Zhulan wanted to leave Tianlong Island, but Qin Mu did not keep it.

Instead, he chose to let Zhulan wait a bit, and he went into the house to get something.

As a gift for Zhulan.

Zhulan did not refuse either.

She and Qin Mu can only be regarded as ordinary friends at best.

Even if Qin Mu wanted to give himself a gift, it shouldn’t be a valuable thing.

Even if you accept it, there is nothing.

Qin Mu looked in the utility room in the wooden house.

Just found what he needed.

As an island keeper, he lived on the island for a long time.

The weather in Tenryu Island is changeable and harsh, so always have something to protect.

Qin Mu randomly found some and wrapped them, intending to give them to Zhulan.

Just as Qin Mu was about to go out, his afterlight saw some stones.

That’s the Stone of Evolution.

Qin Mu suddenly thought of the scene where Zhulan saw him pressing the paper with the Evolution Stone.

“Miss Zhulan seems to say that this stone is a very precious thing?”

Qin Mu took some at random, including some evolution stones.

There are too many of these Evolution Stone Islands, and Qin Mu has long been accustomed to them.

But since Zhulan said that these stones are precious, she should be very happy if they were given to Zhulan as a gift.

Thinking so, Qin Mu took some evolution stones and wrapped them up.

In order to prevent Zhulan from seeing the Evolution Stone and refusing to accept it because the gift was too expensive, Qin Mu mixed the wrapped Evolution Stone into an ordinary gift.

“Miss Zhulan, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Qin Mu came out of the log cabin and walked to the beach.

He saw that Zhulan had already boarded the motorboat.

The chains of the motorboat have also been untied and ready to go.

Zhulan really couldn’t stand the coercion of the ubiquitous divine beasts on the island, and the gaze that didn’t know where to stare at her.

So now she is full of thoughts and just wants to get out of the island quickly.

So much so that when Qin Mu handed the gift to Zhulan.

Zhulan also just took a brief look and put it into the bag.

After saying thank you to Qin Mu, Zhulan twisted the throttle of the motorboat and walked away.

It’s been another long road.

From here, it takes ten hours to get back to the nearest city, where the jet ski is traveling at full speed.

But at this time, Zhulan did not feel bored at all.

Because now her mind was full of Qin Mu’s every move.

Why do there be such perfect people in the world?

At this moment, Zhulan couldn’t help but feel her heart beat faster when she thought of Qin Mu.

As a champion trainer, Zhulan has not seen few people.

But Qin Mu is the person who has influenced Zhulan the most so far.

Moreover, Zhulan estimated that even in the future, no one would be able to surpass Qin Mu’s achievements.

Zhulan had already identified Qin Mu in her heart as the greatest and most powerful trainer in the world.

It’s not just that the number of elves they have is very strong.

Qin Mu himself is also quite cultivated and lives on that same island.

Quite stylish.

Zhulan almost thought about Qin Mu all the way.

I didn’t feel the passage of time in the slightest.

The brain is in a state of empty air, mechanically following the route drawn out by the map.

Wait until you get to your destination before you react.

When Zhulan arrived home, her mood calmed down a little.

The fact that Zhulan went to Tianlong Island has been known by some media with a keen sense of smell.

These media are watching these big people all the time, hoping to unearth some news with traffic.

This time, the fact that champion trainer Zhulan went to Tianlong Island is a good traffic material.

Whether it is Zhulan or Tianlong Island, it is a big hit.

The day after Zhulan returned from leaving the island, Zhulan was interviewed by the media.

Zhulan as the champion of the Sinnoh region.

The popularity has always been quite high.

Especially her appearance and character like an iceberg beauty.

Plus long flowing blonde hair.

This makes Zhulan the dream lover of almost all male trainers.

and the idols and ultimate goals of female trainers.

This time, Zhulan agreed to open interviews with relevant media, which made these media ecstatic.

In addition, this time Zhulan went to Tianlong Island, which had long been heated because of the live broadcast of “Elf Adventure”.

Now in various regions, almost everyone is discussing the matter of Tenryu Island.

But they were afraid of those divine beasts on Tianlong Island.

If ordinary people go to the island, it will be very dangerous.

People are more concerned about the identity of the mysterious boy on that island.

What is his name, and are those divine beasts really his elves?

And, what kind of person he really is.

As such a strong person, he must have a proud character and will put up a shelf, right?

With such curiosity, the media quickly wrote about Tianlong Island.

And on the day of the interview, a lot of people came.

“Miss Zhulan, did you see that mysterious boy when you were on Tianlong Island?”

A media outlet went straight to the point and asked a very important question.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Zhulan’s body.

They all want to get news about the mysterious boy.

This question from the media once again brought Zhulan’s thoughts to Qin Mu.

When I think of that intellectual, stylish and powerful man.

An imperceptible blush appeared on Zhulan’s face.

“Yes, I saw him on Tianlong Island, and I talked to him.”

Zhulan answered in the affirmative.

This answer immediately detonated the atmosphere of the interview scene.

Since Miss Zhulan saw the mysterious boy on the island.

It means that the true body of that young man will be revealed!

Everyone is looking forward to it.

But then, Zhulan’s words gave the audience a basin of cold water.

“But please don’t get too excited, I don’t know much about that teenager, he is too mysterious.”

Zhulan is telling the truth.

For Qin Mu, she only knew his name, his residence, and his strength and character now.

Others, Zhulan didn’t know at all.

And it’s not easy to ask.

Next, the media asked Zhulan to tell her what she knew about the teenager.

Zhu Lan took a deep breath, what Qin Mu wanted to say, it was too much.

“That young man is called Qin Mu, as you can see, those divine beasts on the island are really his spirits.”

“Moreover, in addition to the divine beast, there are countless other elves on Tianlong Island, all of which are Qin Mu’s.”

“Those elves have a fairly good relationship with Qin Mu, and they live in harmony as if they were friends.”

The audience was surprised.

Although what Zhulan said, some people have guessed it in the previous live broadcast.

But now from Zhulan’s mouth, this is a stone hammer!

Zhulan continued, “I think Qin Mu is the most powerful divine beast trainer in this world! ”

“Moreover, Qin Mu is a very connotative and quite cultivated person.”

Speaking of this, Zhulan closed her eyes and recalled the scene she saw in the study of Qin Mu’s log cabin yesterday afternoon.

It was a quaint, old-fashioned cabin.

In the seriousness without losing the warmth, in the warm without losing the style.

The design is completely different from today’s tech houses.

A sense of comfort from the inside out.

The minds of the audience were brought to the front of the log cabin by Zhulan’s description.

Although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, I can imagine what a beautiful cabin it is.

Zhulan also said that Qin Mu’s study was full of books that he had never seen before.

And every book seems to have been read many times.

This is enough to show that Qin Mu is an extremely connotative person.

When it comes to his cooking skills, it’s a must.

The simplest ingredients are made into top-quality deliciousness.

That taste made Zhulan unforgettable after eating it once.

The audience present was stunned, and the image of the mysterious boy on the island, because of the description of Zhulan, gradually became more concrete.

“Then Miss Zhulan, did Qin Mu give you any gifts?”

At the end, the media asked Zhulan a sharp question.

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