I, The New Hokage of Konoha

: Episode 3 The Illuminati


On the rooftop of a high-rise building full of bright flowers and plants, there is a mysterious blue light, and the portal to the heavens like a door suddenly opens.

One foot first stepped out from another universe behind the door.

After leaving the first imprint in this world, the voice from Yunting sounded:

"This is the shuttle of the heavens? It's different from what I imagined."

Yun Ting originally thought that this kind of action of traveling through different universes and breaking the crystal wall between each other should be huge.

For this reason, after explaining about the Naruto World, he deliberately found a desolate corner of the universe, so as not to cause unnecessary turmoil when the system took him to travel again.

It turned out to be so easy.

It's as if I open Huangquan Biliangsaka at will, and the shuttle between different universes is so simple.

"As expected of a system!"

As if he wasn't the one who scolded the system for garbage before, Yun Ting sincerely praised at this time.

Soon, when his body completely stepped into another universe, the portal of the heavens behind him quickly closed.

Yunting, who has a lot of reputation points and can be teleported back at any time, didn't care, and turned to look at the strange world in front of him.

"Is that... the Empire State Building? This is New York, a place that oozes freedom and democracy?"

Looking around, the first thing to notice is undoubtedly the Empire State Building not far away that I have seen in a lot of movies and TV shows and has been destroyed countless times.

"So, which world is this?"

The system that has been renamed "Shuttle of the Heavens" just sends it along with the fate, regardless of other things, Yunting who has come to the new place has to figure it out by himself.

First of all, this is definitely not the world I was originally in.

Apart from the Empire State Building, looking at the surrounding buildings that bring many colors of the future, the level of technology is at least 20 or 30 years higher than that of my original world.

In addition, what surprised Yun Ting was that he seemed to be in a sea of ​​flowers and plants.

Looking around, not only the roofs of each building are full of flowers, roads, bridges, every building including the Empire State Building, every floor of the building is surrounded by various flowers and plants.

The combination of technology and nature is perfectly reflected in this world.

"I seem to know which world I am in."

Coming to the edge of the rooftop, Yun Ting smiled faintly as he looked at the distinctive New York landscape in front of him.

In the next second, the white robe on his body changed into a white slim-fit suit as the custom in the countryside, and his figure flashed, and he melted into the dense crowd below.

"By the way, the red light here is for traffic."

Wandering in the street with great interest, enjoying the new look of another world, Yunting came to the human-shaped crosswalk, and saw that the indicator light beside him was lighting up green, while the cars on the road were still speeding, the picture was really like this expression.

Yun Ting waited patiently.

In the surrounding area, many pedestrians who were also waiting for the red light couldn't help looking at the young Asian with long black hair in a white suit and with amazed eyes.

Among them, there is even a bold woman who winks.

Although Yun Ting has lowered his sense of existence, after he became a god, both his figure and appearance have reached a perfect appearance, and he can still attract humans who have the greatest visual impact.

Seeing this, Yun Ting didn't bother to change.

He doesn't think that anyone on this earth can threaten him, and he is not interested in playing the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After letting out a little bit of breath, the person who wanted to strike up a conversation stopped for no reason.

When the indicator light turned red, he stepped on the zebra crossing, crossed the road, and continued to travel.

"Memory channel, playback your important memories."

On the way, Yun Ting stepped on a circular landmark, and heard an electronic chorus sound in his ears.

"Preferential rates are in effect...we remember, so you won't forget."

After the voice fell, an electronic scan landed on Yun Ting's body.

"Is this the memory store? Proposing people's important memories, in the name of helping to store and recall, actually allows the forces behind the memory store to explore the deepest memory in everyone's heart and fully understand it."

Having been in charge for a long time, Yun Ting could think of the real use of this technique of extracting people's important memories in an instant.

A memory store in the form of buying and selling?

It's just an outer layer of camouflage.

At this moment, although the electronic scan of the memory store could be erased, Yun Ting did not do it.

He also wanted to see what his most important memory was.

So in the next second, under Yun Ting's eyes, an illusory black projection quickly replaced the surrounding real scene.

Then, when the most important memory of Yunting that was explored should be played according to the normal situation, the memory playback suddenly seemed to be stuck and remained motionless.

"Technical failure...Technical failure..." The electronic chorus repeated at this time.

After counting interest, it seems to have reached the critical value.

"Boom" a violent explosion sounded from the memory store opposite Yunting.

With the black smoke similar to the scorched CPU coming out of the shop, the projection in Yunting's eyes disappeared instantly, and the street scene reappeared, and the electronic chorus sound in his ears also disappeared.

"Give you a chance, you are useless." Yun Ting disappointed.

Even if he opened the door, the technology of extracting memory still couldn't probe into his brain without saying anything, and even burned himself out.

"After all, it's just a gadget."

Yun Ting shook his head, ignored the commotion in the memory store at this time, and continued to wander around.


Marvel multiverse, world number 838.

Advance the time a bit, just when the portal of the heavens opens and the unexpected guest Yunting arrives.

New York Temple.

Doctor Strange, who was still the Supreme Mage, was meditating in front of the magic weapon called "The Cosmic Cauldron" as before. When he was thinking about the mysteries of the universe, the Agamotto crystal ball suddenly levitated and burst into an incomparably bright light.

"A big event has come!"

If there is a magical event anywhere on the earth, the Agamotto crystal ball will be suspended and give instructions.

But I have never seen Agamotto's crystal ball shine so brightly.

Doctor Strange's expression became extremely serious at this time.

He stretched out his hand and held the Agamotto crystal ball in the palm of his hand. After letting the light dissipate, he quickly looked at the place where the magic event pointed out in the crystal ball occurred.

"In New York? Let me find out who it is?"

"I can't find it at all? It's so strong? But the only thing that is certain is that the other party is not from this universe."

After some exploration, Doctor Strange's face became more and more ugly.

Subconsciously, he thought of the "collision incident".

"This person must be arrested as soon as possible!"

Doctor Strange, who knew the seriousness of the matter, no longer hesitated, and immediately opened the portal, called the members of the Illuminati, and started an emergency meeting.

After a quick discussion, the Illuminati's actions quickly unfolded.

Like an angry bull, the heavy roar of the engine sounded from far to near on the road.

Amid a large number of pink petals, accompanied by the sharp sound of tires grinding the ground, a gorgeous red supercar drifted and braked suddenly on the side of the road.

The car door opened, and a pair of straight, white, **** long legs with silver high heels stepped out first.

At this moment, the surrounding men couldn't help but stop and look straight.

Not disappointing them, a beautiful woman with long red hair and a long red dress who looked like fire quickly walked out of the red sports car, giving people a strong visual impact.

Ignore the others.

The woman who happened to be standing in front of the memory store where the accident happened due to Yunting opened her flaming red lips and said to herself:

"I've already arrived."

As soon as the voice fell, the machine chorus from the Ultron system sounded.

"Received, the target person information is loading..."

The woman turned on her mobile phone, and quickly saw one after another intercepted by the surveillance cameras, all of which were photos about "Yunting" and in a short period of time, through the analysis of the other party's behavior and demeanor, the inferred personality information was quickly presented.

In the case that Yunting did not hide it, Ultron, as the protector of human beings, based on the original location given by Doctor Strange, the location of the memory store failure that has never happened before, and the cameras and resident information systems all over the place, etc. , and quickly determined that the real identity is the Yunting information and location of a visitor from another universe.

The Illuminati therefore sent Kingsman to conduct an initial probe.

"The data has been uploaded, the target location has been locked and is being tracked continuously. Agent Natasha, I wish you a smooth trip." The cold electronically synthesized voice concluded with blessings after transferring the data.

"Received. The target this time is a handsome guy who is awesome! It's really good!"

After checking all the information, Natasha's eyes lit up, then she put away her phone, and walked towards Yunting's current position with the sound of high-heeled shoes tapping on the ground with two long snow-white legs that murdered countless people's eyes.

"Miss, you..."

In the middle of the journey, someone finally couldn't hold back and sent out an invitation with fiery eyes.

It's just that before he finished speaking, a fragrant wind quickly blew past him.

Let him be full of regret and nostalgia in a daze for a long time.

After wandering aimlessly, Yun Ting, who was unknowingly far away from the hustle and bustle and came to a remote area, was thinking about what to do next, when an anxious female cry for help suddenly sounded not far away:

"Help! Help! Who will help me?"

Yunting's eyes flashed, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Really... cliche plot.

But it's okay, Zhengchou has nothing to do, since the other party came to his door, let's have a good time with him.

Yun Ting did not go.

Anyway, the other party will take the initiative to come over.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

Accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground, in Yunting's sight. A beautiful and charming western woman with red hair and blue eyes ran over with a panicked expression.

The moment she saw him, the woman's eyes lit up suddenly, and she ran over quickly, grabbing Yun Ting's arm with her soft and slender hands, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Sir, help me!"

Due to the rush of running, a suspender on Natasha's shoulders had fallen off, and a large part of the already **** big V red dress fell off at this time, and a large piece of snow-white and full welfare fell into Yunting's eyes.

Coupled with the tangy, hormonally stimulating scent of a woman and the closeness of that begging pretty face, it's enough to make any man forget himself and do his best.

"If I just turn around and walk away now, I don't know how this woman will react." Not taking the initiative or refusing to feel the warmth of her tight arms, Yun Ting suddenly had this thought.

But when he saw the little blacks who had already arrived, who were cursing and not looking good at first glance, he thought about it and let it go.

Even if you are new here, contribute a little to the society.

thump! thump! thump!

Before Natasha could speak again, all the little blackies, whose mouths were full of obscenities, fell down in an instant.

Natasha's pupils froze suddenly.

She just didn't see what happened at all.

If the target of the action is yourself...

No wonder the higher-ups have to do it themselves in a roundabout way.

Natasha quickly calmed down, with red lips on her face, not pretending, she looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, and said incoherently: "This... this... this..."

"The threat has been lifted. Ma'am, are you okay?" Yun Ting smiled.

"I...I'm fine." Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Yunting who was close at hand, her face flushed, and her tone was full of excitement, "Sir, are you a superhero? The group just now It's so cool that the **** are down all at once!"

"Superhero? According to this world, it is considered." Yun Ting said.


When she heard "this world", Natasha had already fully confirmed it in her heart.

At this time, Yun Ting continued: "Since it's all right, ma'am, I'm going to take my leave."

"do not!"

With a big goal in front of her, how could Natasha give up.

"Interested in going for a drink? My superhero."

Natasha's demeanor changed, and she instantly looked at Yunting's eyes that became more and more fascinated by her charming and charming eyes.

Although it was a task, she had to deny that she did have some real thoughts in her heart at this time.

Yunting thought that the woman in front of him would play tricks with him, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

But it's normal to think about it in a blink of an eye.

Compared with the implicitness of oriental women, western women are more straightforward.

Just... Do you want to promise the other party?

Looking at the woman in front of her who can be called a stunner from any angle, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Yunting hesitated.

At this moment, Natasha suddenly leaned over, and pressed her flaming red lips to Yun Ting's ear, and said provocatively:

"It's just a few glasses of wine, a decision that 100% of men will agree to. Superhero, why are you hesitating? Is it because you are GAI? Or are you not going to lift?"

"Depend on!"

Yun Ting's complexion suddenly changed.

Not only because it was a matter of male dignity, but also because the woman in front of her boldly put her hand there, as if she wanted to examine it carefully.

"Don't regret it!" Yun Ting said quickly.

The new world should have a new look, and he figured it out at this moment.

"Of course I won't regret it. Hero boy~~" Natasha smiled triumphantly.


Violent heavy metal, swaying dancing, crazy crowd.

As Natasha said, the two came to drink in a very famous nightclub in New York.

Under the extremely warm atmosphere, Natasha opened bottle after bottle of wine to fight with Yun Ting.

Yun Ting, who could never get drunk, would not refuse anyone who came, and happened to see what kind of medicine Natasha was selling.

an hour later.

Even with her excellent physique and special training, Natasha's eyes were already hazy a lot.

Seeing that the table was already full of wine bottles, during which time Yun Ting never refused anyone who came, she was relieved and finally took out the wine that the Illuminati had prepared for Yun Ting, opened it and handed it skillfully. After giving it to Yunting, he took out the same type of wine and continued to drink together:

"Come again!"

Yun Ting did not refuse, and drank it in one gulp.

Looking at the agitated Adam's apple of the man in front of her, a trace of regret flashed across Natasha's face.

Everything, it's time to end.


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