I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 434 I am the guarantee

Hearing this voice, Victoria Newman raised her head first and saw a red cloak fluttering under the moonlight.

Then a figure fell from the sky.

There were bursts of exclamations on the yacht.

"People of the motherland, people of the motherland are here!"

"He is so handsome. I want him to sign it for me and put it on my chest!"

"The arrival of the motherland at this time means that, as rumored, he is supporting Victoria Newman behind his back?"

"Kate Zane is dead, and the people of the motherland support Congressman Newman. I don't need to say who the next president will be."

There was a lot of chatter on the ship, and these voices got into Maud. Kelly's headphones.

The young man's face was gloomy, and the hand holding the goblet unconsciously tightened its muscles, exposing the whitened knuckles.

Azu's words, 'Are you still a child?' hurt him deeply.

Of course he is no longer a child.

At the age of fourteen, he tasted the forbidden fruit in the family maid.

He entered the family business at the age of twenty-two and presided over several important projects and achieved success.

At the age of twenty-eight, he began to enter the federal political system and gradually reached the position of parliamentarian.

He is still young, but he has already achieved so many achievements that ordinary people cannot achieve in their lifetime.

How could he still be a child?

But Azu's words made him lose face in front of a group of party bosses.

This is something that is unbearable for a young man who is young, energetic and capable.

So after Azu landed on the yacht, instead of retreating, the young man stepped forward like a fighter.

"Sir, there is indeed no absolute fairness in this world, but shouldn't a civilized society strive for fairness?"

"Even if we cannot achieve absolute fairness, we should build a relatively fair mechanism, what do you think?"

Azu spread his hands: "Are you planning to discuss this philosophical issue with me here?"

Maud pressed forward step by step: "I just feel that we cannot eliminate all injustices, but at least we must reduce them."

“Joseph Stiglitz once said that fairness is the cornerstone of social justice.”

"As a representative of justice, shouldn't you support fairness and justice?"

James Byrard frowned, stopped Maud and said, "That's enough."

"You have lost your composure, go and take a rest."

Azu didn't want to get entangled with a buzzing fly. He just happened to hear what Maud said, so he said it casually.

But he didn't expect that Maud would bite him and even want to discuss fairness and justice with him.

How can there be absolute fairness in this world?

Take Maud, for example. He feels that his support for Victoria Newman is an injustice to other candidates.

But has he ever been fair?

He has the support of his family and has superior resources since he was born, so he was able to stand on this yacht at the age of about thirty years old.

And most ordinary people work hard all their lives, let alone standing on this yacht, it is difficult to reach their starting point.

Is he fair?

Azu finds it ridiculous that once a person feels that others have greater power than himself, he will complain about injustice, without ever thinking that he himself is also an 'injustice' in the eyes of others.

How can such a person be qualified to discuss fairness and justice?

Azu didn't want to answer, but Maude refused. I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol or the rebellion of young people.

The more James Byrard blocked him, the more excited he became and even shouted.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"St. Augustine once said that only under fairness can human virtue shine."

"People of the motherland, you are the savior, and your virtue should be impeccable."

"You are the one who should uphold fairness and justice, not the destroyer."

"Have you not seen that there are many unfair phenomena in the current society?"

"Problems such as unfair income distribution and uneven distribution of educational resources are widespread in society."

"Isn't there any fairness in the presidential election now?"

"In that case, what future does the Federation have?"

James Byrard's face became extremely gloomy, and now he began to regret why he invited this idiot on board.

"Mr. Maude, you are drunk."

"Security, please ask Mr. Maude to rest in the lounge."

Seeing the security guard on the ship walking towards her, Maud became even more excited: "I'm not drunk."

"I just want to hear what the people of my motherland have to say!"

At this time, the security guard had already grabbed Maude and was about to force him away.

He suddenly pushed away the security guard, rushed forward, and grabbed Azu's cloak.

The smile on Azu's face was still there. He turned around and said with a smile: "Mr. Maude, do you really want to hear my answer?"

Maud nodded: "That's right."

"Okay, then I'll tell you"

Azu stretched out his hand to straighten Maude's clothes that were wrinkled by the security guard. Then with a wave of his hand, Maude disappeared on the yacht.


The yacht fell silent.

People couldn't react for a while.

They never thought that Azu would throw Maud out of the yacht.

The young man disappeared from the yacht before he even had time to scream. At such a speed, he might have died the moment he was thrown out by the people of his motherland.

There was deathly silence on the ship, except for the sound of fireworks.

"That's my answer."

"hope you will like it."

Azu smiled slightly, then looked up at the fireworks blooming in the night sky, feeling wonderful.

In the hotel.

Just after a battle, Victoria Newman lay on Azu's chest.

"The final speech is tomorrow, are you nervous?"

Azu sat up, picked up the red wine on the bedside table, and took a sip to quench his thirst.

Newman turned over on the bed and lay down on the bed: "I'm not nervous at all. I'm just worried about another thing."

"You mean Kate Zane's assassination?"

Azu gently shook the liquid in Jiu's arms: "Then you can rest assured, I'm here just for this matter."

"You are the one I chose, and I won't let you die for no reason."

Newman raised his head: "With your words, I feel relieved."

Then she huddled under the sheets.

Azu took a sip of red wine, then closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of the future female president.

the next day.

The city of Washington is buzzing with activity.

Citizens of the Federation are extremely interested in the presidential election. They spontaneously left their homes early and took to the streets.

Put up various promotional slogans for the candidates you support, and go to the designated speech venue to support the candidates' speeches.

Victoria Newman's 'stage' today is located on the National Mall, which consists of several green spaces extending from the Memorial Hall to the Capitol.

When the federation holds large-scale celebrations or certain ceremonies, it is usually held here.

Victoria was able to give a speech here, which shows that the Congress attaches great importance to her, or in other words, to Azu.

Before the speech even started, tens of thousands of people poured in like a tide.

They gathered here from all corners of the city with anticipation, excitement and nervousness.

The podium is located in the center of the square, in a wide open space.

The background board on the stage shimmered in the sun, with the names and campaign slogans of the presidential candidates printed on it.

Below the candidates' names, rows of colorful ribbons swayed gently in the breeze, adding a lively atmosphere to this serious campaign.

As time went on, the atmosphere in the crowd became more and more heated.

People held slogans and waved national flags, and whistles, cheers and applause intertwined to form a sea of ​​excitement.

And all this reached its climax when Victoria Newman appeared at the venue.

Today, Newman is wearing a well-tailored dress and her hair is carefully styled. At this moment, her image gives off a sophisticated look.

She walked onto the podium amidst cheers. Looking at the dense crowd below, Newman's heart surged.

She recalled the past. Before that, she was just a weapon of Vought Company.

No matter how much Edgar valued her, it would not change this fact.

Although she secretly left Watt Company and became a member of parliament, she still couldn't do this without Edgar's support.

Her becoming a congressman was also arranged by the black president. Newman knew very well that he was still serving Vought Company, but was just transferred from one position to another.

Even so, she remains ambitious.

She was not willing to just be a congressman, she yearned for a higher position, and the scene in front of her had appeared in her dream.

But today, the dream became a reality.

She is one step away from being president.

At this time, the venue became quiet.

Victoria Newman took a deep breath, then showed an friendly smile and began her speech.

"Dear compatriots, distinguished guests, hello everyone!"

"I am an ordinary federal citizen, my name is Victoria Newman."

"Today, I stand here with one goal, a goal that we all share - to work together for our country and our future."

She paused briefly, and the venue immediately burst into thunderous applause.

"I'm a mother, a wife, a neighbor, a friend."

“I was an ordinary citizen until I realized that every citizen has the ability and responsibility to participate in shaping the world we live in.”

“I stand here today because I deeply believe that together we can create a fairer, more prosperous, and more sustainable future.”

"And this is not only a promise made by me, but also by him, the patron saint of our federation, the great defender, and the savior of the earth."

"The promise of the motherland!"

As soon as Newman finished speaking, there was a roar in the sky.

People raised their heads one after another and saw a figure appearing under the sun, so everyone screamed and cheered.

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!"

Azu slowly lowered his figure amidst the cheers and looked around the square with a smile. His close-ups immediately appeared on the large screens in the square.

Let every federal citizen in the square see it clearly.

After landing on the podium and standing next to Victoria Newman, Azu took the microphone sent by the staff and smiled.

"Good morning, gentlemen and ladies."

"Oh, and you little naughties."

He pointed at a little boy under the stage who was held high above his head by his father.

A burst of good-natured laughter immediately erupted in the square.

Azu smiled and said, "I'm glad to meet you all here. When Ms. Victoria originally invited me to attend, I refused."

"After all, I am not a presidential candidate. I have no reason and no qualification to stand here."

"But Ms. Newman moved me."

"She hopes that my appearance can give our country and everyone the courage to live and the courage to face difficulties."

"Yeah, we've endured a lot in the past few months."

"The arrival of super meteorites has torn many of our families apart, and many cities have even become ruins."

"To this day, the screams of the dead still linger in the sky over Chicago."

"I know that many people have lost hope in life and even feel despair."

"And Ms. Newman decided to change that, and she came up with a lot of really good suggestions and ideas."

"She hopes that after becoming president, she can bring you and me a better life and a safer environment."

“I was struck by her passion and determination.”

"So I stand here today with a commitment to you."

"This country, under Ms. Newman's leadership, will be safe from another disaster."

"She will work hard for it, and I will be the guarantee to put it into practice!"

The square was quiet for a moment, and then cheers broke out.

"Long live the motherland!"

"Long live Ms. Newman!"

Azu turned his head, winked at Newman without leaving any trace, then stretched out his hand and shook the woman in front of him tightly.

At this moment, the flash lights at the scene flashed non-stop, and reporters from various media frantically took photos to record this historic moment.

But at this moment, a black ball of light suddenly appeared above the National Mall.

No one noticed at first.

It wasn't until the balloon in a child's hand floated into the air and toward the black ball of light that anyone discovered its existence.

"what is that?"

"The balloon floated in."

"Wait, something's coming out."

In the black ball of light, a crocodile leather shoe inlaid with gold flakes poked out, stepped on all sides, and then shrank in again.

The next second, a man with a black mask on his face and a smart suit came out holding the balloon that had just floated into the black ball of light.

The people below quickly dispersed around, revealing an open space.

The man just landed on the open ground, and then like an actor performing on stage, he bowed to the crowd around him.

"Whose balloon is this?" he asked.

A little boy raised his hand: "Mine."

The masked man walked over and returned the balloon to him: "Keep it tight next time, kid."

Then he looked towards the podium, looked at Azu and Newman, and burst into laughter from under the mask.

"Sorry to interrupt your speech."

"But I personally don't like your pairing."

“So I would like to invite the future Madam President to meet our dear God. I’m sure you won’t have any objections, right?” (End of Chapter)

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