I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 275: backstab cloud ninja

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"Water Escape·Mist Concealment Technique!"

As soon as he made a move, Wu Ninja took out his signature ninjutsu.

This time it was no longer Terumi Mei alone, but all the Mist Ninja elites who followed.

In an instant, a majestic white mist emerged from behind the Mist Ninjas, rushing towards the aircraft carrier like covering the sky and covering the sun.

"I've been waiting for you to do this for a long time."

The aircraft carrier formation commander Aokihara immediately issued a new order.

Soon, a large number of huge wind generators were carried out by the aircraft carrier staff. With the roar of the machines, the strong man-made wind blows away the white mist.

Long before the start of the war, it was clear that the future opponent would be Kirinin, and the Konoha aircraft carrier formation was naturally doing various preparations.

Among them, the aircraft carrier formation specially purchased a batch of high-efficiency wind generators for Mist Ninja's favorite technique of concealing Mist to blow them away.

At present, although the Mist Hidden Art jointly performed by the Mist Ninja Elites is more effective, it cannot be completely broken.

However, the strong wind generated by the wind generator can completely blow away the white mist within hundreds of meters around the aircraft carrier, which is enough for the defender's Konoha.

Sure enough, seeing that the technique of concealing the fog could not get close to the aircraft carrier, the Mist ninjas who were the attackers did not consume chakra to continue maintaining the technique of concealing the fog, but rushed towards the aircraft carrier at a faster pace.


The chakra artillery from the aircraft carrier kept ringing.

Accompanied by it, there are also the sound of gunai guns fired by Konoha guards and the brilliance of various ninjutsu.

If you were an ordinary ninja, you would definitely suffer heavy losses under such firepower.

But this time following Terumi Mei, there are less than a hundred Mist ninjas, all of whom are elites among the elites.

After paying a small price, they quickly broke through layer after layer of firepower nets, and finally counterattacked.

"Water Escape · Breaking the Torrent!"

"Water Escape · Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Water Escape · Water Bouncing Technique!"

"Water Escape·Water Horn!"


In a series of ninjutsu counterattacks performed by Mistnin, although the damage caused to the huge aircraft carrier was average, the Konoha ninjas on the aircraft carrier deck were weakened by the firepower for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Mist Ninjas accelerated their forward speed even more.

"It's time for us to make a move!"

On the deck of the aircraft carrier, after pulling out his ninja sword and cutting off the attacking water dragon, Shisui opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan and gave the final attack order.

"Haha! It's finally time to play to your heart's content! I'll go first!" Kirabi said excitedly, and couldn't wait to take the lead in sprinting from the deck with all his strength. After a big jump, "Boom" soon landed on down the sea.

The Mist ninjas who had just arrived nearby were shocked at first, and then when they noticed that only one person from Konoha had arrived, their faces showed cold killing intent, and they wanted to kill this ignorant guy first.

However, in the next second, their expressions suddenly froze.

Because at this moment, several extremely huge octopus tails suddenly stretched out from behind the person, and quickly wrapped around several Wunin who couldn't dodge, and saw the octopus tail squeeze, stab The smell of blood came out of the nose immediately.

"Hey! Hachio-san is no weaker than you Mist ninjas when it comes to water battles~ oh yeah!


At this moment, Qibila finally couldn't help returning to his nature and sang a rap.

At this time, Qing's complexion changed drastically with his supercilious eyes: "This is... Eight Tails??? How is it possible! Why did Yun Nin's people appear here?"

"Jinzhuriki of Cloud Hidden Village?" On the side, Terumi Mei, the leader, didn't show such horror on the face, but the strong shock in her eyes undoubtedly showed her state at this time.

Originally, even if Uchiha Shisui appeared from the aircraft carrier at this time, she would not be surprised.

But the person who appeared was the one who had never thought of it, and it was supposed to be the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki on the side of the ally.

And looking at the other party's current behavior, it is obvious that they are on Konoha's side.

What the **** is going on here?

Didn't Yunin say that he would fight back against Konoha after some adjustments?

Why, as the most important tail beast weapon in Yunyin Village, it suddenly appeared here and launched an attack on Mist Ninja.

Is it personal behavior or the will of the village?

Feeling bad, Terumi Mei couldn't help recalling the news he finally received from Yunin two days ago in his mind.

According to the narration of the Tudai who is now the chief of Yunyin Village.

The Konoha raid force led by the fourth generation of Hokage Senshou Yuntei beat Yun Yin Village with a **** at the beginning of the war, and then the fourth generation of Raikage Ai even at the cost of his own life, delaying time so that Yun Ren's The living forces were able to evacuate from Konoha's raid.

Even so, if there were no accidents in the middle and Qianshou Yunting left suddenly, the remaining cloud ninjas would inevitably be wiped out.

Although Yunin's strength has suffered a heavy loss now, Tudai said that he would not stop there.

For this reason, he also specially notified the four countries that Yunyin Village would still fulfill the covenant even in such a situation.

After everyone in Kumo Nin takes a sigh of relief, he, who is temporarily acting as Raikage, will bring the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, Eight-Tails Jinchuriki and a group of Konohas to continue attacking Konoha to avenge Raikage.

When she first heard the news, Terumi Mei didn't doubt it, but she was just glad that Yunting retreated early, allowing Yunin to retain her vitality.

At the same time, she greatly appreciated the bloodiness shown by Yun Nin.

but now......

Is this what Tu Dai said about revenge?

Was Yun Ninja beaten so dizzy?

Hit Mist Ninja as Konoha?

There was a last trace of joy on Terumi Mei's face.

But soon, when another voice wearing a blue-tailed beast coat rushed from Konoha, and mercilessly killed Kirinin, she heard "Two Tails" in a dry voice beside her. The illusion was finally completely shattered.

In an instant, Terumi Mei's face was very ugly.

She couldn't figure out why the Doshiro of Yunyin Village, and the powerful Natsuo and Hachio Jinchuriki turned their backs on the Five Kingdoms Alliance and joined the Konoha side.

Don't they know that even if they reach an alliance with Konoha, the latter will not tolerate the existence of Yunyin Village and Yunren in the end.

So what happened on the first day of the war?

Why did Yunin's attitude change so much?

And Raikage~www.readwn.com~ Was it true that he was killed by Senshou Yunting as Doyo said?

At this moment, Terumi Mei clenched her fists tightly, and her heart seemed to fall into an abyss.

Not only because of Yunin's unexpected betrayal, the balance of power between the remaining four countries and Konoha has changed dramatically.

More because of the moment.

Now that Yatsuo and Ninao Jinchuriki have both come out here, it means that Konoha has already taken precautions against their surprise attack.

So, I am waiting for someone to fall into a trap...


When he saw a tall and familiar young man with a Uchiha Uchiha fan printed on his combat uniform, he appeared.

A trace of deep helplessness flashed in Terumi Meimei's eyes.

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Chapter 275: Cloud Ninja with Backstab is free to read.https://

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