I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 124: leave Tsunade

Feeling refreshed, Tsunade didn't make things difficult for Yun Ting anymore, and then directly stated the original purpose of coming here: "Since the war is over, I'm going to leave."

"Let's go." Yun Ting waved his hand casually as farewell.

"I won't... Huh? Why didn't you keep me this time?" Tsunade, who realized something was wrong, quickly reacted and asked full of doubts.

In the past, when she wanted to leave like this, Yunting usually persuaded her to go back to Konoha.

Originally, she had already prepared the reasons for her refusal before she came, and she was ready to speak just now as usual, but she did not expect Yunting's reaction to be beyond her expectation.

Why did you just let yourself go?

Could it be because of the thing that just tore the book?

Thinking of this, Tsunade's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

Yun Ting didn't have time to notice, but just rolled his eyes and said, "Is it useful to say it? I told you so many times before, but you didn't agree, so why waste your words now. Besides, this time, Tsunade, you took the initiative You came here to join the war, you are so loyal to Konoha, and you have made great contributions, so I won’t bother you, let’s go outside and have some fun. As Hokage, I’m granting you a special leave. Also, what’s next You have been reimbursed for Konoha’s expenses for a month! How is it? Interesting enough!”

"It's interesting! It's really interesting!"

Hearing what Yun Ting said, Tsunade's eyes that were sharp before were instantly tender.

If it wasn't for the fear that Yun Ting would make progress, she would have wished to use her broad mind to thank Yun Ting, the Living Buddha!

Reimbursement for one month!

Still no bottom line amount!

When she thought that she would be able to spend as much time as she wanted in the casino for such a long time, drink as much as she wanted, without worrying about being chased by creditors, without worrying about having no money to stay at night, etc., her face was instantly filled with excitement. Very red.

"By the way, the expenses in the Land of Fire are not reimbursed." At this time, Yun Ting suddenly added.

"Why?" Tsunade asked in bewilderment.

After the war, with itchy hands, she planned to go to the Fire Nation's Bamboo Street at the very beginning. After hearing Yunting's reimbursement just now, she fantasized about how she would kill all directions there next.

As a result, what Yun Ting said meant that all the plans he had prepared were in vain.

'why? Just to keep you away from the vortex of the Kingdom of Fire! ’ Yun Ting said in his heart.

Just like how he treated Minato and his wife before, Yun Ting also wanted to send Tsunade away early.

Some things, it's better not to get involved with those who are deeply involved.

To avoid the situation of being in a dilemma when you get out.

Of course, this cannot be said at this time,

Yun Ting casually found an excuse and said: "Reimbursing you for one month's expenses does not mean that you have nothing to do. The Sword of Thunder God left by the second generation of Hokage was stolen by Konoha Rennen Green Ivy. The latest information It has been shown that the other party is in the country of tea. Since you are traveling, then Tsunade, you should go to the country of tea and see if you can retrieve the sword of Thor."

It is indeed true that the Sword of Thor of the Second Hokage was stolen, but the so-called information was fabricated by Yun Ting.

In his vague memory, the Sword of Thunder God in the original work seems to have been obtained by the seventh class of Naruto in the country of tea.

In order to send Tsunade far away, he took advantage of the opportunity to let him go to the country of tea to find the sword of Thor.

In fact, the Konoha rebellious ninja Green Ivy who stole the Thor's sword should be a ninja in Yuyin Village at this time, and the information given by Yunting is undoubtedly wrong.

But this is better, at least Tsunade will have to delay more time in the country of tea.

Hearing this, Tsunade curled his lips unhappily: "You really know how to call people."

Having said that, she still agreed to Yun Ting's request.

Although I can't go to Baanchu Street, which I like very much, but there are not no gambling halls in other places, and the reimbursement for one month is still too good after all.

In addition, the Thunder God Sword, as the saber of the second generation of Hokage Senshou, is also the property of the Senshou Clan. As a Senshou Clan, she has to take it back out of reason.

So after hearing Yun Ting's request, Tsunade agreed without thinking too much.

"So when are you going to leave?" Yun Ting asked, relieved.



"Yes, if you don't leave, the money I left for Shizune is not enough for her to eat." Tsunade shrugged.

"Okay." Yun Ting nodded clearly.

Tsunade was alone when he came, and the battle between Konoha and Kumo Shinobi was too dangerous for the current Shizune. The former watched the other party grow up anyway, so he would not bring it.

"Then I'll see you off." Yun Ting got up and said.

Tsunade didn't refuse either, so the two walked out together side by side.

"After this battle, Yunting, your reputation in the ninja world will not be lost to my grandfather." On the road, looking at Yunting who was walking beside him, Tsunade suddenly said with emotion.

Yun Ting smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not as good as the first generation."

Prestige is something that needs record and time to support.

Senjujuma fought against the entire Ninja World for so many years before he won the title of God of the Ninja World. Although Yun Ting is now famous for his battle with Yun Nin, but after all, the time to become famous is limited. If he wants to win the title of the second God of Ninja World, he may need to work harder.

However, Yunting has never been very interested in the so-called reputation.

If possible, he would rather not pay attention to himself and Konoha in the next few years.

After all, it is better to keep silent about things like farming and making a fortune.

Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, it is not very realistic.

Fortunately, there is the tragic example of Yun Nin who lost almost to the crotch, which can deter the outside world for a long time.

Tsunade didn't know that Yun Ting had thought a lot at this moment, she only thought that the other party was modest, she patted the other party's shoulder again, and said with a sincere smile: "With Yun Ting, you will be Hokage. The Land of Fire has been invaded. Now I can rest assured!"

"Go play with complete peace of mind, right?" Yun Ting joked with a smile on his face, but his heart was very calm.

If it is true what Tsunade said, with his ability, he can indeed protect Konoha's peace for a long time.

But she ignored his own thoughts.

As Hokage, he not only possesses incomparable strength, but also holds the No. 1 military force in Konoha in the ninja world.

With such huge power in his hand, who would be willing to spend his life so plainly.

Every successful great man in history has worked hard to realize his self-worth.

The same goes for Yunting.

With the knowledge of two worlds, when he saw the deformed world in front of him, he clearly knew that he had the ability to change everything, so why not do it for himself, for Konoha, and for the entire ninja world.

For Tsunade's simple expectation, Yun Ting might disappoint the other party.

I don't know how she will react when she hears what she did later.

Thinking of this, Yunting suddenly looked at the other party with complicated eyes.

When the latter looked at him, he returned to normal in an instant.

No matter what, the road will continue to go on.

Now is not the time to be exposed.

In the following time, Yunting and Tsunade, who behaved the same as before, continued to communicate with each other.

On the way, the two saw Itachi Uchiha.

For this kid who protected him in the previous battle, Tsunade has a deep memory: "This kid from the Uchiha family has amazing ninja talent!"

Yun Ting nodded in agreement: "Itachi will be the pillar of Konoha's future."

"Very high evaluation, especially for Uchiha." Tsunade said in surprise.

In her sensible age, the village has always treated Uchiha coldly.

Hearing that Yun Ting, who is Hokage, commented on a Uchiha like this now, I feel a little surprised at once.

Times have changed after all.

Tsunade, who is Senshou, does not hate Uchiha as outsiders imagine, and even compared with the third generation teacher, she is more tolerant of Uchiha issues.

Therefore, she has no opinion on Yunting's many practices in handling Uchiha affairs.

They are all from Konoha, so why divide them from each other.

Yun Ting did not send Tsunade too far, but stopped at the gate of the Konoha Camp, and finally said: "If you don't find the Thunder God sword, don't be too anxious, take your time, anyway, it has been lost for so long It’s not too late.”

He didn't tell Tsunade to be careful on the road according to common sense. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After all, if something really happened, it was Tsunade who should be worried about it.

Tsunade didn't care, just waved his hand casually, said "Let's go", and left gracefully.

Looking at Tsunade's back, Yun Ting shook his head and turned back.

On the way, Ritsuko Yamanaka, who had left before, came back to him.

"Everything is done?" Yun Ting said.

Ritsuko Yamanaka nodded: "Uchiha Shisui, Namikaze Minato, and Uzumaki Kushina have all left after receiving the order."

"Didn't Jiuxinna complain?" Yun Ting asked with a smile.

Both Shisui and Minato are the kind of people who take orders seriously, and he has always been at ease.

But for that "Blood Red Pepper", he didn't believe that the other person's nature would change after giving birth to a child.

Although Hokage's order cannot be refused, but now that the other party is on the road, he must scold him from time to time.

"Eh..." Ritsuko Yamanaka hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully, "Kushina did complain, saying that Hokage-sama is not good at picking the time, which caused her husband to be separated now."

"Wife divorce? You really know how to use words." Yun Ting shook his head with a smile.

Jiu Xinnai has always had such a straightforward temper, so naturally he will not be angry about it.

Only in the future can the other party understand his good intentions.

"Those who should go have already left, and those who should come will eventually come. Everything is ready, and now Dongfeng is in our hands. It's time to understand all this!"

At this moment, Yunting is very high-spirited.

On the side, Ritsuko Yamanaka, who was always calm, also rarely showed excitement on her face.

Just because she saw that the future that everyone has been looking forward to for several years will soon come true!


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