I, The New Hokage of Konoha

: Episode 5 Wei Wu's Legacy

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Professor Charles, who has always been very confident in his psychic ability, was full of disbelief when he heard Yun Ting say this.

However, in the next second, his face suddenly changed.

Just because at this moment, he found that his mental body, which had invaded Yunting's thinking space, was completely restrained and could not move at all.

Then, after Charles himself rolled his eyelids and passed out.

In Yunting's thinking space.

His mind was completely imprisoned inside, and Charles with an extremely dignified expression saw Yun Ting appearing in front of him like a phantom, and said to him lightly:

"Want to explore everything about me? Then I will show you the deepest picture in the universe I am in."

After the words fell, and when Charles wanted to reply, Yunting disappeared, and everything around him began to change drastically.

In just a blink of an eye, Charles found himself on a strange planet, surrounded by extremely strange human beings and the extremely prosperous civilization they built.

Just as Charles was a little confused, why did Yunting show him this.

Soon, he saw a huge sacred tree falling from the sky.

Next to the sacred tree, there are two people in white robes with horns on their heads who are suspended in the sky, looking at everything on the planet with eyes like ants.

Thousands of years passed in a blink of an eye.

Under Charles' watchful eye, it was like a quick slide show. The initial sacred tree grew rapidly visible to the naked eye, and finally grew into a huge sacred tree that surprised him, with roots all over the interior of the planet.

And at this moment, the man in the white robe who had lived for thousands of years showed a ferocious smile on his face.

Then, Charles saw an extremely horrifying scene.

The sacred tree rioted, and countless roots rose from every corner of the planet. Hundreds of millions of creatures were entangled like skewers of meat. Under the greedy absorption of the sacred tree, the flesh and blood turned into supplies, and all the creatures died in howling. perish.

In an instant, the previously vibrant planet turned into complete silence.

In the end, using the entire planet as a pasture, the fruit of the sacred tree cultivated by billions of creatures for lambs finally matured.

Witnessing the extinction of all species on the planet with his own eyes, the man in white robe who did not see any waves in his eyes showed joy at this moment. After picking the fruit of the divine tree, he flew towards the universe together with the divine tree.

There is only one lifeless planet left without a trace of light.

Even in a spiritual body, after witnessing all of this, Charles still felt his back go cold and his face turn pale.

He never thought that a civilized planet like the earth would be completely destroyed in this way, and the initiators were just a tree and two people.

No matter after founding the Illuminati or before, Charles has dealt with all kinds of super criminals for the safety of the earth.

But even if those people were added together, they were far less sinful and terrifying than the white-robed man I just saw.

No matter how dangerous the former is, there are only a few people who really die in its hands.

The latter, however, personally wiped out all life on planets similar to Earth.

I'm afraid those demon kings in **** are far inferior to killing evil like this.

Barely suppressing the palpitations in his heart, when Charles was thinking this way, he suddenly found that the picture in front of him was still going on.

Planets of life one after another, sacred trees one after another, people wearing white robes but with different looks one after another.

Such a combination has only one ending.

Life is extinct, the planet is dead, and the fruit is ripe.

After countless shocks and horrors, Charles has become numb.

In the end, when another scene of billions of creatures crying appeared in front of Charles, time froze at this moment, and Yun Ting's figure appeared in front of him again, asking:

"How do you feel?"

Charles was silent for a while, and said in a low tone: "Is this the purpose of your coming to our universe? For the fruit on that big tree?"

Charles is a smart person. Although he couldn't bear to see the death of life on one planet after another, he still saw that those people in white robes, or the organization they belonged to, kept exterminating life in the universe for the sake of those planets. A fruit of the sacred tree.

A glimpse of a leopard in a tube.

After seeing Yunting's strength, Charles, who regarded him as a member of that organization, was very desperate at the moment.

If this organization targets its own universe, then not only the earth, but other living planets in the universe will also fall into the fate of those planets in the picture.

After all, as far as he knows the strength of the tip of the Yunting iceberg, even the so-called gods of Asgard are far behind.

Yun Ting shook his head for Charles' concern, and said directly: "I have nothing to do with those people in the picture, and I am not interested in the fruit of the sacred tree. I just came here at the right time. Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that I would Be the president of the Illuminati Society. If the earth is destroyed, what is the meaning of my job as a polished commander.”

"However, I also have things like the Divine Tree, and my patience is limited. Professor, you understand." Yun Ting said meaningfully.

"I understand!" Hearing this, Charles breathed a sigh of relief, "From today on, the Illuminati will be under the control of your Excellency. If necessary, I am willing to help."

Forced by the situation and for the sake of the earth, Charles at this time could not care about Yun Ting killing his comrade-in-arms who had worked together for many years, so he could only choose to compromise.

"very good!"

Yun Ting nodded in satisfaction, not in vain he just showed Charles so much.

After coming to the Marvel 838 universe, Yunting, who was going to use this place as his base camp to enter the multiverse, naturally would not let there be an Illuminati secretly ruling everything on the earth.

Since he is here, he should be the boss.

Those who follow will prosper, and those who are against will perish.

After solving the five giants of the Illuminati, in order for the Illuminati to run smoothly in the future, Yunting needs the assistance of someone who knows the basics.

The last surviving Charles naturally entered his eyes.

The other party is a smart person who knows what to do and what not to do.

"Next, quickly deal with the turmoil of the Illuminati and hand it over to me intact."

After leaving such a sentence, in the midst of Charles' response, Yun Ting walked out of the messy conference room.

When they came to the hall, hundreds of robots who heard the sound raised their guns and aimed at Yunting, and the electronic chorus sounded in unison:

"Ultron orders you to raise your hands and surrender."

There is no nonsense, Yun Ting glanced over, hundreds of robots twisted into twists in an instant, and only one robot that Yun Ting deliberately let go remained.

"Surrender to me, or the earth will be destroyed. Two results, which one do you choose?" Yun Ting pointed a finger, and all the pictures discovered before were transmitted into the chip of the robot.

Under the fastest calculation calculation on the earth, after only one breath, the voice from Ao Chuang said to Yun Ting without any ups and downs: "Ao Chuang is willing to surrender."

At the beginning of its establishment, Ultron was entrusted with the responsibility of protecting human beings.

After discovering that Yunting could destroy the earth by itself, compared to Charles, it chose Yunting without any hesitation.

Only in this way can human beings be safe.

"Clean up this place." Yun Ting nodded and gave the first order.


Soon, new robots arrived and quickly cleaned up the machine wreckage in the hall.

At this moment, Natasha, who was still smelling of alcohol, just stepped into the hall, seeing a piece of machine wreckage and Yun Ting himself there, her face was full of surprise.

After completing the task logically, Natasha, who was exhausted and her head exploded, should be enjoying the rest time.

However, when she thought of Yun Ting, she still couldn't help coming to the base of the Illuminati Society, wanting to ask about the results of the above-mentioned treatment, and if necessary, she wanted to ask for mercy.

In the West, there is no such thing as a one-night couple and a hundred days of grace.

But it has to be said that, as an ace agent, she was so determined that she couldn't help but be attracted to Yun Ting during her short time with Yun Ting, and thus made a decision that was not in line with her previous style.

It's just that the current picture is very wrong.

In her imagination, Yunting, who should be imprisoned, now appeared in the hall of the Illuminati base without any restraint, while the robots on the side turned a blind eye.

"What's going on?" She finally couldn't help asking.

Yun Ting looked over, smiled brightly and said:

"Natasha, are you interested in a promotion and salary increase?"

In a high-end villa owned by the Illuminati.

Yun Ting, the new president of the Illuminati, and Natasha, who has been promoted and raised her salary, have lived here together for several days.

In order to express her gratitude, Natasha tried her best with all her heart.

Under the unfathomable hospitality, Yun Ting's plan to go out has also been postponed again and again.

In the villa, with a high-pitched scream, the final epilogue of the battle ended.

Just when Yun Ting got up in his nightgown, a slender and powerful snow-white arm rested on his body, and a lazily and inherently **** voice said: "Boss, don't you want to rest for a while?"

"A little wild cat broke in, and I will come as I go."

After Yun Ting finished speaking, he got up and came to the restaurant. After pouring a glass of red wine and taking a few sips, he looked towards an empty space and said, "Come out, although the invisibility effect is good, but my eyes can still see."

Knowing that she was indeed exposed, Susan Stone immediately appeared from the open space, and without a word, she sent an ultrasonic shock wave to Yunting with her eyes full of determination.

Although she had serious disagreements with Mister Fantastic because of a series of incidents with the Illuminati, she hadn't been in touch with him for a long time, but the other party was her husband after all.

After learning of his death, she still chose to come to revenge.

What made Susan desperate was that her ultrasonic shock wave hit Yun Ting, but the other party was fine, and was still drinking leisurely.

"It's useless." After finishing the wine in the glass, Yun Ting looked at the woman in front of him and said.

Unlike the setting that Captain Marvel is black, the invisible woman in the 848 universe has not changed color.

Beautiful blond hair, chocolate **** body, face exactly like a sweetheart, Yun Ting nodded secretly.

At the same time, seeing that she couldn't do anything to Yun Ting, Susan calmed down and chose to escape first.

But just when she was about to take a step, a huge suction suddenly bound her tightly in place.

Susan suddenly felt desperate.

Even so, facing Yun Ting who was approaching step by step, she did not give in or beg for mercy in her eyes.


"I remember you have a son and a daughter, so..."

"Mrs. Richards, you don't want your children to be bullied at school, do you?"

one year later.

It's still the villa.

In the bedroom, long red hair, blond hair and brown hair are scattered on the bed, giving people infinite reverie.

But the real owner of this place broke free from his pink arms and snowy legs early, and came to a hidden place.

After a rare year of indulgence, before the agreed time came, Yun Ting started to get down to business.

"System, permanently open the portal to Naruto Universe."

In an instant, a blue teleportation light gate was formed and remained forever.

The shuttle ability possessed by the system is not only one-time, but can also be fixed, but compared to the former, it costs more prestige.

With the Light Society, Yunting can easily harvest a lot of prestige among the billions of people on the earth, coupled with the constant prestige income of Naruto Universe, it is enough for him to establish a permanent channel, and he can go back and forth at any time, and at the same time, he can Let other people mingle.

like now.

"Why did it take so long?"

Accompanied by a complaint, Tsunade, whose figure is even hotter than Wanda, the best of the ocean horses, passed through the light gate, and the first time he came to the Marvel 848 universe, his bright brown eyes carefully examined Yunting.

"You didn't do something that you can't see people here, have you forgotten the time?" Tsunade narrowed his eyes and crossed his chest with his hands.

"How come? It's just that this universe is very unusual, and it will take a long time to process." Yun Ting explained without changing his expression.

Then, before Tsunade wanted to say anything, he quickly took out the book introducing Las Vegas and the world's fine wines to Tsunade.

Soon, looking at Tsunade, he diverted his attention, and looked at the splendid casinos and hundreds of unheard of wines with great interest, and said excitedly, "there are so many casinos here, and there are so many good wines." , Yun Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this hurdle is over.

Leaving a sentence "I will cover all the money", Yun Ting, who let Tsunade be ecstatic, turned his gaze to the following, who was already a girl, Mahime.

The corner of Zhenji's mouth curled up when she witnessed everything just now, and her smile was full of deep meaning.

When Yunting looked over, she stepped forward and hugged her favorite father, and after UU reading www.uukanshu.com gave a look of "I understand", she looked around curiously and asked: "My father , is there anything fun here?"

"It's fun... Apart from your mother's hobbies, the most interesting thing is the six gems in this universe."

Yunting will be able to summon the dragon by collecting all six gems... Bah! The relevant information that can possess the supreme power of the universe is told to Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji's eyes lit up, she raised her hand and clenched her fist and said, "I've decided! Next, I'll collect these six gems. The biggest enemy is Thanos, right? Wait for me."

"Thanos is not weak, plus there are a large number of troops around him, it's not safe for Zhen Ji to go alone." Yun Ting said while giving the time gems obtained from Doctor Strange to Zhen Ji, so that other Have fun.

"It's okay, if I can't do it alone, I can bring in Naruto, Sasuke, Yui, and other uncles and aunts. Is that okay, Father?" Zhen Ji said kindly.

"Of course." Yun Ting smiled and nodded.

The reason why he established the permanent channel is not for the sake of his relatives and friends to follow.

The heavens and myriad realms are huge.

It would be too lonely to walk alone without a wife and son.

Since you want to fight against the heavens, then naturally you have to bring your own foundation, which is more in line with your own wishes.

At this moment, while listening to Tsunade excitedly planning the next Las Vegas itinerary, and hearing Maki happily selecting the expedition members, Yun Ting smiled sincerely, and finally looked at the sky.

The eyes pass through the earth, through the 838 universe, through the Marvel multiverse, and reach the heavens and worlds that radiate infinite light.

A wonderful life has just begun!

(End of the book)

(end of this chapter)


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