On the navy ship,

Akainu was posing with a frown on his face.

Several navy officers in front of him were fanning him with fans. The cloak of justice behind him was whirring in the wind.

His raised arm turned into a huge lava fist pointing to the sky.

"Hey! Good! Keep it up! Look more fierce!"

"Show your eyes that you want to eliminate evil and implement justice!"

"Good! You are now the idol of the people! The embodiment of justice! The bulwark of peace! You have to scare the pirates and make the civilians feel that you are their backer! Very good~! Keep it up!"


The sound of the camera and Li Luo's sneaky voice exposed the veins on Akainu's forehead.

The sailors on the side wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, and their faces turned red.

After shooting 360 degrees around Akainu without dead ends, Li Luo patted Akainu on the shoulder and said,"Well done, throw it out!"

Akainu:"(╬ ̄Dish ̄)……!!"

Resisting the urge to throw a shower of meteors at Li Luo, Akainu's hands turned into grenade launchers and fired into the sky.���

Countless huge fire fists smashed into the sky, and soon the sky turned into a dim fiery red.

From below, it was like the end of the world. At this time, Li Luo used the flying technique to soar into the sky, and took this shocking scene into the album at close range.

While Aaron and others below were still discussing excitedly, they saw more and more reefs being arranged, and the whirlpool on the sea surface was getting bigger and bigger.

""Brother! As long as we tear open a hole in these warships, we can escape!"

Kroobi said excitedly while looking at the sea chart.

Aaron covered his broken nose with a fierce look on his face:

"Once we get out alive, we'll come back and kill all those damn humans! Damn Nami, and that reporter! They let so many of our compatriots die! I must take revenge!"

At this time, Xiao Ba, who was trying to push the reef, suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked up and found that the sea was no longer blue, but black and red like the end of the world.

""Brother A'long! Look at the sky! It's so beautiful!"

Xiao Ba pointed at the sea surface and shouted excitedly. This wonder made him dance with joy.

A'long and others looked up in surprise and saw black and red things falling from the sky through the sea surface.

As the giant magma fist of the meteor volcano got closer and closer,

A'long widened his eyes in shock and roared loudly:"Run!!"


The huge magma fist slammed directly and fiercely on the sea surface.

The huge impact force directly interrupted the vortex.

The cold sea water boiled directly at the moment of the explosion, and countless water mists enveloped the entire sea level.

Then after the first meteor magma fist, countless fists followed and fell like meteors.

Li Luo was busy in the sky, following the magma fists that fell from the sky to the water surface, giving the feeling of bullet time.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel looked at Li Luo, who was like a hardworking little bee, and said in shock and speechless complaints:

"This guy is so strong, why is he so keen on gossip?

Huoshan Shao, who had returned, said with a silly smile, holding a cigar in his mouth:

"Maybe it's their interest. At least they are working hard to report the truth."

"The truth?"

The flying squirrel showed a hint of disdain on his face, and then muttered softly:

"Those who pursued the truth in O'Hara are gone."

Although it was Aokiji and Akainu who showed up at that time, Flying Squirrel was also one of the five vice admirals.

Having seen O'Hara's miserable condition, he naturally felt sad for Li Luo's pursuit of the truth. In his opinion, the incident reported this time did not touch the bottom line of the World Government.

Otherwise, Li Luo would definitely be wiped out by this Demon Killing Order.

After all, this time Li Luo targeted the navy, not the World Government, and the navy had to save face.

At this time, half of the fishmen on the sea were caught off guard again by Akainu's meteor volcano. The terrain that was created with great difficulty was instantly destroyed by the terrifying meteors.

Those unlucky fishmen were instantly turned into ashes by the magma fist.

Only the elites who followed from the Sun Pirates at that time barely avoided the dense meteor shower.

However, they could not avoid it for long, because the sea water in the coastal area was directly boiled by Akainu's terrifying high temperature.

The coastal area directly turned into a big pot.

Countless fishmen screamed miserably because of the scalding in the sea.

The scene was horrible, and the coastal area at this time seemed to have turned into the red lotus hell of Impel Down.

"Fellow fishmen!"

Aaron looked at his fellow fishmen who died one by one beside him with bloodshot eyes.

"Damn reporters! Damn navy! It's you again! Brother Tiger was the same back then! You damn humans!!"

Aaron poked his head out of the sea, furious.

The fishmen couldn't stand being boiled and started a suicidal attack on the warship.

Akainu looked at the fishmen climbing up the iron chain and gave an order with a sneer on his face:"Don't leave any alive!"

Then he thought about what Li Luo said before and added:

"Not a single complete corpse will be left!"

Immediately, several lieutenant generals led the elite navy to massacre the group of fishmen!

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