I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 109: The Art of Healing

Remember [New] in a second! "Four hundred and eighty-two... four hundred and eighty-three... four hundred and eighty-four..."

In front of a tent in Konoha, even though the big battle is coming, the boy named Maitkai is still earnestly carrying out the daily training tasks.

Beside him, Kakashi, who had changed into a normal ninja outfit with white hair on his head, was carefully wiping the ninja sword in his hand.

Uchiha Itachi, who is considered the youngest in the entire Konoha army, glanced past them, and continued to walk forward until he came to another camp.

"Brother Zhishui." He walked in and greeted the people inside.

"It's Itachi." The young man named Uchiha Shisui put down the knife in his hand and greeted Itachi.

Compared with more than three years ago, Uchiha Shisui's face today is much less immature, and his temperament is more serious.

"Are you worried about tomorrow's big battle? Itachi." Zhishui asked with concern for his talented younger brother.

Although Itachi joined Anbu like him and gained a lot of tempering in the past two years, he has never experienced a real large-scale battle after all, and it is normal to be a little worried about this.

But Itachi shook his head seriously.

He was brought to the battlefield by his father when he was only four years old, and he even personally killed one of them, so he would not have any battlefield anxiety.

In addition, under Yun Ting's teaching, he already knows why to fight, so he has no intention of shrinking back.

The reason why I came to look for Shisui is just to ask for some experience on how to play the best solo in a large number of ninja battlefields.

After all, his combat experience in the past is applicable to small-scale battles, which is very lacking in this kind of contest with ten thousand people.

In this regard, Shisui who has personally experienced the Mist Ninja battlefield undoubtedly has more say.

With a rigorous attitude, Itachi naturally came here to ask Shisui for advice.

"So that's how it is!"

Knowing the truth, Shisui looked at Itachi more and more appreciatively.

The latter not only has a gifted ninja talent, but also has a fair mind that has never been blinded by pride.

This is undoubtedly commendable.

Shishui naturally didn't hide his thoughts about Itachi, and in the following time, he told the other party his experience on the battlefield in detail.

When it was all over and Itachi was about to say goodbye, Shisui suddenly thought of something and said, "Itachi, do you know the new changes in Uchiha's Sharingan after Sangoudama?"

"Isn't the highest writing sharingan in Sangouyu?" Itachi asked puzzled.

He still doesn't know the information of Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

In addition to the patriarch of the current Uchiha clan, only a few elders know the legend of the kaleidoscope.

Shisui didn't know about this at first, until he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan on the Mist Ninja battlefield.

"The higher realm of Sharingan... you will know it tomorrow, Itachi."

Originally, it had been a while since Itachi's Shalunyan had reached the state of Sangouyu, and Zhishui was going to tell him.

However, in a blink of an eye, when I really start to do it tomorrow, the truth of the kaleidoscope will be obvious to everyone, and it will be easier to explain it then.

In addition, it would be distracting before the Itachi battle, so he gave up the idea of ​​telling the other party now.

In the end, Itachi could only go back with a little doubt.

Zhishui, who was alone in the tent, touched his eyes with complicated thoughts.

My own kaleidoscope Sharingan will not be able to hide tomorrow.

In fact, before this, someone had already known in advance.

That is Untei who is the Fourth Hokage.

This is also because Zhishui took the initiative to tell.

The reason for this is not only because Yunting, as the leader, has been deeply respected by Zhishui over the years, and he is willing to die for him.

It is also because in the upcoming battle, he is unwilling to let Konoha's comrades in arms suffer greater damage because of his own clumsiness.

From the bottom of his heart, Shisui has always been a very gentle and kind person to Konoha and to his companions.

Therefore, in front of Yun Ting, he took the initiative to explain the ability of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and even other gods.

The purpose is to play a greater role in the next big battle, so as to reduce Konoha's casualties.

I have to say that this approach is very naive.

In the original book, even if Hiru Sarutobi, who is the representative of the "moderate faction", said nothing, the clenched fists in his sleeves undoubtedly showed his deep fear of Shisui.

And Danzo couldn't help being tempted to make an eye-catching move.

All kinds of things are the normal reaction of ordinary people.

But fortunately, Zhishui was lucky enough to meet Yunting.

Yun Ting, who believes that the other party is human, remains the same attitude towards the former, and in the upcoming battle, he will use it as much as he wishes.

This made Zhishui, who was nervous after opening his mouth, very happy, and was even more grateful for Yunting's trust.

But the only thing that puzzled him was that Yun Ting had specifically instructed him not to expose the skills of other gods in the subsequent battle, but had other great uses.

Zhishui naturally had some guesses about this.

The so-called other great use, obviously the status of the person to be dealt with is so important that he was asked to prohibit the use of other gods in order not to be found in the next battle.

Even the ability of this technique is not allowed to be disclosed to a third party at the request of Yunting.

Although I have always been unwilling to use other gods to manipulate other people's minds, Yun Ting, as Konoha Fourth Hokage, is the object of his allegiance and the person he admires. But he still trusts her, and what Zhishui can do now is to repay her with all her strength.

Thinking of this, Zhishui's eyes were full of firmness.

Although he doesn't want to get too much blood on his hands, for Hokage-sama, for Konoha Village, and for everyone's ideals, he will be ruthless and remove all obstacles that stand in the way!


the next day.

The early morning sun rose as promised amidst the complex gazes of the two sides who were about to start a war.

After a simple breakfast, both Konoha and Kumo Shinobi gathered together to prepare for the final battle.

Not to mention how Yun Nin's group of muscular men howled wildly under the encouragement of the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, who was also a muscle maniac.

Here at Konoha, after everyone gathered together, Yunting came forward to explain briefly, and then said to Tsunade beside him:

"Tsunade, let's begin!"

"Okay." Tsunade nodded solemnly.

Then, Yun Ting and Tsunade came to a large open space specially set aside by Konoha's army.

At the same time, the two bit their fingers, slammed on the ground, and said in unison:

"Psychic art!"


With the white smoke covering the sky, under the consumption of Yun Ting and Tsunade Chakra, live slugs that were much bigger than ever before were summoned.

This also instantly caused Konoha's army to exclaim.

"Live slug, let's start to act." Tsunade ordered at this time.

"Okay, Tsunade-sama, and Yunting-sama." The live slug who had already greeted in advance immediately took action.

Slugs split!

In an instant, the gigantic slugs collapsed, and countless petite slugs disintegrated from it, quickly spread out and climbed onto the Konoha ninjas one after another.

Even though they were informed in advance that this is the psychic beast of Tsunade and the Fourth Hokage, there are still many Konoha ninjas who are not very used to looking at the slug on their shoulders.

Fortunately, they also knew that the slugs on their shoulders were related to their own lives, so they finally got used to it.

"I'll trouble you next time!" Among the Konoha ninjas, Maite Kai stretched out his thumb to the living slug with his white and shiny teeth.

"Let's work hard together, sir." The live slug clone said in a gentle tone.

On the other side, Itachi also looked at the slug on his shoulder in amazement.

Finally come to a conclusion.

Although Hokage-sama and Tsunade-sama's psychic beasts are very powerful, he still prefers Shisui to the crows who sent him.

Just when all the Konohas were equipped with slugs as standard, they were more confident about the next battle.

Tsunade also bid farewell to Yun Ting: "Then I will leave it to Yun Ting and you."

In the previous discussion with Yun Ting, the role of her participation in the battle this time is not as a combat power, but to use her talent in medical ninjutsu to protect the safety of everyone in Konoha by using the technique of "living slug · gang therapy".

The so-called living slug Tsunade healing technique refers to transmitting Tsunade's chakra to each injured ninja through the division of the living slug, and performing palm fairy healing on them.

In addition, since slugs are immune to all physical attacks, they can also protect the wounded by covering them with their bodies, thereby minimizing the number of casualties.

This is undoubtedly the ultimate medical ninjutsu that can heal an entire village with the power of a living slug.

In the original book, when Payne attacked, Tsunade also saved many Konoha ninjas through this technique.

It is undoubtedly more than enough for the current battlefield.

Although this will also prevent Tsunade's kage-level combat power from being able to play other roles, but there are masters such as Yunting, Minato, and Shisui, so it doesn't matter if she is missing one.

Compared with others, it is undoubtedly more important to preserve the lives of Konoha ninjas present to the greatest extent.

In addition, the art of maintaining a living slug · Tsunade's healing needs to consume most of Tsunade's chakra and energy, and cannot be disturbed.

Accidents will inevitably happen on the complex and ever-changing battlefield.

So in the next time, under the protection of a group of ninjas, Tsunade will go to a hidden place not far from the predetermined battlefield to maintain this technique.

After all, the more powerful the technique, the more restrictions it has.

Tsunade wants to transmit his own chakra to every injured person in time with the help of slugs, and his location can't be too far away.


The icy cold intent stretched for dozens of miles, startling batch after batch of birds and fowls to fly far away.

Among them, the not-so-many people of Tang Country also moved their families early with pots and pans full of sorrow.

Therefore, in the place where Konoha and Yunnin are fighting, there is nothing other than ninjas from both sides.

Tsunade had already left with a group of people in charge of protection, while the army of six thousand Konoha ninjas was heading towards the battlefield under the leadership of Yun Ting, who took the lead.

On the other side, densely packed and larger numbers of cloud ninja troops are also striding forward with great ambition under the command of the Fourth Raikage.

After a quarter of an hour.

The armies of the two sides have already met at a distance, but neither side has stopped.

One thousand meters...eight hundred meters...five hundred meters...

It wasn't until the distance of two hundred meters that both sides could clearly see each other's faces that they all stopped at the same time.

In the entire Ninja World War, the rare scene of Hokage and Raikage meeting in person appears here and now.

On Yunin's side, standing at the front of the army was the fourth generation of Raikage, who was wearing a white cloak, a wide belt and a thick golden forehead, and was extremely tall and strong.

The Fourth Raikage Ai also looked at the most prominent Yun Ting on the opposite side for the first time, his eyes flashed past the Hokage Yushen robe on his body, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he also did not speak.

Ai's character has always been unsophisticated, he obeys fists more than words, and Yun Ting has no interest in wasting words.

So it is very surprising that after the two shadows of ninja village met. There was no passionate opening speech as the outside world imagined.

On the other hand, Doshiro from Yunin's side couldn't help frowning after seeing the petite slug clones on the shoulders of all the Konoha ninjas: "Is that the slug from the wet bone forest?"

Regarding the information on the three generations of holy land psychic beasts owned by Konoha Sannin, Yunnin naturally has some understanding.

Therefore, not only Doshiro noticed the problem, but Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki who was on the side also subconsciously said in a strange voice in surprise: "Yo, that big-breasted girl from Tsunade is here, yeah!"

"Is the arrival of one of the Konoha Sannin a happy thing?" Beside him, Yukito, who is also Jinchuriki, said coldly, "I heard that Tsunade cooperates with her psychic beast. A very powerful large-scale medical ninjutsu. Looking at it now, it is obvious that the other party wants to do this."

Kirabi wanted to say something else, but the cold snort of Raikage Ai from the fourth generation overwhelmed everything: "So what if Tsunade is here! Just catch them all!"

After hearing the words, Doshiro still seriously suggested: "If Tsunade is allowed to use her medical ability, it will cause us a lot of trouble. Master Raikage, we still need to find Tsunade and interrupt the other party's plan."

Ai did not refuse ~www.readwn.com~ and even had a bigger appetite: "If Tsunade really wants to maintain such a huge medical ninjutsu, then her own consumption must not be small. Just interrupting is nothing, kill it This is the best effect. Let the beheading brigade set out to find Tsunade. No matter how powerful the technique is, it cannot be said that it is performed thousands of miles away, and the opponent must be nearby."


Tudai who received the order quickly arranged.

After that, Ai turned his gaze back to the Konoha army in front of him.

Noticing that the latter couldn't hold back, and was about to blow the war horn, he was full of enthusiasm and gave the command first: "Then next, let's defeat Konoha head-on! Kill! "


The 10,000 cloud ninja army let out a terrifying roar in an instant, and rushed towards Konoha amidst the earthquake and mountain shaking.


Konoha also charged back in a calm manner.

In an instant, two huge waves, one green and one black, surged against each other.

The battle officially begins!

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