I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 278: 4th generation and 5th generation

"It's time to end!"

Shisui controlled the huge green Susanoo and stepped out, the spiral sword in his hand fell from the sky like a mountain, and when he saw that he was about to slash at Terumi Mei again.

Suddenly, a huge water mirror appeared in front of him.

In an instant, I saw an identical "Shisui" wrapped in green Susanoo emerge from the water mirror, also manipulating the spiral sword, and ruthlessly met the genuine version that was hacking.

boom! !

Violent strikes sounded from the two spiral swords.

Feeling that the strength coming from the opposite side was no weaker than his own, Zhishui was very surprised.

At the same time, Kirabi and Yumu who were not far away were very surprised with him.

Similarly, two water mirrors that were about the same size as the two of them abruptly stood in front of them, and they walked out of replicas that were exactly the same in appearance and ability, and started fighting with them.

The art of water escape and water mirror.

Create a mirror made of water, in the mirror there will be a person exactly like the enemy, and can use the same ninjutsu as the opponent, and the power is the same.

With such a powerful water escape secret technique, only one person in the entire ninja world can use it.

Obviously, the first four generations of Mizukage, the three-tailed Jinchuriki Yagura returned.

Terumi Mei also knows this.

Just when she was about to say something, Yagura appeared beside her holding a stick decorated with green flowers in her hand. Without saying a word, she grabbed her by the shoulder and took her away very quickly. stand up.

Under such circumstances, Terumi Mei would not struggle to do "you go, let me stay" and the like, to give time to Konoha's chasing soldiers in vain.

At this point, she could only cooperate with Yakura to evacuate, and at the same time she sighed slightly: "Fourth generation, you shouldn't have come back."

Hearing this, Yagura with a baby face smiled sincerely and said, "Wuyin Village can live without the Fourth Mizukage, but it cannot live without the Fifth Mizukage!"

As the "culprit" in the Blood Mist, Yakura, who is the fourth Mizukage, is still very unpopular even if it is later learned by the Mist Ninja executives that his actions were controlled by illusion.

Yagura himself knew this too.

Therefore, after waking up, full of deep guilt and self-blame, according to popular expectations, he quickly selected the Fifth Mizukage, and retired from intervening in village affairs.

Even so, he still remembered his dereliction of duty and sin in his heart, hoping to find a chance to make up for it.

And now is undoubtedly the best time.

As he just said from the bottom of his heart, Wuyin Village is really inseparable from Wudai Mizukage.

If something happened to the latter, then the situation in the village that had finally stabilized would be in turmoil again, and the various conflicts left in the blood mist would once again erupt.

Therefore, the Five Dynasties Water Shadows must not be lost.

Even if he sacrificed his unpopular four-generation Mizukage's life for this.

Yakura, who found out that Terumi Mei hadn't followed after the break just now, knew what he was doing and returned immediately, had already made such a determination.

At this moment, feeling that the replicas of the water mirror art behind him have been broken up one by one, looking at Terumi Mei who was about to say something, Yagura shook his head to interrupt it, and said with a final entrustment: "Findaime , Wuyin Village will be handed over to you!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly made a seal, and the rushing water immediately entangled Terumi Mei's legs, and slid away quickly in the opposite direction.


Soon, Terumi Mei's loud shout gradually faded away.

In the end, Yakura, who was replaced by the descendant, calmly turned to the Konoha people who were approaching again, and said with a touch of self-mockery: "As Mizukage, I am undoubtedly the most incompetent one. Let me use my last peripheral vision to Show your responsibilities as a moviegoer."

So, the next second.

A deafening roar erupted from where Yakura was.

In an instant, a huge tortoise with thorns all over its body and three tails appeared.

It was Mio Isofu.

As a perfect Jinchuriki like Kirabi, Yagura can also be completely tailed.

"Isofu, I need your strength next." Yakura said to Mio in his heart at this moment.

"I understand, Yakura, you can explode to your heart's content." Mio Iso said in a deep voice.

Since Yagura can become the perfect Jinchuriki, it means that it has a good relationship with the former.

Coupled with the situation of being together day and night, no one knows better than it the pain that Yakura has been enduring these years.

Therefore, after hearing the other party's request at this moment, Mio Isofu did not refuse.

Even if it takes more than ten years of resurrection time for this.

"Thank you, buddy!"

Yakura, who felt the three-tailed chakra instilled into his whole body like never before, smiled brightly.

Then, he saw the three-tailed big mouth of his incarnation, and a huge tailed beast jade immediately condensed into shape, and flew towards the Konoha people in front.


Seeing this scene, Shisui Hou, who was still in the state of Susano, frowned and shouted, while raising the spiral sword, and slashed at Tailed Beast Yu without hesitation.


A more violent explosion than before resounded at the moment when the Spiral Sword and the Tailed Beast Jade collided.

Soon, when the substantial air waves rushed towards all directions, creating huge waves one after another, I saw that the tailed beast jade had completely ruptured in the center of the confrontation.

And the green Susanoo doesn't seem to have any damage.

All he paid was the price of having to retreat dozens of steps under the huge impact force of his huge body.

This is the strength of Susanoo.

At this moment, just as the other Konoha ninjas who obeyed orders and scattered were shocked by the shocking scene just now, they also stabilized Susanoo's figure without changing their expressions on the still water, and were about to take another step.

Yagura, who sighed slightly in his heart, was not idle either.

I saw him manipulating the three tails to bow his huge body, wrap the thick carapace on his back around his body, use his huge size and weight, like a wheel, roll quickly towards the Konoha people in front, and rush towards them.

Shadow, one of Mio's abilities.

At this time, Yagura will undoubtedly try his best to stop Konoha Ninja's pursuit.

It's just that after Terumi Mei's interception just now, the latter also made a real fire.

Before Zhishui could take any action, Qirabbi jumped out without showing any weakness, and said loudly:

"I come!"


A gigantic bull with eight octopus tentacles tails ~www.readwn.com~ and only one horn on its forehead appeared on the stage.

At this moment, Kirabi also turned on a complete tailed beast.



After two loud roars, Kirabi and Yakura, who were the only perfect Jinchuriki in the ninja world, turned into huge tailed beasts and fought for the first time.

Because Sanwei's tortoise shell defense is really strong, Zhishui didn't waste time on the former.

Seeing that Hachio and Mizukage were having a good fight, he ordered Kirabi "I'll leave it to you, the Fourth Mizukage", and he continued to chase with the rest of the team.

"Don't think about it!"

The person who saw Konoha wanted to bypass him and transformed himself into Sanwei, relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, Yakura, who didn't care about the attack of Eight Tails for a while, stomped on the sea with his thick limbs.

In an instant, a majestic big wave rushed towards Zhishui and the others.

As a tailed beast living in the sea, Sanwei's ability to control water is also outstanding.

However, this time, Shisui, who has Susanoo, rushed straight to the front as an arrow regardless, letting thousands of waves add to his body, but the speed did not decrease at all to lead everyone to move on.

Yakura was very impatient, and when he was about to make another move, he saw that eight giant octopus tails had already entangled him tightly.

Kirabi, who has played with the Asian **** beforehand, smiled and said, "Little Three-tailed boy, let's play with Mr. Eight-tailed man!"

"Damn it!"

In the end, Yakura, who could only watch the Konoha people chasing in the direction of Kirinin, was unwilling to vent his anger on Hachio in front of him.

Boom! Boom!

The two huge tailed beasts fought fiercely on the vast sea.


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