I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 153: Orochimaru, Reincarnation Eye

The country of rain.

Year-round rains have kept the country covered by dark clouds, the climate is cold and humid, and bright sunshine is rare.

Also because of the extremely bad weather, foreigners and even caravans are reluctant to come to the Land of Rain, and the latter itself is in a closed state.

It can be said that the outside world knows very little about the Kingdom of Rain.

At most, he knows that his country is severely divided, he has been fighting for years, his ninja village is Yuyin Village, and his leader is Sanshoyu Hanzo, who is known as a "half god" in the ninja world.

But there are exceptions.

Orochimaru, for example, is very familiar with the Land of Rain.

After all, whether it is the origin of the name Sannin, or the experience of serving as the commander-in-chief of the front, facing Sand Ninja and Iwa Ninja here, he knows this place very well.

Just because he understands it, it doesn't mean he likes this country where it rains all the year round and there is no light in sight.

Followed Xiaonan, Xie, and Beiliuhu secretly all the way, although he probably guessed the former's destination from the beginning, but when he actually got here, Orochimaru still licked his lips with his slender and slender tongue.

‘Sanjiao Hanzo! '

Thinking of the man who had given him the name Konoha Sannin back then, Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils were filled with cold murderous intent.

I don't know how this man is doing now?

Before, it was heard that the other party had been hiding in the fortress with tight defenses since the end of the battle in the Land of Rain, and rarely went out.

Orochimaru originally thought that the old guy had reached his age and was going to die in peace.

Looking at it now, maybe the other party has some conspiracy behind the scenes!

Right now, the organization named "Xiao" is constantly recruiting S-level rebels, and the plans must be serious.

And its member, Xiaonan, is a member of the Land of Rain, and the Akatsuki organization is based in the Land of Rain.

To say that Sansho Hanzo, the leader of Yuyin Village, has nothing to do with it, but Orochimaru doesn't believe it.

"Things are getting more and more interesting!"

Noticing that Xiaonan and his group were heading towards Yuyin Village at an unabated speed, Orochimaru's curiosity grew stronger.

With the top self-proclaimed ability to save his life, he will never let go of such an interesting thing when he has nothing to do.

"Maybe, this time, I can say hello to my old friends."

Orochimaru smiled excitedly, and then his whole body turned into a water snake, following along the most indispensable rivers and lakes in the Land of Rain.

After half an hour.

Rain Hidden Village, with its large number of steel spires, became clearer in the rain.

Easily passing through the security force outside Yuyin Village, Dashewan came to the village and poked out from the mouth of the water snake. When he was about to perform a camouflage technique to better explore Yuyin Village, his face suddenly changed when he was slapped by the rain all over his body. Change.

"This rain... seems to have some problems!"

Although the rain falling from the sky seems very ordinary, as a scientific research madman, Orochimaru, who is one of the best in chakra research, immediately noticed something was wrong.

Soon, he stretched out his long **** tongue like a snake, and retracted it after getting some rainwater.

After feeling the taste of rain in his mouth, Orochimaru finally affirmed:

"The smell of chakra! So this rain is not caused naturally, but man-made..."

Then, he looked up at the heavy rain covering the entire Yuyin Village, and said with great interest: "Very good detective skills. Also, what a huge amount of chakra!"

It's hard to imagine that someone can continuously cast such a wide range of spells.

Is there such a person in Yuyin Village?

Or was it the work of the mysterious Akatsuki organization?

Orochimaru didn't think too much about it. The owner of the current technique undoubtedly discovered him, so this interesting action was interrupted here. He quickly left and disappeared in Yuyin Village.

At the same time, in the tallest spire of Yuyin Village, the Rain and Tiger Freedom Art is being used, and everything in the village can be seen by Tiandao Payne, who opened his eyes of reincarnation, walked to the top terrace, and looked down calmly. everything below.

"What's wrong?"

On the side, Uchiha Obito, who saw Payne's sudden behavior, asked curiously.

"Someone broke into Yuyin Village. It looks like Orochimaru, one of Konoha Sannin." Payne said directly.

Regarding this, Payne still had fresh memories of Yahiko, Xiao Nanming's snake-like stern man who wanted him at the first meeting.

"Oshemaru? Didn't you say that he died in the hands of the Fourth Hokage a few years ago?" Uchiha Obito said in surprise.

Knowing how outrageous the fourth Hokage's strength is, it's hard for him to believe that Orochimaru could escape from the former.

"It is true that he is right." Payne said lightly.

Only such a person can quickly see through his Rain Tiger Freedom Technique, and disappear in Yuyin Village in a short period of time, even if he can't find him for a while.

Hearing Payne's affirmation, Obito Uchiha didn't bother about the authenticity of Orochimaru's fraudulent corpse anymore, and immediately suggested: "If that's the case, take this opportunity to invite Orochimaru to join the Akatsuki organization."

With the huge threat of the Fourth Hokage, Obito Uchiha naturally hopes that the stronger the power gathered on his side, the better.

Payne nodded in agreement without hesitation.

The past is the past.

Now he claims to act with the thinking of "God", he will not care about the little conflicts before.

At the moment when the Akatsuki organization is in need of talents, Orochimaru, who came on his own initiative, is undoubtedly a very good candidate.

"But before that, we have to fight first. After all, it is difficult to persuade such a person verbally. Payne, do you need my help?" Obito Uchiha asked.

Payne refused, "No, I'll do it myself. Besides, Orochimaru is gone now, so we have to wait."

"Oshemaru escaped the Utora Freedom Technique?" Uchiha Obito asked in surprise.

He is very familiar with the Rain Tiger Freedom Technique.

Even he, without knowing the technique in advance, couldn't discover the peculiarity of rainwater at all.

I didn't expect Orochimaru to realize something was wrong so quickly.

So it is worthy of being one of Konoha's Sannin.

Obito Uchiha shook his head slightly in his heart.

Although he has a lot of ninjutsu knowledge left by Madara, in terms of background, he still has a lot of gaps with those veteran powerhouses.

It is not easy to maintain the character design of "Uchiha Madara".

Even so, he knew that Payne had always had doubts about his identity.

If I hadn't thrown out some knowledge about reincarnation eyes, heretic golems, etc. from time to time, and even unheard of ninja secrets to stabilize the opponent, it would be difficult to guarantee that the opponent would not do anything when the doubts deepened.

At this moment, Payne, who didn't know what Obito Uchiha was thinking, didn't care about the disappearance of Orochimaru.

His gaze turned to the three of Xiaonan who had returned from their mission.

The latter entered Yuyin Village on the front foot, and Orochimaru followed up on the back foot.

If there is no connection among them, it is absolutely impossible.

"You don't need to look for it, Orochimaru will naturally come to your door later." Payne turned and left after finishing speaking.

Next, he will go to meet the new members of the Akatsuki organization.

Obito Uchiha, who was just a non-staff member and didn't plan to join in immediately, didn't follow.

Looking at Payne's leaving back, his eyes were full of thought.


In the hall inside the tower, Payne, who had received Xiaonanzhi's biography in advance, was not surprised by the unplanned arrival of Beliuho.

After the two sides met, not to mention how surprised Xie and Beiliuhu were when they saw the real leader of the Akatsuki organization, especially the latter's pair of purple spiral eyes.

Payne said succinctly: "Welcome to join the Akatsuki organization. I am the leader of Akatsuki, Payne. From now on, you, the Scorpion of Chisha, are the Jade Girl of Akatsuki, and you are the Suzaku of Akatsuki."

After finishing speaking, Payne took out the ring engraved with "Jade" and "Zhu" and handed it to the two of them. After giving some necessary explanations, he said: "At present, the Xiao organization is still in the dormant period, and will occasionally do some bounty tasks. Most of the time you can make your own arrangements, and the organization will not interfere."

"Sounds pretty good. If possible, I really hope to spend time on my own research. I wonder if there are enough materials and venues here?" Beiliuhu asked after taking the ring.

Now that his strength has been greatly weakened, he will not go back to Mount Sumeru just out of caution.

Being able to protect this seemingly powerful Xiao organization is the best choice.

Payne, who was well aware of Beiliuhu's ability, satisfied his request: "Yes~www.readwn.com~ If you have any requirements, submit a report at that time, and the organization will satisfy you."

The joining of Beiliuhu, no matter what his personal strength is, will undoubtedly be of great help to him who has the animal way.

On the other hand, Scorpion also wants a laboratory.

He also needs time to replenish after losing a lot of puppets.

Although the two focus on different directions, they are undoubtedly scientists. After the Daxiao organization quickly explained the matter, Xiao Nan led them to their respective laboratories and began research and production behind closed doors.

Soon, the vast hall became silent again.

However, it didn't take long before it was broken by Payne's plain words.

"Oshemaru, after watching it for so long, it's time to show up."

After speaking, Payne turned his head and looked towards a dark corner of the hall.

Not long after the three of Xiaonan arrived, a man named Orochimaru also lurked in.

Although the concealment method is very superb, it has blinded the former.

But in the eyes of Payne, who had been prepared for a long time and had a strong perception ability, it was still very clear.

Noticing the pair of purple spiral eyes that made his heart tumbling like a turbulent sea for a long time looked straight at him, Orochimaru, who knew that he was discovered, did not take any chances anymore, and while slowly showing his birth, he said in his unique hoarse voice:

"As expected of the leader of the Akatsuki organization, the rain technique should be performed by you before. There is more!"

Speaking of this, Orochimaru licked his lips excitedly, and a pair of golden snake eyes undisguisedly showed incomparable greed, shock, longing, obsession, etc., staring at Payne's eyes and said:

"If my guess is correct, your eyes should be the eyes of the legendary Sage of the Six Paths!!"


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