I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 295: Fall from the Tree Realm to Fall from the Tree Realm

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The rapid sonic boom resounded continuously in the train station.

Different from the head-to-head confrontation before, at this time the figures belonging to Qianshoubeijian and Maitekai are flickering around chasing each other.

After opening the seven gates, the forbidden technique called Eight Gates Dunjia, even if it is far from the shocking effect of fully opening the eight gates, it is by no means comparable to ordinary kage-level ninjas.

If it was at its peak, Qianshou Feijian would naturally not be afraid of Kai who had opened the seven doors at this moment.

It's just that under the influence of the dirty soil reincarnation technique, he, who is not even half strong now, really fights, but he is beaten by Kai.

In the end, after being hit by a few powerful fists and kicks in a row, the dirty soil body was shattered again and again, and Qianshou Feijian, who had recovered after that, no longer chose to continue entanglement with Kai.

Not forgetting the purpose of this trip, he continued to use the Flying Thunder God technique in the following time, deliberately avoiding Kai, and at the same time posted detonating symbols, and continued to wreak havoc in the train station.

In this regard, within the fixed range of the train station, the speed is no slower than that of Flying Thunder God, and Kai, who is covered in blue steam, keeps chasing and blocking Qianshou Feijian.

With his hard work, the latter can only be a small fight for a while.

It's just that Kai's body is not made of iron after all.

Bamen Dunjia is originally a forbidden technique that stimulates potential and is harmful to the body.

Now that the seventh door is open, the time is short.

If it drags on for a long time, Kai's body will become more and more overwhelmed.

Coincidentally, although Senshou Feijian under the reincarnation of the dirty soil does not have the rumored infinite chakra (the ancestor of Chakra in the Naruto world, Dai Jianmu Kaguya can't do this), but the amount of chakra it has is far away. beyond the normal range.

Therefore, he can cast the Flying Thunder God technique continuously.

In order to protect the train station, Kai could only grit his teeth and follow.

Under such circumstances, as time goes by, the speed of Kai, who is not as good as Chakra and physical fitness, will only become slower and slower.

Not far away, Hiruza Sarutobi, who was fighting Senjujuma, took the time to look at the past, and also noticed Kai's embarrassment at the moment.

In terms of real fighting, Kai's strength is definitely above the current state of Qianshou Feijian.

But under the influence of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, Qianshou Feijian, who can't be beaten to death no matter how hard he fights, is naturally invincible.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi also knew that if he used the sealing technique, he could take down Senshou Tobima.

But the latter has the technique of Flying Thunder God, and it is too difficult to seal it successfully.

In addition to Kai, there must be an equally powerful person to cooperate with it, so that it is possible to seal it successfully.

Now in Konoha Village, only I can do this.


Looking at Senju Hashirama, who was under siege by himself and the four Konoha Elite Jonin, who did not show signs of decline, Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't help frowning.

Having seen the power of the first generation of Hokage-sama, he naturally knows that the dirt body in front of him is not even one-tenth of the original body.

If it was a head-to-head fight, he would have a high probability of defeating and sealing him with the help of several Jnin around him.

However, the order that Orochimaru, who was also aware of this, gave Senjujuma was just to delay time.

If so, at the moment Senshou Bashima deliberately avoids the edge, hides in the tree world, and only entangles him with a steady stream of wood escapes, it is really difficult for Sarutobi Hiruza and others to escape for a while.

"If I go to Orochimaru first..."

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzaru couldn't help thinking when he saw the Mutun Forest that had just been destroyed by his Vajra Omnistick and a group of Konoha Ninjutsu using ninjutsu restored to its original appearance in the blink of an eye, and rushed from all directions.

But soon, he shook his head again.

During this period of time, if I and Kai hadn't tried their best to suppress Senju Hashirama and Senju Tomonama, the latter would have smashed the train station, which is very important to Konoha, to pieces.

If one person was sent to Orochimaru from the beginning, one of the vacant Senshoubashira or Senshouban would be enough to destroy the train station before the other party was found.

It's just that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to him now!

Seeing that Kai, who was always full of energy, was already out of breath at this time, and looking at the scene in front of him where there were only trees in front of him, but the real body in Senshouzhujian could not be seen, Hiruza Sarutobi exerted more force on the palm of his hand holding the Vajra Omnistick.

"Is it only possible to use that technique?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes flickered, then he looked around again, took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely firm and said,

"For Konoha! Even if it means sacrificing my life! Everyone, please protect me from now on."

"Yes! Lord III!"

Although he didn't know what the third generation was going to do, the four Konoha jominin around him nodded without hesitation, and quickly distributed around the former, each using their means to block the attack of Kotoshi.

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi put down the Vajra Wishful Stick in his hand, and began to form the seal without distraction.

Beside him, the ape demon king who reappeared in his real body looked at all this, his face instantly showed shock, grief, nostalgia and other expressions: "The ghoul sealing technique, I will kill you every day..."

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped.

It was only because it saw the incomparably determined expression on the face of the old buddy who had fought together for decades.


Just as a Taoist seal was formed rapidly through his hands, Hiruza Sarutobi turned his head and smiled at the Demon King Ape, and said, "Old man, Sarutobi and Konoha will ask you to help me out in the future."

"I understand!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, the ape demon king could only nod in a complicated way.

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was finally relieved, formed the last self-seal.

Put your hands together in front of your chest, fingers interlaced.

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to complete the final action, when he summoned the **** of death.

Accident happened suddenly!

An immature and full of sonorous and powerful voice suddenly rang in the ears of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, Demon King Sarutobi, the four Konoha Jominin, and even Senjujuma:

"Wood escape, the art of descending from the tree world!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth quickly cracked ~www.readwn.com~ The moment the intruding childish voice fell, an incomparably thick tree rose up from the ground of the trees summoned from the Thousand-Hand Pillars.

Immediately afterwards, without saying a word, the new trees immediately attacked and killed the original trees.

This is exactly Treeland Fall against Treeworld Fall!

"This is Mutun again?" The ape demon king, who hadn't been in the ninja world for a long time, opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene in surprise.

On the side, although imprisoned at home, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who still knew about Konoha's affairs, quickly reacted.

"Fourth generation? No! The power is not so weak. So, it is Senju Zhenji?!


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this in an instant, he no longer cared about the seal in his hand, and hurriedly looked around, looking for the little ancestor.

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