I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 311: reincarnation eye to reincarnation eye

"Fire Escape·Extinguish Fire!"

As soon as he made a move, Uchiha spewed out an extremely raging sea of ​​flames, which was about to burn the entire Takamahara.

boom! boom! boom!

The ground was cracked, and gigantic walls of earth flowed up one after another quickly, intercepting the surging sea of ​​flames.

In the next second, majestic heavy rain poured down from the sea of ​​fire.

In a short time, the chakra-filled rain quickly extinguished the fire extinguishing technique.

Not only that, but in a short period of time, after a large amount of accumulated rainwater merged with the soil flow city wall, it turned into an unstoppable huge mudslide, sweeping towards Madara.

Seeing this scene, Madara frowned slightly, and immediately dodged.

On the other side, Yun Ting, who was in control of everything, stood in place from the beginning to the end, his hands never moved, and his eyes of reincarnation followed Madara closely.

Wherever he looked, the sword-like rain, the greedy mud flow, and the newly added invisible wind blade all followed like a shadow.

Gao Tianyuan, the reincarnation eye child technique, can not only pull enemies within the range into the space without any resistance, no matter how strong they are.

Being in Gao Tianyuan's home court, the master of Shu can manipulate everything in it.

For example, the island in the sky under your feet.

For example, the nature chakras that make up this space are wind, earth, water, fire, etc.

It can be said here that the Five Elements Escape Technique has no effect on Yun Ting at all.

It's just like the extinguishing fire that Madara just used.

Yun Ting didn't even consume his own chakra, just with a movement of mind, the fire, earth, and water chakra in Gao Tianyuan were mobilized.

The former extracts the fire attribute chakra that is extinguished by the fire from the inside, while the latter two extinguish it easily from the outside.

After that, they were combined under Yun Ting's instructions, turned into a physical attack method, and culled and killed Madara who could not be completely absorbed by the seal seal.

For other strong ninjas, such as the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen who is known as the doctor of ninja who is perfectly proficient and combines five kinds of chakra, if he comes to Takamahara, he will definitely be restrained to death by this child's art.

Even Yunting can defeat it without doing it himself.

But Madara is no better than others after all.

Seeing that the huge blue skeleton has risen from the opponent's body, he lightly put the surrounding attacks behind him.

Yun Ting snapped his fingers.

Seeing standing beside him, as the trophy of Gao Tianyuan last time, the gigantic obsidian-like statue of Wu Qiao trembled.

In the next second, after his eyes turned into the same purple reincarnation eyes of Yun Ting's style, the wings on Wu's back spread out suddenly, and he flew towards Madara at a speed that the naked eye could not catch at all.


There was a heavy fall to the ground.

Madara, who was not aware of it for a while, knocked down to the ground with the blue skeleton wrapped around her body.


At this moment, noticing that the skeleton around his body was cracked under one blow, Madara quickly turned his head and looked at the strangely shaped black monster not far away.

"So fast?"

Although he had seen the huge and particularly conspicuous "Enlightenment" after coming to Gaotianyuan, but seeing that it had no aura, Madara just regarded it as a withered statue and ignored it.

I didn't expect this monster to be alive, but its speed and strength were surprisingly strong.

'Is this the reincarnation eye ability of Qianshou Yunting? '

Looking at Wu who came back again, Ban is thinking more about Qianshou Yunting at the moment.

An opponent like Zhujian who possesses wood escape and immortal skills is already very difficult to deal with.

Now there is another pair of reincarnation eyes that can only be owned by oneself.

Such a combination of wood escape and reincarnation eye, although not completely equal to the sum of his own and Zhu Jian's strength, but it still had to make him cautious and conduct a test.

'In the match just now, we already know that the time-space jutsu named Gao Tianyuan has a great home court advantage, and the five-element ninjutsu will not play much role here. In addition, the monster in front of me who duplicates the imprint of the eyes of reincarnation should be similar to the ability I have mastered to make six clones. Is this another ability of Gao Tianyuan, or is it another child's skill of Qianshou Yunting's reincarnation eye? '

By analogy with himself, Madara, who knows that there is more than one kind of reincarnation eye art, has never diminished his vigilance towards Yun Ting.

However, when Satoru came to kill again, he was still slightly distracted to deal with it.

In an instant, meridians and flesh and blood grew out of Xuzuo Neng on Madara's body. While rapidly expanding in size, four arms each holding a huge chakra long knife stretched out.

Just as Wu was approaching, the four chakra long knives swung violently, slashing quickly without giving it any dodge angle.

But what happened next took Madara by surprise.

In his opinion, the blow that he was determined to win was all dodged by Wu Wu's incomparably weird movement, and finally rushed over unscathed.


The two huge objects collided again.

Because Madara increased the child's power output in time, Xu Zuoneng hardly fell down this time.

Quickly stabilized his body, as if he wanted to manipulate Xu Zuo Nenghu to launch another attack on Satoru who had failed in the attack.

As if the latter had expected it long ago, he spread his wings and quickly opened the distance.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another, the huge Gouyu condensed from the left side of the beard to the chest, and under Madara's instructions, they shot towards Wu in the air without interruption.

As before, Wu Wu, who was always close to the last line, dodged.

"This guy...can't hit him no matter what?"

Madara's brows tightened, and he finally looked at Wu Shou squarely.

It's just that when he was really serious and was about to take action, a heavy fist struck Xu Zuo Nenghu quickly while each person was shooting.

Kacha Kacha~~

After a much stronger blow than the first enlightened blow exploded on Xuzuo Nenghu, the cracks that spread out in all directions like spider webs had a length of one meter in a short period of time.

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"

Seeing the cracking speed getting faster and faster, Madara, who was not too surprised, turned his reincarnation eyes, and said coldly: "Thousand-handed cloud court!"

"Don't forget your true enemy, Madara."

Yun Ting smiled slightly, and waved his fist with five fingers.

In an instant, a large number of tree roots emerged from his palm, and the moment they penetrated Xu Zuo Nenghu's body, they flowed rapidly like blood vessels.

Combined with the power of the previous punch ~www.readwn.com~ amidst thousands of shattering sounds, Madara, who was only in the second state, quickly disintegrated completely.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yunting's right arm quickly turned into an extremely sharp wooden spear under the entanglement of the trees stretching out of his body, and along with the ground under his feet, he voluntarily pushed towards Madara fiercely.

The spell was broken, but Madara, whose face still looked calm, also pulled out the black stick from his palm, and rushed towards Yunting likewise without retreating.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Before the two of them came into contact, violent movements sounded from the left and right sides.

In the empty space seen by outsiders, Mu Dun from Yunting is fighting fiercely with the existence that cannot be seen by ordinary eyes.

Wheel Tomb · Border Prison.

The ability that caused Yunting a lot of trouble in the last fight, is now clearly visible in front of his pair of reincarnations.


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