I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 27: Yunting VS Orochimaru

"Hey, I'll just wait and see."

Orochimaru smiled coldly, stretched out his snake-like slender tongue, licked his lips, and immediately moved his hands.

"Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique."

A shuriken was thrown out first, and then hundreds of shurikens were quickly thrown out from the shadow clone, like a torrential rain, hitting Yunting continuously.

As the A-level ninjutsu created by three generations of Naruto, Orochimaru, as a direct disciple, has naturally learned it.

Facing the overwhelming attack, Yun Ting put his hands together calmly and said:

"Wind Escape · Big Breakthrough."

An incomparably turbulent gust of wind blew out from in front of him, instantly blowing the shuriken shadow clone into pieces.

Although Wind Breakthrough is only a basic Muji C-level ninjutsu, the scale of creating a gust of wind varies depending on the ability of the performer.

When an excellent ninja uses it, the wind can blow down a large area of ​​trees.

It would be more like a typhoon that destroys everything if it is performed by the huge cloud court of chakra in the body.

Seeing that his ninjutsu was broken, and his long black hair was blown wildly, Orochimaru excitedly licked his lips again, and sighed: "What an enviable amount of chakra! Such a powerful physique, really I want to do a good dissection study."

While speaking, the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

"Fire escape, head hard."

The blazing fireball spit out from Orochimaru's mouth to the ground, and the flames falling on the ground grew rapidly in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, and under the influence of the current gust of wind, it rolled forward even more violently.

For the study of ninjutsu, the current Orochimaru is not inferior to Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is known as the doctor of ninjutsu.

With the help of the characteristics of the wind, the damage caused by his fire escape will only be greater.

In an instant, the whole situation was reversed.

Seeing the huge fire wave engulfing Yunting, Orochimaru thought for a while, then turned and left with a little bit of regret.

Naturally, he didn't think that this ninjutsu could kill Qianshou Yunting, but if it caused trouble for the latter, it could still be done after some delay.

Although he is very envious of Qianshou's body, he is still on the run, and there are definitely many Konoha chasing soldiers behind him.

In order to prevent unnecessary accidents, he managed to escape first before talking about anything else.

It's just that he wanted to escape someone but he didn't want to.

The moment Orochimaru turned around, Yun Ting suddenly came out from behind him, and the Kunai held in his hand swept away towards his neck with a cold edge.


The touch that is different from flesh and blood is transmitted back to Yunting's hands.

In the next second, Orochimaru turned into a mud clone and collapsed with a bang.

"The four generations of adults really never forget me."

At this moment, Orochimaru's iconic voice sounded from behind Yunting.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the poisonous snake spinning silk also came.

Stalker snake limbs!

Dozens of poisonous snakes suddenly drilled out from the sleeve of Orochimaru, biting Yun Ting's back fiercely with their sharp fangs.


Like Orochimaru before, Yunting's body at this time also changed into an earth clone, but there were a few more detonating symbols on it.

Boom boom boom!

There were successive explosions.

Amidst the dust, dozens of shattered snake bodies flew around.

Yun Ting, who reappeared in real body, looked into the dust without blinking his eyes, and his hands were about to seal again.


An incomparably rapid sound of piercing the air sounded, and Dashewan's conspicuous head flew out at this moment, spitting out a long sword, and stabbing at him extremely fast.

The corners of Yun Ting's eyes twitched slightly. Although he already knew about Orochimaru's infinitely elongated neck flying head technique, but seeing it with his own eyes, he still felt very strange and frightening.

The opponent's speed is very fast, at this time he can only give up the seal and draw out Kunai to deal with it.


The symphony of gold and iron rang several times in an instant.

In the end, Yunting Kunai was cut off by the sword in the opponent's mouth and had to retreat temporarily.

"That's a lot of strength." Orochimaru, whose head had returned to his body, twisted his neck, looked at Yun Ting and said, "It's a pity, after all, it can't compare to Tsunade's strange girl."

Yun Ting's answer to this was a fireball.

Orochimaru easily dodges, and then the two fight together again.

Now Orochimaru's physical body has undergone software modification, and his body's flexibility and flexibility have been greatly enhanced, which has also made his melee combat ability strange and changeable. Coupled with his rich and incomparable combat experience, if it is changed to the past, Yun Ting is really good. is not an opponent.

But now that he possesses the Wooden Dungeon, the physical fitness of the Senju Clan has been greatly enhanced. Although his strength is not as good as Tsunade's, he has surpassed it in other aspects, so when facing Orochimaru, he can deal with it very freely.

Except for that sword.

Presumably this should be the Kusanagi sword.

Although the Kusanagi sword in Hokage can be measured wholesale, but it can be carried by Orochimaru, and after Yunting's own test just now, this sword is also one of the highest quality among Kusanagi swords.


Yun Ting slammed forward with a heavy punch, and was twisted away by Orochimaru's flexible body, which was incomparable in juggling.

At this moment, taking advantage of Yun Ting's old power just gone, the new power was not born for a moment, the head of Orochimaru, who had been prepared for a long time, flew out again, made a turn, and the Kusanagi sword in his mouth pointed directly at the back of Yun Ting's neck.

"It's you who's waiting!"

Yun Ting smiled instead of being surprised~www.readwn.com~ The sudden burst of dense electric currents all over his body was exactly the method of thunder escape and body stimulation.

In an instant, his speed suddenly increased a lot.

Turning around, facing the stabbing Kusanagi sword, he stretched out his hand, ignoring the injury on his palm, and grabbed it firmly.

Orochimaru's face changed instantly, he was about to get out feeling deeply that something was wrong, but it was too late.

Stab it!

The chakra in Yunting's body boiled instantly, and the palm holding the Kusanagi sword suddenly burst out with intense lightning.

Metal is conductive, and lightning speed is extremely fast.

As a result, Orochimaru could only watch helplessly as the extremely dazzling electric light gathered in Yun Ting's hand swept along the sword body and swept towards his whole body.


It was as if countless birds were singing together in Orochimaru's body.

At this moment, it was too late for him to react, so his whole body was trembling, and a puff of charred air came out of his body, and soon, the originally extremely pale skin turned into scorched black.

Different people's lightning escape effects are different.

Just like Uchiha Sasuke's Thunder Dun is very restrained from Didara.

However, during the Fourth Ninja World War, facing the latter who had already been tightly restrained, when a ninja in the coalition army tried to paralyze the opponent with Thunder Dungeon, it was as ineffective as a tickle.

Although Yun Ting's Thunder Dun is not used very much at ordinary times.

But the foundation of strength is there, and when he really uses it, the effect it will show is not weaker than the mighty Thunder Dunninja.

Otherwise, with Orochimaru's good resistance to ninjutsu, it's time to get away.

A minute later, seeing that he could no longer feel the vitality of Orochimaru in front of him, Yun Ting withdrew his hand.

Going any further is just wasting chakra.

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