Under the blue sky and white sun, the entire battlefield was filled with undead souls. The souls of the dead Titans were all forcibly summoned by Thanos using the 'soul gems'.

These dead souls have illusory figures, pale faces, rotten bodies, visible bones, and pale flames floating in their eyes.

If it appeared at night, it would scare the faint of heart to death.

Even in the daytime, when they suddenly saw so many undead, the expressions on the faces of Doctor Strange and others were too natural.

At this time, Spider-Man, Star-Lord and other people who had been knocked unconscious were waking up one after another.

When Spider-Man opened his eyes, he saw undead Titans all around him. He screamed and jumped up in fright.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Please, don't possess me."

"God, please save me."

Spider-Man crossed himself desperately.

"what the hell?"

Star-Lord covered his head and looked at the countless dead souls around him: "Where is Thanos?"

"Where is Thanos?"

"What's going on with these undead?"

Drax, who had red lines all over his body, shouted and rushed towards one of the undead. He swung his two daggers, but they only hit the air and nothing changed.


Mantis put her hand on Drax's head, her two tentacles glowing: "They are not Thanos, they are just the souls of the Titans."

Drax was attacking a Titan who looked very similar to Thanos. Of course, this undead with pale flames in his eyes was not interested in Drax.

Everyone who woke up gathered around the Sorcerer Supreme, and Doctor Strange opened a barrier to prevent the surrounding undead from entering.

Spider-Man came to Doctor Strange, opened his helmet, and looked around: "Where is Mr. Stark?"

Doctor Strange looked solemn: "He has left us."

"Impossible." Little Spider's eyes widened, "There's no way Mr. Stark can just leave like this, he won't leave us behind."

Doctor Strange did not respond. He looked solemnly into the distance, looking at the Conqueror and Thanos surrounded by the undead.

At this time, Star-Lord and others noticed Azu.

But the Guardians of the Galaxy have never dealt with Azu, so they don’t know him.

Star-Lord said: "Who is that man?"


Doctor Strange said: "It's the man I mentioned before who may come from other universes."

"That's him?" Drax shook his head, "He doesn't look very strong."

Doctor Strange glanced at the man who was determined to avenge his wife and daughter: "Some people cannot judge their strength by their appearance."

"Just like the 'Conqueror', I guess Thanos may not be his opponent."

Star-Lord looked at Doctor Strange in disbelief: "You're mistaken, man."

"That's Thanos."

"That damn bastard sacrificed Gamora and got the 'Soul Stone'."

"Have you experienced how powerful he is just now?"

Doctor Strange whispered: "Six years ago, on the day New York was invaded, the Conqueror appeared."

"He wants to take away two cosmic stones. He is my mentor, the supreme mage of the previous generation."

"It was Master Gu Yi who kept one of them."

"Please note that my mentor can only keep one, and that was six years ago."

"Now, six years later, my mentor has passed away, but he is still alive."

"He's only going to be stronger than he was six years ago."

Star-Lord and others couldn't help but look at Azu.

Of course Azu felt their gaze, but paid it no mind, now he only cared about Thanos.

"You actually want to play magic with me?"

"Okay, then I'll play with you for a while."

He raised his hand, opened the inventory in the retina, and took out the [Dark God Book].

A dark aura appeared in Azu's hand, and in that aura full of filth, darkness, and evil, the artifact [Dark Divine Book] slowly rose.

When Doctor Strange saw the book wrapped in a dark aura with countless sparks floating around.

He was startled.


"How come he has the 'Book of Darkness' in his hand!"

Doctor Strange has seen the record of the "Book of Darkness" in an ancient book and knows what kind of thing it is.

Star-Lord and others all looked at him.

Doctor Strange simply explained: "[The Dark Book] is the most terrifying and evil magic book in the universe."

"It was written by an ancient god who had fallen into a demon, and it contained all of his magic, evil magic."

"It is the opposite of the "Book of Weishan Emperor" we have. It is a magic book that should not be used!"

Little Spider looked nervous: "How could such a dangerous thing be in his hands?"

"I wish I knew."

Doctor Strange smiled bitterly: "Having mastered several rough stones and the [Dark Book of Darkness], I can't imagine how Thanos will deal with him."

Drax yelled, "Isn't that bad?"

"If he kills Thanos, the universe will be saved."

Star-Lord glanced at him: "Didn't you listen to what the Master said just now?"

"That's an evil magic book. If you master such a magic book, you wouldn't be so naive as to think that the guy named 'The Conqueror' is a good person, right?"

Drax lifted his pants: "When I first met you, I didn't think you were a good person either."

"So, who knows about people."

"Maybe if you give him a dance, maybe he'll join us."

Star-Lord spread his hands speechlessly.

At this time, Azu opened the [Dark God Book] and turned to a page.

Opposite him, Thanos was already pointing his finger.

"kill him!"

The overlord of the galaxy issued attack instructions to countless undead.

The undead looked towards Thanos, and the gray flames shot out resentful light. It was obvious that they were awakened from their long sleep and were controlled, which was not a pleasant thing.

If they could, they might want to strangle Thanos first.

But there is no way, the 'soul stone' has supreme control over them.

So these undead souls could only roar hollowly at Azu, venting their full resentment on Azu. They flashed with green light, whistling, flying, and circling around Azu.

That scene was unforgettable for all who saw it.

Countless undead spirits were flying around Azu, and their densely packed figures formed a storm.

Undead storm!

Azu was at the center of the storm. He pressed his hand calmly, causing every line, pattern, and symbol on the page to light up in turn.

Necromantic magic, drive away the undead!

This necromancy magic can awaken the dead and drive them. Now that the undead have been awakened, Azu can skip the first step and enter the driving stage.

Under his feet, a large black aura spread out, flowing quickly, depicting a dark skull pattern on the ground.

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