin Mu’s heart.

It must also be quite important in Qin Mu’s heart.

This is an unquestionable thing.

Gurado glanced at Gaioka’s dirty back and suddenly understood something.

“Whoosh, woohoo!”

Gurado roared and pointed his paw at Gaioka’s back.

That means that it is obviously not because Qin Mu forgot, but because his time has to be taken up by you.

Obviously, it was because of Gaioka, you played tricks and took away Qin Mu’s time.

If Gaioka didn’t get his body dirty, Qin Mu wouldn’t have taken that long to bathe Gaioka.

This will also allow time to go to Gurado’s gravel pile den to help take care of it.

Gaioka, you played tricks and selfishly left Qin Mu by your side.

This is very unfair.

The two divine beasts were communicating in elven language.

Not to be outdone, both believe that the other is the other’s fault.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! ”

“Hum… Buzz…”

The tone became more and more urgent.

Gurado quietly waited for Qin Mu’s arrival in his nest, excited because Qin Mu was coming.

But left and right, Qin Mu just didn’t appear.

It had already passed the agreed time with Qin Mu.

As a result, Qin Mu had not yet come.

That’s why Gurado thought about going out and looking for it.

It has already found many places in Tianlong Mountain.

Including Qin Mu’s residence, Qin Mu’s figure was not found.

Except for seeing Qin Mu in the morning near the highest place of Tianlong Mountain, today Qin Mu seemed to have disappeared.

Finally, Gurado remembered this sea area of Gaioka.

When I came to check, I found that Qin Mu was bathing Gaioka.

And Gurado was stupidly waiting before, and he was immediately angry.

Then I found out that it was still because of Gaioka’s tricks, and I was even more angry.

Intend to come down and quarrel with Gaioka.

Not to be outdone, Guracado and it are old rivals, and they have fought many times before.

It is clear that it is not a trick, and to be said by Gurado is simply to impose a hat.

Gaioka retorted that Gurador was too troublesome for Qin Mu.

Qin Mu is also very busy, and so many elves on the island need Qin Mu’s care.

As a result, Gurador actually asked Qin Mu to help clean up his home.

It was simply a waste of Qin Mu’s time.

Gurado said, are you okay? You even need Qin Mu’s help to take a bath.

The two divine beasts quarreled more and more.

Don’t look at them all divine beasts, in fact, they are all children’s psychology.

I feel that I am very reasonable, and the other party is not paying attention.

Gurado and Gaioka quarreled and came to no avail, and began to move their hands and feet.

Gurado grabbed Gaioka’s head with his paws, trying to lift it up and throw it out.

Gaioka will not let it succeed, and it uses the flightless nature of Gurado to levitate itself to resist Gurado’s power.

For a while, the atmosphere changed greatly, the waves were rough, and even the weather changed.

There are quite a few other elves around the coast where Gaioka stays.

They were weaker and hid when they saw Gaioka ashore.

Now seeing Gurado and Gaioka fighting, he was even more frightened.

Tianlong Island makes them a common home, and if the two divine beasts fight, they will definitely destroy the entire island.

But how could Qin Mu allow this kind of thing to happen?

“What kind of fight?!”

Qin Mu shouted.

When the two divine beasts heard this familiar voice, they immediately stopped.

“To live on the island, you have to learn to live in harmony, how can you fight?”

Qin Mu criticized Gurado and Gaioka.

At this time, the two divine beasts had separated, standing far away from each other, and their expressions were very aggrieved.

They were just on top for a while, and they didn’t want to make Qin Mu angry.

Seeing that the two divine beasts stopped, the island was saved.

The elves who hid and watched suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Their homes are saved.

Qin Mu and Gurado said yes, this time it was him who would go to it in a few days to help for time.

Gurado got Qin Mu’s silence and obediently returned to his nest.

Gaioka also quieted down and stopped looking at Gurado.

The other elves who saw this scene were shocked, and their worship and dependence on Qin Mu increased a little.

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