Cold air spread all over Chief Reim, which made Liliai, who was dressed in thin clothes, feel cold.

Looking at Chief Reim’s fierce eyes, Liliai felt very scared.

The symptoms of fear of elves that have just improved.

After encountering Chief Reim, there are signs of relapse.

Liliai looked at Chief Rem so frightened that she couldn’t move her feet.

But now she is not alone, at least she still has Kira by her side.

Although Kiraki doesn’t seem to be able to beat this big guy.

But having someone or elf by her side always makes Lilia feel at ease.

However, Chief Rem did not come here to do anything with Liliai.

In fact, it is very smart, just by looking at Liliai, you can know that Liliai is not a bad person.

She is the kind of human who Qin Mu said in his mouth, who went to the island with a good heart.

For this kind of person, Qin Mu asked the elves on the island not to harm them.

And Chief Rem had always obeyed Qin Mu’s orders.

It’s just that Chief Rem watched Liliai and Kira pray together.

It felt very strange.

Kiraki is a newly discovered phantom beast on Tenryu Island.

Chief Rem remembered that Qin Mu was very concerned about the newly discovered elves on the island.

And those elves who came into contact with Qin Mu for the first time would also be very infatuated with Qin Mu.

It’s like who you were at the beginning.

Chief Rem still remembered how he was attracted to Qin Mu.

It’s not because roast lamb is so delicious.

In the wild, you can’t eat baked things at all.

This kind of thing, as long as you eat it once, you will never forget that wonderful taste.

In order to be able to eat delicious food every day, Chief Rem became good friends with Qin Mu.

Chief Rem could never have imagined that he who used to hate humans, as a mythical beast, would one day be friends with humans.

It had always thought that there would be no intersection between humans and itself.

It is precisely because of this that it chose Tenryu Island as its habitat.

This place is far away from the human city, but I didn’t expect to meet the human Qin Mu here.

Regret? Without regret, Chief Rem felt that he would never regret being friends with Qin Mu.

Because Qin Mu, a human being, is very friendly to every elf.

And very attentively cared for.

Kira Qi had also recently made friends with Qin Mu.

Isn’t it logical that he should stay with Qin Mu?

Why do you stay with a human imp?

Where did this human imp come from?

Chief Rem stepped forward and asked Kira in an elvish language.

“Shouldn’t you be at Boss Qin Mu’s?”

“Where did this human imp come from again, and how did you get mixed up with her?”

Kiraki couldn’t answer either, because it had been following Lilia for a while.

But it started after Lilia Ai went to the island.

It doesn’t know where Lilia came to the island from.

As for the origin of Liliai, Kira Qi also does not know anything.

So Kiraki couldn’t answer Chief Reim’s question.

But one thing Kira is sure of.

That is, Liliai is a kind child.

Kira was afraid that Chief Rem would hurt Liliai, so he stood in front of Liliai.

Also told Sheikh Rem in Elvish language.

“Her name is Liliai, she just landed on the island today, she is a kind child, you can see it from her eyes.”

After Kiraki finished speaking, Chief Rem leaned down and stared into Liliai’s eyes for a while.

This staring made Liliai really startled, and she almost cried again.

Chief Rem said in elvish language: “Of course I can tell if she is kind or not. ”

“Forget it’s not important, if you want to accompany her, accompany her.”

Chief Rem flapped his wings.

Now it is not very interested in humans other than Qin Mu.

“I’m looking for Qin Mu now, do you know where he went?”

Chief Rem asked Kira in elvish language.

It thought that Kira Qi should know where Qin Mu went.

Unexpectedly, Kiraki also replied to Chief Reim and didn’t know.

It hadn’t seen Qin Mu for a morning.

I was spending the morning with Liliai.

Chief Rem scratched his head with his wings.

Kiraki also said that he didn’t know, so it seemed that he had to find it on his own.

“Then I’ll find it myself, you accompany Liliai well, don’t let her get hurt, otherwise it’s hard to explain to Qin Mu.”

Chief Rem gave Kira a few words, then flapped his wings and flew away.

Its wings flap up, and the wind and waves are huge.

The surrounding trees shook.

Lilia almost didn’t stand firm either.

It was Kira who helped Lilia in the back.

Otherwise Lilia would have fallen.

“Take care of her, of course you don’t need to say it.”

Kira prayed to Kira who went inside.

Of course, it will keep Liliai safe.

Watching Chief Rem fly away, Liliai was extremely surprised in her heart.

That’s a divine beast!

She finally saw the divine beast!

It was actually the divine beast Chief Reim, and Liliai knew it.

Although Liliam was afraid of elves, she was familiar with all the books about elves.

I also know a lot about how to take care of elves.

It can be said that she is a walking elf guide.

When she saw the dragon with ice crystals, she knew.

That is Chief Reim.

Liliai excitedly said to Kiraqi: “That’s really a divine beast, a living divine beast!” ”

“I finally saw the divine beast!”

Liliai was very excited at the moment, and she spoke a little incoherently.

Kira pouted.

In fact, to some extent, it is also a divine beast.

Why wasn’t Lilia so excited when she saw it.

Kiraki really wanted to tell Liliai that there were many divine beasts on Dragon Island this day.

It’s not just Chief Reim.

There are also cracked empty sitting, Gurador and Gaioka three sitting down.

There are also quite a few phantom beasts, including Kira himself.

No matter which one of them is singled out, they are all very powerful and rare elves.

Kira continued to lead the way in front, and Lilia followed Kira as she bounced along.

As he walked, he also walked towards the chief Reim he had just seen.

It’s so exciting.

Slowly, Lilia walked to the foot of a tall mountain.

It’s already out of the forest.

Kiraki hadn’t realized that they had reached the forbidden place of Tenryu Island.

This was the source of the roar that spread throughout Tenryu Island at that time.

The roar that made the elves of the whole island tremble with great fear came from this mountain.

“This mountain, how strange.”

Lilia Ai stepped forward and touched the rock.

Unlike other stones, she felt that these rocks did not seem so cold.

It was not because of her eyes, but because she felt that there seemed to be life in this mountain.

“What a strange place!”

Liliai couldn’t help but say.

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