Morgans looked up at the employees in surprise.

There is a big event going on right now, and the most likely one is that last year, Captain Thatch of the Third Division of the Whitebeard Pirates was killed by his subordinate Blackbeard.

And now the culprit Blackbeard has not been caught yet, which is quite strange. You know, cannibalism is an unforgivable crime in the Whitebeard Pirates.

But that happened half a year ago, and it is not considered to be a rare news.

Now the assistant is so excited? This aroused Morgans' interest.

He was stunned when he took the news manuscript in the assistant's hand.

Why are there so many photos?

Suddenly he saw the title and photos at the beginning, and his pupils shrank.

《Shocked! The world's greatest swordsman failed?! The new generation of great swordsmen challenged Hawkeye! 》

Morgans was immediately excited, what the hell?

The world's greatest swordsman changed hands? This is a big event!

Morgans excitedly looked at the news release below, and his eyes suddenly lit up again. This is the first time he has seen a news story composed mainly of photos.

The most important thing is that the angles of these photos are really amazing!

It's as if the camera was put on Hawkeye's face.

And that slash, it seems to be shot at his face.

(Hawkeye: Me!¥@#……! )

Could it be that Hawkeye cooperated with the photo shoot?

Morgans then shook his head. How could this be possible? Hawkeye is so arrogant, how could he cooperate with reporters to take photos?

But looking at the angle of the camera, it seemed as if the slash was coming directly at the camera.

Morgans thought for a long time and didn't know where this photo came from.

He looked through all the photos and texts carefully.

Just when he was enjoying it, the photo of Zoro and Hawkeye fighting came to an abrupt end.

At the end, a few huge black words made him feel depressed and vomit blood.

To know what happened next, please stay tuned for the next analysis!


What a psycho! Did they fight or not?

You've laid so much groundwork in the early stages, why are you leaving me with a suspense!

A word, or an idea, suddenly popped up in Morgans' mind.

Urge for more updates!

He now just wanted to send a razor blade to this hateful author who was halfway through updating.

Morgans was so angry that he slammed the table and shouted,"Who sent this news!"

The assistant quickly said,"Li Luo, an intern reporter from the headquarters!"

A polite face flashed through Morgans' mind. It was Li Luo who had recently applied to become a resident reporter at the headquarters.

The condition for becoming a formal reporter from an intern reporter at the headquarters is to write a piece of big news that is big enough to make the headlines.

Morgans read the report over and over again, and finally put down the press release with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

Damn it, I can't make myself uncomfortable!

Morgans waved his wings:

"Extra issue! This report will be the headline of tomorrow's news!"

The assistant said yes immediately, and then he asked Morgans:

"Will we add a column for this Li Luo in the future?"

Morgans nodded:"Add him, he is a talent, pay more attention to him, his photos are much better than that of the Photo King."

The Photo King, nicknamed Photo Man, is obsessed with taking photos and can sneak into any place. When the shutter is pressed, he will shout【FIRE】, so he was called"Flame Photographer".

It was this photographer who made countless pirates' photos appear on the wanted notice. If it was known that it was him, it is estimated that he had more enemies than the Celestial Dragons.

At this time, he was still a navy, and the wanted notice that Sanji had not opened was taken by him.

The assistant received the order and hurriedly retreated with the press release.

For a time, the photos taken by Li Luo were scattered all over the world like snowflakes.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

On the other side, Li Luo on the Merry received a transfer order to become a formal reporter at the news agency headquarters!

Li Luo's face was full of excitement for a while!

In this way, he has an exclusive column, although it is not big.

But there is no need to worry about the news he handed in being rejected.

After all, there are too many reporters around the world, plus many whistleblowers. Even as a daily newspaper, the possibility of Li Luo's press release being selected in the newspaper is not great.

Now that he has become a columnist, as long as he publishes the news, he must have a page that belongs to him.

In this way, even if there is no blockbuster news, he has a stable income of shocking points.

Moreover, the column is a four-sea column, which means that his reports can be seen in all four seas, including the Grand Route.

The traffic is completely different from the previous Donghai Daily section.

His shock point income is more than four times more than the previous shock point.

Thinking of this,

Li Luo's face suddenly became happy.

He turned on the divine power and was sucked into the divine power space.

At this time, Click was shouting in the divine power space full of large pillars with a look of collapse

""Sir! I was wrong! Help me!"

Li Luo slowly descended from the sky and landed on a platform not far away.

He looked at the somewhat collapsed Click and smiled:

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