Two days later, at the Imperial Ghost Army headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel Honglian's office

""Knock, knock, knock~"

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!"Honglian's voice came from the room.

The door was pushed open, and Huayi Xiaobaihe walked in quickly and handed a note to Honglian.

"Master Honglian, a hundred miles from Shibuya, a large number of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are wreaking havoc. It is said that they have destroyed several small human settlements."

"There are soldiers from the Imperial Ghost Army asking for help from us."

Honglian unfolded the note and read it for a few seconds, then fell into deep thought.

"The Minghai team is currently on an idle mission, should we send them over to clean out the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse there?"

Huayi Sayuri suggested.

"Team Narumi?"

"I have other tasks for them to complete." Honglian said calmly.

Suddenly, a figure flashed through his mind:"How about letting him complete this task?"

"He? Master Honglian, are you referring to? Sayuri was a little confused.

"Bai Yi!"

"He has the terrifying strength to easily defeat Ming Hai. If he bursts out with all his strength, his fighting power should be comparable to the entire Ming Hai team."

Hanayori Sayuri looked at Hong Lian in surprise. She didn't expect that the always proud Hong Lian would be so optimistic about the freshman who had only been enrolled for half a year.

"He has never had experience in completing a mission alone. Wouldn't it be risky to send him?"

"Moreover, more than a hundred miles away from Shibuya, the barrier's suppression of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse has weakened a lot, and they can almost maintain their peak combat power."

"If Bai Yi were alone, what would happen?....."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Honglian waving her hand.

"Let Xiaoya go with him. This is not her first time to participate in such a mission. She has enough experience to handle this mission."

"Moreover, the boy has a rather cold personality, has many secrets, and doesn't seem to like cooperating with others in battle."

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Honglian!"......

"To get ghost hunting points, you have to kill vampires or ghosts. I wonder if you can get ghost hunting points by killing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?"

On campus, Bai Yi was lying on a lawn, holding a piece of straw in his mouth, looking at the blue sky.

"Shinoa should know a lot about these monsters. After all, she is from the Hiiragi family and must know more."

"However, according to the previous practice of the Imperial Ghost Army, only those who joined the Moon Ghost Group and formed a team of five were qualified to go out and hunt these monsters."

"Hi, what a headache, those guys are too weak, it is really a painful thing to team up with them."

Bai Yi rubbed his face, extremely speechless:"Forget it, there is really no other way, just find a chance to get some information about these monsters, and sneak out by myself."

Just when he was thinking about this, the sweet voice of Hiiragi Shinoya came from not far away:"Bai Yi, you are quite leisurely today. You didn't even go to the training ground to practice swordsmanship."

Since crossing over, Bai Yi has spent most of his time in the library and training ground in order to become stronger as soon as possible. This is the first time he has been lying on the lawn leisurely like today.

"Only by fighting can you become stronger!"

"I don't want to be idle like this, how about you find me some vampires to kill?"

Bai Yi curled his lips and said helplessly

"Hehe, there are no vampires, are you interested in hunting the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?"

Hiragi Shinoya bent down and put her face in front of Bai Yi, her big eyes narrowed into crescents, looking extremely cute.


Upon hearing this news, Bai Yi suddenly sat up straight


"How many are there?" Bai Yi said anxiously.

Hiiragi Xiaoya was stunned:"This guy, when others heard that they were going to hunt down the Four Weather Horsemen, they were all very scared, but Bai Yi was actually eager to try."

"More than a hundred miles away from Shibuya, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse wreaked havoc and destroyed many human settlements."

"Lieutenant Colonel Honglian asked us to set out as soon as possible to clean them all up."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yi's eyes lit up:"When do we set out?"

"Anytime!" Hiiragi Shinoa replied

"Then let's go!"

After saying this, Bai Yi walked out of the school neatly.

"Hey, don't you need to get ready?" asked Shinoa Hiiragi

"No need, I have the knife!" Bai Yi pointed to the long knife hanging on his waist......

Two hours later, the two appeared in a ruined town.

It was obvious that a battle had taken place here, and there were several pools of blood on the ground.

At this moment, a faint voice came from behind a huge rock.

"Is there anyone here?"

Bai Yi moved and appeared behind the boulder, only to see a human covered in blood leaning weakly against the boulder.

Judging from his clothes, this man was obviously a soldier of the Imperial Ghost Army.

Seeing someone coming, the soldier opened his eyes with difficulty, then pointed in a direction and said in a hoarse voice:"Go quickly, our companions are covering the evacuation of the humans in the stronghold, and they are being hunted by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

"If you go late.....them......They will all die....."

Before he could finish his words, the soldier's arms fell down weakly.

"He is dead!"

"Let's go help others first." Hiiragi Shinoya's voice sounded behind Bai Yi.


Bai Yi nodded, and the two of them quickly disappeared from here......

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