Hawkeye thought that his reputation was not so kind.

After all, he was a man with sharp eyes like an eagle, a reputation that made people tremble with fear when they saw him.

You, a reporter, came up to me regardless of your own life and death, and almost put the camera in my face. What do you mean! Hawkeye suddenly felt that it was too merciful to kill a few pirates out of boredom.

So he slashed with his sword impatiently, and the huge sword energy instantly split the sea into a gap.

The waves overturned many fleeing boats, one of which was the boat where Luffy was.

""What?! Why am I here?"

The cold sea water awakened Luffy who was in the illusion,"I can't swim~! Zoro! Usopp! Uh...@#!……!"

On the Merry, Usopp suddenly looked in the direction of the sound and saw Luffy, wearing a work apron and a straw hat, splashing in the water.

"Hey! Where did the road go?……"

Usopp was about to call Zoro, but he found that he had already stepped on the wreckage of the pirate ship and ran to the vicinity of Hawkeye's boat.

Usopp's eyes bulged out immediately. It seemed that Zoro was much more worrying than Luffy who was about to drown!

Usopp hurriedly shouted to Zoro:

"Hey! Zoro, where are you going? It's too dangerous over there!"

Zoro shouted without turning his head:

"The reason I went to sea was for this man! You go save Luffy first! I want to challenge him!"


"Stop it! Didn't you see what happened to Li Luo just now?……"

The waves gradually calmed down, and Li Luo's intact figure appeared on the sea.

Hawkeye frowned and looked at Li Luo in surprise.

His observation Haki showed that this guy was not very strong, but he could survive his normal attack?

"Dear Shichibukai, I need to remind you that you are very scary. I am just a legitimate news reporter. Please don't do such a heartless thing to others."

Before he finished speaking, Hawkeye slashed at him again, this time with the Armament Haki attached.

This time Hawkeye looked at his slash carefully and found that the slash went straight through Li Luo's body without hurting him at all.

"Devil Fruit user?"

Hawkeye asked Li Luo in surprise.

But even if he was an elemental being, he shouldn't ignore his slashing.

Hawkeye stopped swinging his sword at this moment.

Hawkeye no longer regarded Li Luo as an ant that angered him. Being able to dodge his two swords, at least he could be regarded as a fellow by Hawkeye. The ants crawled around him and disgusted him. He might crush them to death out of boredom, but as a human being, he would not turn against them because of a rashness.

It was obvious that Hawkeye admitted that Li Luo was qualified to take pictures of him.

Li Luo shrugged helplessly as he looked at Hawkeye who was not going to pay attention to him. Anyway, he was just here to take pictures. Only with enough evidence and materials could more people believe the news he made up... cough, recorded news

"Uso……@¥¥#……! Save me!"

Luffy gurgled and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Li Luo kindly reminded Usopp on the Merry:

"Your captain is dying.……"

Usopp shuddered, but saw only a series of pearl bubbles on the sea surface.


Usopp exclaimed and jumped directly into the sea.

At this time, Nami looked at Li Luo deeply, climbed up the mast skillfully and opened the sail.

Under the blowing of the sea breeze, the Merry sailed straight into the distance.

Johnny and Joseph's boat, which was originally tied to the Merry, was cut off by Nami.

Johnny and Joseph watched the Merry go farther and farther in confusion.

It was not until there was only a black shadow left that they reacted.

"Big sister! ? Where are you going!"

When Usopp pulled Luffy to the surface of the sea, he shouted:"Nami! Pull us up quickly!"

However, after waiting for a long time without any response, he looked up and said:"??? Where is my ship! Where is my Merry!"

Usopp, who looked confused, had to take Luffy to the Barati restaurant for emergency rescue.

On the other side,

Zoro was staring at Hawkeye with burning eyes and trembling all over. At this moment, he was both excited and scared. He was excited that the person he was looking for finally showed up, but he was scared that the two normal attacks that Hawkeye had just slashed at Lee Lo were simply beyond his reach.

Hawkeye no longer paid attention to Lee Lo, and looked around for Luffy.

Hawkeye couldn't help but take a look at the future that Shanks had bet his arm on.

Just like Hawkeye, who was the least likely to appear, appeared at the Seven Warlords of the Sea meeting convened by Sengoku for the Straw Hat Pirates.

He was still very curious, especially about the guy who made his buddy bet his arm.

There were not many people who could compete with him in swordsmanship, and finally there was someone who was equally matched, and his hand was gone. He had to take a look.

However, just as he found Luffy, who was full of sea water, Zoro's excited voice came from the side:

"I want to challenge you! The world's greatest swordsman!"

Hawkeye looked over impatiently. Why did everyone come to poke him today?

Was the opponent drifting, or was he unable to hold the black knife?

For a moment, Hawkeye's sharp eyes looked straight at Zoro.

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