I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 21: layout start

"Okay, it's getting late, I'll leave first." Tsunade who didn't know the true meaning of Yun Ting's smile waved goodbye.

"By the way, don't forget the bet. If it doesn't work, just admit defeat in time. I don't want to see you turned into a stone when I come back. And..."

Tsunade took a deep look at the Hokage Yushen robe on Yun Ting, "Konoha's future, please leave it to you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunting to reply, she turned into white smoke and left the wet bone forest.

Looking at the position where Tsunade disappeared, Yun Ting was silent for a while, and murmured: "Konoha~~"

Speaking of which, before time travel, he had always fantasized about becoming a member of the Akatsuki organization.

Not for anything else, just to wear the extremely handsome Akatsuki uniform.

Of course, being an enemy of the entire ninja world is also cool.

But the reality is very different.

Whoever allows himself to cross over to the body of the person who will become the fourth generation of Hokage.

At this time, who would be so stupid as to let go of the most powerful force in the ninja world, the dignified leader of Konoha Village, instead of being a traitor and defecting to the Akatsuki organization, and he is just one of his subordinates.

Yunting's head was not caught by the door, so he naturally tied his own interests to Muye Village.

As for my childhood dream, maybe I will kill the members of the Akatsuki organization in the future and collect their uniforms to realize my dream.

Shaking his head, Yun Ting said to the living slug clone not far away: "I'm sorry, live slug, I just messed up your place."

"It's okay." The living slug said gently, "It won't take long for them to grow again. On the contrary, the wet bone forest has not been so lively for a long time. I also enjoyed watching the fight just now."

"That's fine." Yun Ting nodded with a smile.

Then, after saying goodbye to the live slug, he also left Wetbone Forest.

Because of one more battle, when Yunting returned to Hokage's office, it was a bit later than expected, which also made him have to speed up the processing of the documents accumulated during this period.

But these small costs are nothing.

After personally competing with Tsunade, Yun Ting has a clearer understanding of his own strength.

If Mu Dun is counted, his strength should be higher than the current Sannin.

Therefore, when faced with the key goal of his carefully prepared layout, Yun Ting has more confidence.

That being the case, let's get started.

Yun Ting glanced at the personal files on the table.

In his personal photo in the upper right corner, a man with a pale complexion, golden vertical pupils, and an extremely gloomy demeanor was looking forward.

It is one of Konoha Sannin who is as famous as Tsunade, Orochimaru!

"Come on!"

Cover the file of Orochimaru, Yun Ting shouted.

Soon, the assistant Sarutobi with a beard pushed the door in and asked for instructions, "Master Fourth, what are your orders?"

Yun Ting glanced at his assistant calmly, and said, "Go ask the captain of the security team to come to my office."

Assistant Sarutobi's face changed slightly upon hearing this.

The so-called captain of the guard refers to Uchiha Fugaku.

You must know that because of the position of Hokage, coupled with the relationship between Senju and Uchiha, the Uchiha clan has a new enmity and old grievances, and now their attitude towards this person in front of them is not very good, and there has been little contact with each other during this period of time.

So Sarutobi Assistant was very surprised when he heard Yun Ting calling Uchiha Fugaku.

But the surprise is the surprise, as a subordinate, he only needs to obey the orders.

"Yes!" Assistant Sarutobi quickly agreed, and turned to do it.

Of course, he did not forget to pass this news to Sarutobi Hiruzen on the way.

Yun Ting can guess the small movements of his assistant without seeing it with his own eyes.

He doesn't care about that.

It's okay to know anyway.

And it won't be long, after all the dust has settled, they will be able to replace the other party.

At that time, there must be a black silk long-legged female secretary by my side,

This is the configuration that a real leader should have.

Beard or something, it's too eyesore!


Soon, Uchiha Fugaku, who works in the Konoha Security Department, received the news.

The first thought is naturally very doubtful.

After all, he has no friendship with the current Fourth Hokage. Even if there are any important village affairs, he, who seems to be in a high position but is actually excluded from Konoha's power hierarchy, will not be able to discuss it.

But after all, it was Hokage's call from the village's top leader, Uchiha Fugaku didn't dare to delay, put down his work, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

"Master fourth generation."

After asking for instructions, Uchiha Fugaku pushed the door in and said calmly to the young man on Konoha's highest seat of power.

After Yun Ting nodded, he didn't talk too much, and said straight to the point: "Captain Fuyue, I have invited you here today because I want to ask you about a few cases."


Uchiha Fugaku was very surprised.

On the way here, he also thought about the reason why Yunting called him here.

Among them, I thought that the latter wanted to beat the Uchiha clan, after all, the atmosphere in the clan was really not very good during this period~www.readwn.com~ often said something to complain about the village.

He even thought that it might be different for the new Hokage to recruit him in turn. After all, he also knows that the other party has a name but no real power, and the Uchiha clan itself is also a strong help. Combining two or two is a good choice.

As for the contradictions between each other, in the face of real interests, they can still be put aside temporarily.

For this reason, Uchiha Fugaku evaluated in his heart for a long time.

But what he never expected was that Yun Ting called him here because of the case.

The responsibility of the Konoha Security Force is to protect the safety of the village, and to deal with the big and small affairs that happened in the village. Naturally, a lot of cases have accumulated.

And as the chief person in charge, it is normal for the Fourth Hokage to ask about a case.

So, is it really a business this time?

Seeing Yun Ting's serious and normal face, Uchiha Fugaku was a little speechless.

"It is indeed a case."

Yunting doesn't care about Uchiha Fugaku's reaction, even if he wants to deal with the Uchiha clan, it will be in the future instead of now.

Therefore, he went straight to business and said: "I checked the case files of the police force and found that there have been six cases of missing persons in the village in the past few months, one of which was committed by human traffickers and the other was killed by others. , buried in secret. These two cases were quickly cracked and captured by the security team, and they did a good job, but the other four cases, although they were all cracked in the files, but the above descriptions were crude, and there were many loopholes in careful deduction. , Captain Fuyue, you can see for yourself."

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku had adjusted his state, heard the words and took the file, and looked at the four cases that Yun Ting specifically pointed out.

Soon, he frowned.

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