After Deadpool was directly banned by the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group, the chat group revived its cheerful atmosphere.

Xiao Xun'er, who was in the Douqi Continent, seemed to have thought of something, and after she edited the information, she directly posted it in the Ten Thousand Realms chat group.

The cutest Xiao Xuner: @美到爆的神奇女侠, sister, sister! What about Batman and Superman in the D universe?

Xiao Xun'er's unintentional question immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group.

Maybe everyone is together, and there are a lot of groups, so relying on the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group, the relationship between everyone is getting closer little by little.

I haven't seen the two bigwigs of the D universe come out of the water group for so long, and everyone always feels that something seems to have happened.

Otherwise, how could they not have appeared for so long?

You know, since these guys joined the chat group, they have been addicted.

Crazy pouring water and chatting in chat groups has become a daily task that must be carried out every day.

If you don't go to the water group that day, the feeling is simply uncomfortable.

They all feel this way, and presumably Superman Clark and Batman Bruce Wayne are no exception.

So what is the reason that makes these two guys in the DC universe seem to disappear?

Everyone is eager to get some news and information from the mouth of Wonder Woman Diana.

After all, Wonder Woman Diana also came out of the DC universe.

I think she will also have some knowledge about the whereabouts of Batman, Bruce Wayne, and Superman Clark.

And they even suspect that Wonder Woman Diana is Batman Bruce Wayne, or Superman Clark directly pulled in.

You must know that the Wanjie chat group is not such a good place to enter, if no one introduces it.

Maybe just get into this chat group at all.

Arrogant Lucifer: Yes, Diana, Bruce Wayne and Clark's recent state seems to be a little weird!

Thanos with five diamonds: two people, cough... Two people...

One Piece's Man: Lying groove, Brother Ba!

Poseidon Poseidon: It simply polluted my eyes, purple potatoes are a demon, look at me with a fork, oh!

This is not the line that you Western gods should have, you make it so easy for me to feel the urge to press you to the ground and rub it!


Looking at the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group, this group of monsters who are constantly in the water group, Diana, the wonder woman in the plane of the DC universe, also couldn't help but shake her head.

These are the individuals that Bruce Wayne asked her to find in a critical moment?

How does it look more unreliable than the other?

Diana calmed her emotions for a while, and then edited the good news and sent it to the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group.

Wonder Woman: Well, I was introduced by Bruce Wayne! He said that the DC Universe may face the worst crisis ever. He said that someone in this chat group might be able to save the crisis in the DC Universe, so I joined this chat group.

Thanos with five diamonds: Groove, DC Universe! Facing a serious crisis? I heard that the supreme combat power of the DC Universe is the legendary God, and there are also perverted characters like Dr. Manhattan. The strength of your universe is comparable to that before the Marvel Universe. In thousands of worlds, your strength is also extremely strong, and you will face a serious crisis?

Lao Tzu, Hades: Purple potato essence, for the first time I agree with what you said, as a large universe in countless universes, and even a universe with unknown number of parallel worlds, your universe is now facing a serious crisis?

Odin, One Eye: @托尼不是首富, Tony, you usually have a good relationship with Bruce Wayne, what did he perceive from his previous behavior?

Tony is not the richest man: if anything, can make that guy with a perverted IQ run to the Ten Thousand Realms chat group to ask for help. That's supposed to be the only thing!

Jade Emperor: @托尼是首富, are you talking about the invasion of ten thousand worlds by black blood?

The most beautiful goddess Athena: @美到爆的神奇女侠, is the black blood really eyeing the cosmic plane you are in?

The most beautiful Virgin of Yaochi: I think this is the only reason that Bruce Wayne takes so seriously, otherwise he would not have let Diana join the chat group.

My third eye, Annihilation: The Queen Mother is right, I think Diana may be Bruce Wayne's backhand, otherwise I can't explain what happened.

Lao Tzu, Hades: In this way, only one person can solve this problem and solve this problem!

Ares: Diana, are you trying to say what we speculated?

Hearing the analysis of everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group, Wonder Woman Diana knew that in the entire chat group, these people knew about the so-called black blood.

Wonder Woman: The situation is not much different from what you guessed. Before Bruce Wayne disappeared, he sent me a top-secret document, which I never looked at since the document could only be opened when uploaded to the chat group!

While speaking, Wonder Woman Diana directly recorded the video file that Bruce Wayne sent her to the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group.

The gods have downloaded this video file and opened it!

After seeing the full version of the video file, the gods in the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group.

Only then can I know what terrible things happened in the DC universe.


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