Bai Yi turned his head and saw a man wearing a top hat and a pair of hook-shaped weapons on his arms walking towards him.

"This guy looks the same as in the intelligence, he should be the 19th ancestor Meru Stefano!" Bai Yi thought.

He slowly turned around and faced Meru Stefano, ready for battle.

After all, it was the first time to fight against an ancestor-level vampire, and Bai Yi was a little unsure about how strong the opponent was.

"Human, say your name!"

"This ancestor does not kill nameless people."Meru Stefano looked at Bai Yi with a cold look.

"Do all vampires talk so much nonsense?"

"It's really annoying!"

Bai Yi shrugged helplessly.

Then the ground cracked, and his figure suddenly shot out, slashing at Meru Stefano in mid-air:

""Breath of the Sun. Dragon Hammer Flash~"

Bai Yi did not hold back at all. The long sword wrapped in flames tore through the space, emitting a soul-stirring scream as it chopped towards Meru Stefano's head.

Facing Bai Yi's shocking blow, Meru Stefano did not flinch.

The two hook-shaped weapons crossed and swung out with all their might.

"With a clang, metal and iron collided.

""Crack, crack~"

The ground beneath Meru Stefano's feet collapsed instantly, and cracks spread rapidly into the distance.

The two bodies froze for a moment, and then Meru Stefano suddenly threw his arms, and Bai Yi took advantage of the momentum to jump back, landing lightly on the ground more than ten meters away.

At this moment, Meru Stefano's eyes became more serious. Through the brief fight just now, he was shocked to find that the human opposite was not inferior to him in terms of strength.

"How can it be?"

"How can a human possess the power comparable to that of the original vampire? What's wrong with this guy?"

Meru Stefano said to himself.

"What? Are you scared? Respected Ancestor!"

On the other side, Bai Yi grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"Since you won't make a move, I won't be polite!"

After saying that, Bai Yi's body turned into a series of afterimages, quickly approaching Meru Stefano.

Seeing the distance between the two getting closer and closer:

""Breath of the Sun - Type 3: Fiery Sun Red Mirror~"

Bai Yi slashed with his sword, and a crimson arc slashed towards Meru Stefano.

Facing Bai Yi's fierce attack, Meru Stefano just snorted coldly and swung his right claw fiercely.

The three claws tore through everything and collided with Bai Yi's attack in an instant.

""Bang", the knife light and claw light collided, making a dull sound, and then a shock wave spread out, pushing the two people back repeatedly.

"Humph, I don't believe you can block much!"

Just as he stood firm, Bai Yi flew forward again and appeared in front of Meru Stefano in the blink of an eye.

""Breathing of the Sun. Flying Dragon Flash~"

With a powerful sword-drawing technique, he fiercely slashed at Meru Stefano.

Meru Stefano did not dare to be careless and quickly waved his weapon to block.


A huge force came and his body flew backwards.

"With a loud bang, it hit a wall pillar.

""Crack, crack", cracks spread on the pillar, and then with a"boom", the pillar suddenly exploded.

The rubble mixed with concrete completely buried Meru Stefano.

"Humph, so what if you are the ancestor? I will still chop you away!"

Bai Yi muttered to himself.

At this moment, there were still many vampires watching the battle. Seeing this scene, their faces were extremely ugly:

"Damn it, the ancestor was actually struck and flew away? What a shame!"

"This human's strength is so terrifying, far beyond the ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Ghost Army"

"The First Ancestor won't lose, right?"

"How is it possible? The first-level weapon of the ancestor has not been awakened yet. Just watch, this human will die an ugly death next."

At this moment,"Roar~" an extremely angry roar came from under the rubble.

Then six cross claws flashed, and with a"bang", a large amount of rubble was blown away.

A demon-like figure shot out from under the rubble. It was Meru Stefano.

He stared at Bai Yi with a pair of blood-red eyes, and his eyes were filled with tyrannical murderous intent:

"Damn you despicable beast, how dare you disobey me again and again?"

"Wouldn't it be better to die peacefully?"

""Sword! Suck my blood and fight for me!" (Let's just think of this as a blood sacrifice spell!) As soon as the words fell, the double hooks on Meru Stefano's arms grew thorns, which pierced his arms in the blink of an eye.

The bright red blood just flowed out and was absorbed by the double hooks.

After absorbing the blood, the double hooks seemed to be given life.

A breath like a prehistoric beast emanated from the hooks.

"Hmm? This is the first-level weapon of a vampire?"

"Looking at this power, it is not inferior to the black ghost-level ghost curse weapons developed by humans."

Bai Yi's eyes condensed and he said to himself.

After awakening the double hooks, Meru Stefano seemed to have changed into a different person, with a much stronger momentum.

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