A few days ago, Karuni, a champion trainer in the Carlos region and also an actress, received a new movie.

And one of the filming locations for this movie is on Tianlong Island.

A few days ago, Tenryu Island was a small island that no one cared about.

However, since the appearance of this small island on Tianlong Island, it has suddenly attracted the attention of people in various regions.

In addition, not long ago, Chief Rem was also suspected of waking up on Tenryu Island.

Now Tenryu Island has become a rather dangerous place.

Some people in the crew were worried and asked if they wanted to delay the time to go to the island.

But Karuni felt that she was an actress and should not back down.

And everything was already ready in order to go to this Tenryu Island filming location before.

Now if it is delayed, the crew will suffer huge losses.

Moreover, the rift found in the “Elf Adventure” live broadcast before should have left Tianlong Island later.

Karuni thought it wouldn’t take much time just to go to the island to take a view.

There should be no danger.

The crew agreed to Karuni’s request, but let her protect her own safety.

Karuni tells the crew not to worry, she has Shanaito to protect herself.

Shanaido is Karuni’s best partner, and if she is in danger, she can protect Karuni.

So Karuni followed the original plan and landed on the other side of the island by boat.

With Karuni on the island were also crew members, but there were not many people, and they were not trainers.

Among the people who go to the island now, only Karuni is a trainer.

After going to the island, Karuni felt that the atmosphere on the island was not very right.

It was as if in a place she couldn’t see, there was a powerful line of sight staring at her.

This made Karuni feel uncomfortable.

Although the rest of the crew didn’t sense that something was wrong, Karuni remained vigilant.

Her elf Shanadot also keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Shanado pulled the corner of Lacaluni’s clothes.

“Shanado, is there something going on?”

Karuni asked.

Shanaido warns Karuni.

It turns out that as an elf, it is more sensitive to the power of other elves.

From the moment he landed on this island, Shanaidor had already felt that on this island, there was more than one divine beast.

For Karuni’s safety, Shanaido advises Karuni to leave the island immediately.

But Karuni refused.

Because she feels that she is a dedicated actor and cannot escape from the battle.

Moreover, no obvious danger has been found now.

There is simply no reason to escape.

What’s more, just taking a scene, it doesn’t take a long time.

During this time, it’s good to be vigilant.

When the filming is over, leave the island quickly, and you are done.

Shanaido is still worried about Karuni’s safety, but it cannot go against Karuni’s will.

She promised Karuni to keep her on the island.

But then it also remained vigilant, intending to be in any danger if it was detected.

He immediately pulled Karuni and fled.

At this time, on the other side of Tenryu Island.

Qin Mu is helping Gurado clean up its lair.

Just after a fight with Chief Reim, Gurado’s home is already in chaos.

After Chief Rem left, Qin Mu stayed, and he wanted to help Gurado sort it out.

There were scattered ice picks everywhere, and some places were frozen by the cold.

Some boulders were broken, and scattered stones were everywhere.

The rubble that Gurado had painstakingly collected was also flown away by Chief Reim.

Now Gurado’s nest is much messier than before.

Qin Mu watched Gurado pitifully clean up the battlefield.

Collect the stones again little by little, and then carefully put them in place.

And those stones, which had been completely crushed and could no longer be used, threw them into the sea.

However, Gurado’s body is too big, and it is very bulky to walk.

Plus Gurado doesn’t clean up his nest.

So after cleaning up for a long time, its nest is still like that.

Not much has changed.

Qin Mu couldn’t stand it.

I had promised to clean up the nest for Gurado before.

“Xiaohong, let me help you.”

Qin Mu said.

When Gurado heard this, he turned his head in joy and wagged his tail uncontrollably.

It was very happy, if Qin Mu could help, not only could he clean up his home much faster, but he could also become more beautiful.


Gurado exclaimed happily twice.

Qin Mu smiled, although they are divine beasts, they are still childlike mental.

He just promised Gurado to help clean up his home.

It can be happy like this.

Qin Mu patted Gurado’s tail, “You clean up the ice picks here first, I’ll go to the house to get something first.” ”

Gurado nodded happily.

Qin Mu wanted to go to the field to get some unused plants.

Look at this den of Gurado, except for stone or stone.

Although Gurado loves stones, if there are only stones, it is really not good-looking.

Gurado himself didn’t seem to like that it was all stones, so he asked Qin Mu to help him decorate his home.

After Qin Mu left, Gurado first sprayed a fire towards the inside of the cave.

The ice picks left behind by those chiefs, the frozen land, all turned into water in the flames.

Then Gurado cleared out the excess stones.

After finishing all of this, Qin Mu returned.

Gurado saw Qin Mu pushing a small cart filled with straw and the like.


Gulardo greeted happily to show his liking.

Sleeping on a stone every day, even if its shell is hard, it is easy to stand it.

Qin Mu spread the straw evenly to the place where Gurador slept.

Those straws were soft and Gurado could sleep comfortably on them.

When Qin Mu finished laying out the straw, Gurado couldn’t wait to lie down, and then let out a satisfied cry.

It has never slept in such a comfortable “bed”

All this time it slept on rocks.

With straw this time, it was a feeling that I had never experienced before.

Qin Mu walked to Gurado’s face and touched its mouth that couldn’t close with a smile.

“It seems that you are very satisfied with the new bed I have set for you.”

However, Qin Mu didn’t just bring a new bed to Gurado.

He also weaved a huge straw web out of excess straw.

He put the straw net outside the cave.

This can block some sunlight.

During the day, if Gurador wants to sleep, he can also fall asleep.

Gurado is even happier, and for a long time, when sleeping during the day, Gurado had to endure direct sunlight.

Even it is a little unbearable.

This straw net that Qin Mu made for it solved a big problem for it.

Gurado simply didn’t know how to thank Qin Mu, so he could only look at Qin Mu with grateful eyes.

“Okay, okay, this is what I should do, you don’t have to look at me like that.”

Qin Mu was a little embarrassed to be seen by Gurado.

“This way your nest is much more comfortable.”

Qin Mu spent dozens of minutes helping Gurator sweep the ground.

Now this den looks very warm.

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