In the underground world of Shibuya High School, at the Imperial Demon Army's special training ground, two figures are fighting quickly. They are Yuichiro Hyakuya and Shikata Kimizuki.

"Stupid Yu, is this the limit of your strength?"

"If that's all, then you're going to lose!"

Jun Yue Shifang chuckled and challenged Bai Ye Yuichiro.

Then he waved the long sword in his hand:"Give me strength, Ghost Box King."

As the voice fell, a thick black gas condensed above Jun Yue's head, and in the blink of an eye, a black box was formed.

At the same time, a cold and mechanical voice came from the box:"1...2....3...."

Seeing this scene, Hyakuya Yuichiro's face changed.

Recently, the two have often fought each other, so they are very familiar with each other's attacking moves.

Seeing Jun Yue materialize the black box and start counting, Hyakuya Yuichiro's face changed:"I must interrupt his moves and stop the Ghost Box King from opening the box, otherwise I will lose." The

Ghost Box King's move to open the box involves the power of rules. Once he counts to nine, the box will open, and the people who hear the count will be instantly sucked into the box by a force.

This attack move is very difficult to deal with. There is only one way to crack it, and that is to break up the box before the Ghost Box King opens the box.

Hyakuya Yuichiro naturally knew the way to crack it, and he shouted:"Ajura Guanyin!"

I saw several long swords quickly materialized in front of him and floated in the air, and the long swords were wrapped with rich ghost power.


He waved his hand, and the long swords suddenly attacked the black box in the air."Bang, bang, bang" a series of violent collisions sounded.

The black box was finally broken apart, and the long swords were also consumed in the collision.


Hyakuya Yuichiro and Kimizuki took a few steps back at the same time, with a hint of unwillingness on their faces:"Damn, I didn't win again!"

Obviously, this was not the first time the two had fought.

Hyakuya Yuichiro glanced at Kimizuki Shikata and walked towards Hiiragi Shinoa who was sitting on the steps not far away in a daze:

"Hi, Xiaoya, what do you think of my current strength? Am I a match for that guy Bai Yi?"

Recently, he has been training hard and his strength has increased rapidly. He believes that he is not weaker than Bai Yi.

Hiiragi Xiaoya raised her head, looked at him expressionlessly, and then stretched out a white finger.


"What do you mean?" Hyakuya Yuichiro was a little confused.

"One move! What I mean is that you can only take one move from Bai Yi, and you will either die or be disabled."

There was a strong sense of sarcasm in Hiiragi Shinoya's words.

"Who are you looking down on? How could I be so weak?"Yamoya Yuichiro was a little indignant.

"Believe it or not!"

After leaving these words lightly, Hiiragi Shinoa walked out of the training ground.

While walking, she muttered to herself:"I wonder how that guy is doing now?"

"Fighting with the ancestor is extremely dangerous, and I don't know if he can escape unscathed."

A trace of worry flashed across her fair face.

At the same time, Bai Yi had sneaked into the territory ruled by the fifteen ancestors of Nagoya.

At this moment, he hid behind a huge tree trunk and looked at the castle dozens of meters away.

The gate of the castle was open, and two armed vampires were standing guard at the door.

Looking through the door, you can see many figures walking in the castle.

"What to do? Sneak in like before?"

Just when he thought of this, Bai Yi chuckled and shook his head to abandon the idea. He sneaked in secretly because he was not confident in his own strength before. Now that his spiritual power has increased greatly and he has obtained the Zanpakutō Senbonzakura, his strength can be said to have changed dramatically, so naturally he doesn't need to be so cautious.

"Let's charge in head-on!"

With this thought in mind, Bai Yi flashed out from behind the big tree and walked straight to the gate of the castle.

His swaggering appearance naturally attracted the attention of the vampires on guard.

Two cold eyes were cast at him:"You bold beast, how dare you wander around the gate of the ancestor's mansion, are you looking for death?"


Hearing these two words again, Bai Yi's face twitched.

"Damn, these bastards are so foul-mouthed, so high and mighty, they really don't treat humans as human beings"

"Wait till I kill you, and see if you dare to be so arrogant again."

He cursed in his heart, and stretched out his right hand, and a thousand cherry blossoms appeared in his palm out of thin air.

""Swish", the sharp blade was instantly unsheathed......

At this moment, on a bench under a big tree in the castle, the fifteenth ancestor of vampires, Lucole Whiska, leaned on it. In his hand, he held a goblet filled with bright red liquid, which he kept shaking.

Not far from him, stood an old man with gray hair and sunglasses.

"The wind in this season is really comfortable! Don’t you think so? Esta?"

The fifteenth ancestor glanced at the old man beside him and chuckled.

"Yes, Lord Lukaule!"

The old man named Esta responded respectfully.

"How about you come and enjoy this pleasant weather?"

The Fifteenth Ancestor raised his red wine glass to Esta.

"No, thanks to Lord Lukaule, I have already drunk enough."

"Really? But this is the blood of a four-year-old girl, it is extremely sweet, are you sure you don't want to try it again?"

Lu Kaole took a sip of the red liquid, with an extremely intoxicated look on his face.

"Then, please allow me to accept a little later." Esta said respectfully.

Suddenly, Lukol's face turned cold:"Krulu wrote to us and asked us to actively cooperate when we launch a war against the human organization called the Imperial Ghost Army in the future. This is really unreasonable."

"Humph, I am from the same family as Lord Restka, and I have nothing to do with her."

"My Lord, Krulu is the supreme ruler of the vampire tribe in this country, and sometimes we have to obey her orders."

Esta said carefully

"Moreover, she is not asking us to do it for free. It is said that she has promised to give all the humans in Kansai to the Nagoya nobles including us in the future."

Hearing this, Lukaule's expression eased a little:"In that case, her request is not unacceptable!"

While the two were talking, accompanied by two screams, a loud"boom" sounded, and the gate of the manor exploded instantly.

This huge movement naturally attracted the attention of all the vampires in the manor.

Figures quickly gathered at the gate of the manor.

"What's going on? Is it the human army that's coming?"

Lukaule was surprised.

He would never have thought that only one human would break into the castle gate.

"Lord Lukaole, you'd better be careful. I heard that the strength of humans is growing very fast. You must not be careless."

Lukaole waved his hand impatiently:"They are just weak animals. Don't take them to heart."

"I might as well go over and see who is so bold as to set his sights on me."

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