I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 307: final battle

Country of Grass.

Deliver all the materials needed for the attack in Qianshoubei, after all preparations are completed.

As planned, at the moment when the scheduled time came, Konoha Commander Namikaze Minato gave an order, and the general attack officially began.


On the battlefield that stretched for more than ten kilometers, the densely packed Konoha ninjas, under the cover of Chakra artillery fire, turned into waves that were more violent than before, sweeping towards the Iwanin position.

The sound of Kunai shuriken shooting, the roar of ninjutsu, the sound of tearing flesh and blood, roars, screams, etc. resounded continuously in the following time.

"Master Tukage! Konoha's offensive is too fierce, and the defense line is almost overwhelmed!"

In just half an hour, Loess, whose face was already blackened by gunpowder smoke, and whose clothes were covered with the blood of himself and the enemy, could not help explaining the situation to his father Ohnoki.

"If you can't stand it, you have to continue to support me! It's only the last few hours! The sand ninja troops who came to reinforce will immediately kill the rain ninja in the rear. The whole battle situation can also be revitalized! For the hidden rock village! Huang Tu, you must persevere even if you do your best!"

Like a gambler who put all the bets on the table, Ohnoki, who was confronting Minato, and refused to let him get away, yelled loudly, enduring the severe pain in his waist, his eyes bloodshot.

"...Yes!" Hearing this, Huang Tu just gritted his teeth.

After some transfers and sacrifices, the number of rock ninjas on the battlefield has dropped from more than 20,000 at the peak to less than 15,000 today.

Among them, due to the shortage of medical supplies, the lightly and seriously wounded who have not yet recovered accounted for a full third. Coupled with Bingliangwan, Kunai Shuriken and the like have already been almost consumed.

It can be said that the combat power of the current Iwain army has reached an unprecedented freezing point.

Huang Tu knew very well that the number of people resisting with such strength had already surpassed them, the logistics support was sufficient, the wounded could be treated effectively, and Konoha, who had a strong ability to recover blood, launched an unprecedented general attack with almost no chance of winning.

But as Ohnoki said, they have no way out.

For Yanyin Village, if you don't work hard now, you have to work hard.

Soon, Huang Tu, who returned to the front line, set an example and rushed to the front line.

Just like the outside world has the same impression of Yan Ninja as a "stubborn stinky stone".

In the following time, he, who turned into a rock, led a famous rock ninja who also turned into a stubborn rock around him, blocking round after round of attacks launched by Konoha.

"After so many years, Iwanin is still the same Iwanin. Or stronger."

In the rear of Konoha's army, after delivering the supplies, they did not return here, but continued to stay here, as a hidden sharp sword, Qianshoufan, who was ready to show his edge at any time, looked at the battle ahead and said with emotion.

In the first ninja world war, the most impressive enemy in his mind was not the cloud ninja who fought the most, but the rock ninja who was as tenacious as a rock.

In the absence of a powerful person like Senju Zhuma who can subvert the entire war, Iwanin, who is good at fighting with large armies and has a tenacious style, is definitely the most troublesome object for every opponent.

"Three generations of Tukage Onogi, right? Wu has made a good apprentice. But..." His eyes turned from Onoki in the air to Namikaze Minato, who was fighting with him and constantly eluding him under the flying thunder **** technique. With a slight smile between his hands, he said, "There are no successors, but I, Konoha, have a lot of talents!"

Although I have never seen the Fourth Hokage, who is now famous in the Konoha and ninja circles, but whose prestige is not inferior to that of his elder brother in the past.

But during the period of time in the Qianshoubeijian, I found that there are also many amazing talents in Konoha Ninja.

Just like Namikaze Minato, it is also the technique of Flying Thunder God, but Senshou Tomonen knows that the opponent's speed is a little faster than the founder himself.

"It's no wonder that the fourth generation dared to overthrow decades of tradition in the ninja world. At this time, Konoha is much stronger than my era."

Although at first he had some doubts about the fourth generation's practice of changing the one country, one village system and almost becoming an enemy of the entire ninja world, but after seeing Konoha's current prosperity and force, Senju Tomona's attitude has also changed.

He wasn't one to follow the rules.

Otherwise, there would not be so many forbidden techniques created.

After the death of his elder brother, he carried out a series of drastic reforms in Konoha Village, such as the establishment of Anbu, the establishment of Ninja School, and the establishment of a garrison force.

However, even a person like him was extremely shocked when he heard that the fourth generation had taken the swords of the daimyo nobles of the country of fire.

Things have come to this point, and he can't say whether such a change will be right or wrong in the future.

But as the elder brother said, as the dead, they are passers-by after all.

Even if it's really not pleasing to the eye, Senshou Feijian will not do useless work such as accusing the fourth generation.

On the contrary, no matter what he thinks in his heart, he still wants to contribute to the fourth generation and Konoha.

Just because I am the second generation of Konoha.

"The time is coming."

Looking at the hands on a watch that Minato Namikaze gave him earlier, Senshou's eyes froze.

Then, he looked in the direction of the fourth generation beyond his vision, his eyes full of far-reaching.

Just because there, compared with him and his elder brother, there was a Uchiha Madara who was really resurrected.


"The time is coming."

Saying these words in Senshouban, Yunting, who was also paying attention to the time, and even Namikaze Minato, who was entangled with Onoki, couldn't help but flash this news in their hearts.

At this moment, under the attack of the Konoha army that is ready to go, no matter how powerful the will is, it cannot ignore the fact that the huge gap between Iwanin is far from the startling tenacity at the beginning.

So far, Konoha's side has lost a lot.

Yan Ninja, who is at an absolute disadvantage in all aspects, will only suffer greater losses.

Seeing batches of Iwanin fall down, the string in the hearts of the remaining people has been pulled to the extreme.

At this time, Ohnoki, who had already disregarded himself and was injured by Namikaze Minato, used Dust Dun to support the lower part, and kept murmuring:

"Come on! Come on!"

As long as sand ninja reinforcements arrive, everything can be reversed.

Onogi, who thought so in his heart, endured his physical distress for the next time, and continued to persevere in a way that almost consumed his vitality.

Finally, it was as if he had heard his heartfelt voice.

From behind Iwanoshi, at the boundary of vision, a long black line is rapidly sweeping towards here.

"Here we come! Rock Ninja's reinforcements have finally arrived!"

Onoki, who saw this scene for the first time, said with surprise on his face.

However, at this moment, a voice from Namikaze Minato, only "happy" but not "surprised" suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Your Excellency Tuying, who is it from? You have to look carefully."

"What do you mean?"

Ohnoki's complexion changed~www.readwn.com~For some reason, looking at Namikaze Minato's face that didn't show any panic at all, he who had just gotten excited suddenly had a bad feeling.

Minato didn't reply.

Just because during this period of time, the "reinforcements" that Onoki said had already drawn closer in the fast sprint.

Onoki moved quickly and looked carefully again.

"This...how is this possible?!


In an instant, his face turned extremely pale, and he said loudly in disbelief.

All because the reinforcements that arrived were not the sand ninja he had been longing for.

Instead, there are four vertical lines on the forehead, and like a rebellious ninja, a horizontal line is drawn in the middle, and all the vertical lines pass through the rain ninja!


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