I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 114: large number of prisoners of war

Yunyin Shangren punched Itachi.

But before he could show joy, suddenly the weasel's body burst open like a bubble, and amidst the cries of "croak croak", black crows suddenly broke free from his body and flew in all directions.

"What's the matter? A crow?"

Yunyin Shangren frowned at this strange technique that he had never seen before.

Looking around, his eyes met the eyes of a crow inadvertently.

In the next moment, a pair of three-gou jade sharing sharing eyes suddenly appeared in the crow's eyes.

"not good!"

Yun Yin Shangren's expression changed, but it was too late when he wanted to do something again.

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

In an instant, accompanied by the illusion of physical pain, Yunyin Jominin only felt that his limbs were being driven into wedges, and his body could not move at all.

"Damn sharingan..."

Knowing that he had been tricked by an illusion, Kamoin Jōnin tried his best to explode the chakra in his body, but it was of no avail.

At this moment, a group of black crows regrouped in front of him and quickly formed the figure of Itachi.

I saw the latter stepping over with a blank face, turning his palms over, and there was a handful of kunai between his fingers.

Stab it!

Another stream of blood spilled out.

Yunyin Shangren's eyes instantly blurred, and he fell to the ground with a "bang" and couldn't get up again.

Itachi calmly withdrew the blood-stained kunai without stopping, turned to look at other battles with a pair of three-go jade, and quickly made new movements.

In the following time, the balance of victory will undoubtedly tilt completely towards Konoha's side.

With Itachi's powerful combat power at his side, the remaining four Yunyin jounin and those chunin who fought against Konoha are undoubtedly in crisis.

Like a bone mino card overturned, one after another cloud ninja was besieged and died, and the rest could no longer hold on.

In the end, only one Yunyin Shangren managed to break free with heavy injuries, and led the last four Yunyin Zhongren to flee in a hurry.

In order to protect Tsunade-sama, Konoha and the others did not chase after him.

In this regard, Yunin's plan ended in failure.

The source of all this is because it is completely unclear about the strength of the Konoha ninja named Uchiha Itachi.

Although he is very young now, under the special training of Yun Ting, Itachi is stronger than the same age in the original book.

Even Shisui, without using the kaleidoscope Sharingan, can only overwhelm him.

It can be imagined that his talent is high.

The reason why Yunting can rest assured of Tsunade's safety is precisely because he deliberately put Itachi in the protection team.

Although the latter is only a Chunin in terms of function, but in terms of real strength, few people in Konoha can match it.

At this moment, what I didn't expect was also Itachi's Konoha companions.

Baiyun Hashan finally understood who Hokage-sama's so-called powerful killer was.

Looking at Itachi's calm and immature face, he was very moved.

Even Kakashi, who was considered the number one genius in Konoha before, is far inferior to this one at this age.

No matter what, they are all talents of Konoha, and Baiyun Yeshan is naturally happy at this moment.

"here you go!"

He patted Itachi on the shoulder appreciatively.

And Itachi smiled back politely as always, and then continued to guard Tsunade seriously.

In fact, Konoha has never lacked talent.

What is really lacking is how to use the ability of genius instead of allowing it to internalize.

The previous three generations have done a poor job in this regard.

Today's Yunting is much better.

Shisui, Itachi, etc., have already made many contributions to Konoha in his hands.

In this way, the No. 1 strength in Konoha Ninja World can truly be brought into play.


His hero, my enemy.

For Toshiro who is on the frontal battlefield, the Fourth Hokage Untei is his most hated enemy.

Because at this moment, the giant statue of Guanyin that he couldn't describe in words was under his feet, and under his command, he finally launched an attack that made him terrified.

On the top of the Buddha!

Hundreds of giant arms stretched out, like an extremely violent meteor shower, falling on the cloud ninja army behind in an instant.

In an instant, the roar of heaven and earth shattered overwhelmed all the fighting on the battlefield.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the cloud ninja side or the Konoha side, there is such a momentary stagnation.

And Doyo, who watched the scene in front of him, seemed to be much older all of a sudden.

Just one hit!

More than a thousand cloud ninjas just disappeared!

Look at the four generations of Hokage's aura that remains unchanged.

Then the cloud ninja with a total of 10,000 can withstand the opponent's moves.

Toshiro was completely disheartened.

He knew that Yunin was undoubtedly defeated in this war.

And it was a big defeat! fiasco!

The only thing he can do now is to save some vitality for Yunin.

Tu Dai sighed deeply, and was about to give orders to the whole army to retreat.

In addition, Kirabi, Yumuren, and the missing Raikage have to find a way to notify them, otherwise if they are left behind by Konoha, it will be in big trouble.

"Order the whole army to retreat!" Tudai said wearily.

However no one responded.

There was silence on the entire podium.

Tudai's face was startled, and when he was about to take action, an unfamiliar voice sounded behind his ears: "If I were you, for the sake of my own life, it's better not to move."

As the commander-in-chief of cloud ninja and a veteran elite jonin, Toshiro will not give up resistance just because of a word from the enemy.

Almost as soon as he heard the enemy's voice, he immediately acted.

"Melting Dun Humo River!"

While pulling the distance, Toshiro transformed the chakra in his body into a huge amount of rubber and rushed towards the enemy, intending to stick him to death.

At the same time, the moment he turned his head, he also discovered that it was Yun Ting who came.

Do not!

It should be said to be his avatar.

At this time, the opponent's body is still urging the giant statue of Guanyin to move forward.

"Just the shadow clone wants to defeat me?" Toshiro's eyes were full of anger.

"No! This is not a shadow clone." Facing the oncoming melting escape ninjutsu, Yun Ting still shook his head leisurely.

This is a wooden avatar. In the original book, Uchiha Madara can use it to bear a small Susanoo, which is by no means comparable to ordinary shadow avatars.

What's more, the wooden avatar he casts in the fairy mode now also has a part of the fairy chakra, which can be said to be very sincere to deal with Tuyo.

Yunting didn't explain too much, because it was too late.

In the next second, the surging river of rubber covered his entire body.

"Did you make it?"

If he was facing Yun Ting's body, Tu Dai naturally didn't have such confidence, but facing a clone, he still had confidence in his blood inheritance limit.

Seeing that there was no movement for the time being, Doshiro took the time to look around, and saw that the other ninjas on the podium were lifeless, so he clenched his fists and said, "Damn it!"

"Let's take care of yourself first." Yun Ting's voice suddenly sounded again.

Doshiro's face was startled, and he immediately turned his gaze back, only to see Yunting standing on the spot intact, and around him, rows of arched wooden stakes were slowly falling back.


There was a sudden piercing sound.

Doshiro's pupils shrank suddenly, before he could be surprised, he performed ninjutsu again:

"Melting escape Humo jade!"

Doshiro quickly sprayed rubber from his mouth to form a ball to protect himself.

This is his strongest defensive ninjutsu, and he has helped him resist many enemy attacks in the past.

This time, however, it was just a punch.

Yun Ting rushed in like a broken man, pulled him out under Tu Dai's horrified eyes, pressed his five fingers on his forehead, and killed him at any time.

"Hokage! If you want to kill this old man, you should do it as soon as possible! As a cloud ninja, this old man will never submit to you!"

It was the first time in his life that Tuyo, who was in a high position in Yunyin Village, was so humiliated and held his head down, roared angrily.

"That can't be done, you must know Mr. Toshiro, you are a big fish! It would be a pity to kill like this." Yun Ting said lightly.

"Stay here well, and then witness with your own eyes the fate that Yun Nin will face next. After that, you will spend the rest of your life remembering. In this way, you will not make a second mistake!"

After finishing speaking, Yunting released the wooden clone.

The latter instantly turned into a wooden branch and wrapped around Toshiro's body, so that the eyes of the opponent who could not resist were always aimed at the cloud ninja army.

"Do not!!"

Watching the giant statue of Avalokitesvara raging unrivaled in the Yunin army, on the podium, Toshiro's painful roar of unwillingness and regret continued to echo in the following time.


There was such a commotion behind the scenes, Konoha and the army of Kumo Ninja were naturally not blind.

When seeing Yun Ting stepping on the giant statue of Guanyin, walking quickly like a **** amidst the earth-shattering movement, Konoha, who knew that it was done by his own master Hokage, was naturally very excited.

In the following time, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and the cloud ninja who had the superior number was pressed back.

On the other hand, Yun Ren is facing an abyss.

Anyone who faced such an unimaginably huge object attacking from behind and killed so many people at once could not help but feel a sense of powerlessness and despair.

"The giant statue at the foot of Hokage is too terrifying! Is this beyond human reach?"

"what should I do now?"

"Where is Master Toshiro? What about the order from the headquarters? Right now, we are facing a big disadvantage of being flanked by front and back. Why haven't we been notified of what to do next?"

"Where is Raikage-sama? Bi-sama and Yukito-sama? Why hasn't he appeared yet?"

"Do you want to continue fighting? It is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out!"

For a moment, Yun Nin's army was panicked.

Then, a group of powerful Yun Nin that had been temporarily discussed turned around to attack the Guanyin Colossus, but not only did not hurt the latter in the eyes of everyone, but was slapped to death one by one by its huge arm like a fly, Yun Nin's side His morale dropped to the freezing point in an instant.

At this time, Yun Ting, who was standing on the giant statue of Guanyin, added fuel to the fire and gave the opponent another blow to the Buddha on the top.

As before, countless giant arms were urged to hit the ant-like Kuroshio at the foot.

The entire cloud ninja army was turned on their backs in an instant.

Without any resistance, thousands of cloud ninjas disappeared without a trace.

Considering Yun Ting's previous record, it can be said that Yun Nin who died in his hands alone already has one-fifth of the latter's total.

Seeing this scene, no matter how arrogant Yun Ren is, he is still human after all.

Even without the command of the commander-in-chief, they were finally overwhelmed and defeated in horror.

The high-minded Konoha ninjas naturally followed closely.

In addition, Yunting continued to urge the giant arm on the Guanyin Colossus to strike downwards mainly to block.

The rest of the cloud ninja army wanted to escape, but it was difficult to achieve it for a while.

Especially many cloud ninjas who have already fought with Konoha on the front line want to escape but can't get away. After all, it is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to hand over their backs to the enemy.

But with the ability to escape, when faced with the intimidating Guanyin statue at the foot of Yunting blocking the way back, except for a few lucky ones, the vast majority of people failed.

In the end, under the joint attack of Konoha Ninja and Yun Ting, apart from more than 3,000 people who died directly in the 10,000-strong Yun Ting army, there were only 2,000 left and right wings of the army who were less entangled with Konoha. Duoyun Ren escaped from Konoha's encirclement by chance.

This also means that a total of four thousand cloud ninjas have become captives of Konoha.

This has never happened in previous ninja wars.

In particular, the target is Yun Ninja, who is known for his strong and **** character. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Few people in the outside world believed what was said.

But it is true.

The reason for this situation is because of Yun Ting alone.

The latter not only blocked Yun Ninjue's great retreat, but also defeated ten thousand with one enemy, just like the record of the Immortal of the Six Paths in the world really shocked all Yun Nin.

When it comes to worshiping the strong, Yunin, who is known for his barbarism, is undoubtedly the best among the five major countries.

They may not be reconciled to losing to others, but losing to Yun Ting, they are completely out of breath.

The gap is too big!

It's no wonder that when Senjujuma was alive, the leader of Iwanin's side led Onogi all the way to Konoha, begging the two sides to form an alliance with a low attitude.

It is true that the other party in the same era is too aware of the gap between himself and Senjuju.

It's the same now.

Yunting's battle really took away the spirits of Yunnin.

What about resistance?

It's just a punch from someone else.

Death has no effect at all.

Might as well admit defeat.

After all, there is no shame in losing to such a strong man.

This is the thought of many cloud ninja captives at the moment.

Yun Ting did not expect to receive so many Yun Nin who surrendered.

It is impossible to kill, and there is no precedent for killing so many prisoners at once in the ninja world.

What's more, it is also a good thing to hold so many people in your hands.

With these people around, at least Yunin will be more cautious in the future.

Oh, right!

There are also eight big fish and two big fish waiting to be caught in the net.

Yun Ting, who kept ringing reminders of system prestige growth in his mind, looked into the distance.

Before that, he summoned more than one wooden clone.


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