Despair, spreading between Professor Charles and the mutant team.

They are like ants, but they attack elephants on land.

But from their attack, there is no threat to the elephants at all.

Even the power of the phoenix, which they thought was the most powerful, was still not worth mentioning in Su Daoming's eyes!

At the same time, the whole world finally fell into infinite panic.

The Avengers and the Mutant Legion both lost miserably at the hands of this mysterious creature.

Who else can stop this world-destroying demon like a "god" now!

"The end of the world, the end of the world! God, who can stop this demon!"

"Accept everything, all this, must be the punishment given to us by our Lord!"

Through various ways such as online platforms and TV series, almost all of the human beings who saw this scene fell into collapse.


At the same time, members including Thanos and the Marvel Celestial God Group approached Earth almost at the same time.

Countless starship warships stopped above the city that never sleeps, and a figure appeared under the magical beam.

Thanos, who was set with six infinity stones, appeared not far from Su Daoming with members of the Celestial God Group.

"Extraterrestrial creatures, you forcibly intruded into my cosmic plane and slaughtered the creatures of my cosmic plane!"

"You are guilty!!"

The judge of the Heavenly God Group pointed to Su Daoming, and asked directly about the crime with an arrogant opening.



The strength on Su Daoming's body was elevated layer after layer, and before he deliberately suppressed his breath in order to prevent these gods of the Marvel Universe from being too scared to appear.

Now feeling that Marvel's creation universe god OAA breath, Su Daoming no longer hides his strength.

"Even you trash, dare to convict me?"

"It should be you who are guilty, as the Celestial God Group that maintains the balance of this universe, you connived at Dormammu to perform cosmic plane jumps and injure my sister!"

"Who are you qualified to judge me, and today I have come in anger to destroy your entire universe!"

As he spoke, a turbulent black qi overflowed from Su Daoming's body!

His eyes were even more bloody, and the endless universe rolled in his pupils.

The white clothes rolled up and down with the flames.

Seeing this scene, the members of the entire Celestial God group, including Thanos.

Everyone involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


It's just too strong!

Everything I saw from the live video before was completely incomparable to Su Daoming now!

Thanos even had a feeling that with just one look from Su Daoming, the entire world and the entire universe would be completely annihilated!

And they simply cannot make the slightest resistance.

Thanos always thought that with six Infinity Stones and wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, he would definitely be able to survive in Su Daoming's hands for a while.

Now it seems that he was wrong!

It's so outrageously wrong!

With Su Daoming's true strength standing in front of him, even if he wore the Infinity Gauntlet that collected six Infinity Stones.

Thanos felt that he was still not enough to survive a breath in front of Su Daoming.

What a sad, but helpless reality?

Just as Thanos was thinking about it, Su Daoming's bloody eyes looked towards the position where he was standing.

"Thanos, are you going to be my enemy too?"

In a simple single sentence, accompanied by the explosion of heaven and earth wind and thunder, there was endless spiritual coercion surging towards Thanos' spiritual realm.

Even with the power of the Infinity Stones, Thanos was still only able to block the coercion from Su Daoming.

"Extinguish... Thanos... Can't...... One...... Lord One!!"

Cold sweat flowed from Thanos' forehead and body.

At this moment, Thanos finally realized how powerful Su Daoming in the Ten Thousand Realms chat group was!

"Since you don't dare, then let me get out of the way!

"I don't want my hands to be stained with the blood of the members of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group!"

There was a phantom in Su Daoming's blood eyes, as long as Thanos had the slightest change.

He doesn't mind directly killing Thanos backhanded!

Anyone who dares to stand in his way, there is no amnesty for killing!

"Lord One, Little Willow's injury was caused by Dormammu and the Planet Devourer, and now the two have fallen into trouble..."

Thanos still wants to fight for the last glimmer of life for this universe.

"In this case, you should ask Xiao Liu'er, if Xiao Liu'er asks me not to kill, I will not kill!"

"But if Xiao Liu'er can't wake up before I leave this universe!" Speaking of this, Su Daoming's eyes became more and more gloomy.

"I don't mind, raise my hand and destroy the entire Marvel Universe!"

Between speaking, Su Daoming's momentum rose a little more.

He raised his hand and pointed into the void, and the nine dragon corpses opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The dragon groan that tore through the entire universe echoed on the earth, and the huge bronze coffin was pulled up by nine dragon corpses.

No one expected that the nine dragon corpses that pulled the third bronze coffin.

Actually "lived"!


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