I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 56: Assassination of Hokage

On the other side, Yun Ting was still moving forward without haste.

He planned to take three days to complete the journey from Konoha to the capital of the Fire Country.

Now he was only halfway through, and although Yun Ting realized that there was a big storm waiting for him ahead due to the strange things along the way, he still maintained his rhythm indifferently.

When he passed by a small village on the way, he even had time to clean up the nearby thieves' dens. By the way, he had some exchanges with the local villagers and asked them about their respective living conditions.

It was never the real purpose of Yun Ting's trip to catch and kill some fish beyond his control, and even visiting the daimyo was just a side purpose of him.

What he really cares about is just these ordinary people who are usually ignored but occupy the whole subject.

Only through practice and a deep understanding of the foundation of a country can we truly see the true appearance of the country.

Yunting, who became the Hokage of Konoha Village early on, still has greater pursuits.

Although the thoughts in his heart are still very vague at the moment, as he gets more and more aware of this country and this ninja world, the thoughts in his heart are becoming more and more formed.

Now, no doubt, that's what he's doing.

After visiting just now, Yunting discovered that the land of fire is fertile and has excellent natural conditions, so the vast majority of civilians should be living well.

It's a pity that not every place is Konoha.

The characteristics of nobles and bureaucrats are the same in every world.

The more affluent the area, the more desperate exploitation of these people is indispensable.

If the villagers of Konoha can still enjoy some crooked neck technology, then these civilians in the country of fire are really just living in the backward feudal era.

The generation gap makes it hard to imagine that they are born on the same continent.

Yun Ting sighed slightly.

Ritsuko Yamanaka, who was watching from the side, didn't understand.

She couldn't figure out why Dignified Hokage asked ordinary Fire Nation civilians so many trivial matters.

As Hokage, shouldn't you focus on ninjas, big countries, and even those noble names?

"What? Don't understand the meaning of what I do?" Yun Ting glanced at the female secretary beside her and said.

Ritsuko Yamanaka nodded sincerely.

"In this world, because of the existence of Chakra, the resistance of the bottom people to fate often ends without a problem. Over time, the existence of the latter is also ignored by those in power."

"But you have to be clear, if a world wants to be as permanent as stagnant water, if it wants to develop towards a higher civilization, it cannot do without these people who they regard as ants."

"What's more, the so-called resistance has never ended. As long as the oppression is still there, as long as the class fault is still there, then it will always burn like a spark. Especially in today's new power of continuous development of technology. Perhaps one day in the future, the so-called natural nobles and all unreasonable systems will no longer be able to resist under this torrent."

Combined with the experience of the previous life, looking at this rather deformed world now, Yun Ting deeply feels.

Just seeing Ritsuko Yamanaka's bewildered expression, Yun Ting sighed slightly again, the enlightenment of thought has not yet been reached.

He shook his head: "You don't understand what I'm telling you now, so watch and think about it with me, and you will have new insights in the future."

Ritsuko Yamanaka nodded silently.

Although she didn't understand the true meaning of Yun Ting's words, she could clearly recognize that the new Hokage in front of her was different from anyone she had ever seen before.

This difference not only made her feel no alienation, but also made her feel closer.

Perhaps this person will set off a completely different stormy sea in the future.

There was a strange brilliance in Ritsuko Yamanaka's eyes.

As a secretary, all she can do is to do everything possible to meet the requirements of the other party, and follow closely behind to witness this change with her own eyes!


Due to a lot of delay along the way, Yunting arrived much later than the root people expected.

During this period of time, the group of people including Yun were very anxious.

After all, this is the assassination of the leader of the enemy country in the territory of the enemy country. If you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out before the person sees it.

Even after the root man failed to see the target at the scheduled time, his face that had been always cold before became uncommonly disturbed.

After the crowd waited for another hour in this paranoid mood, finally!

In the distance, the target person with the word "fire" on the bamboo hat finally appeared.

"It's up to you next." The root man breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the people around him and said.

He needs to stay for the rest of the time to eliminate the traces of the sealing barrier without leaving any evidence.

It doesn't matter to Yun and others whether there is one more or one less.

Wen Yanyun waved his hands indifferently, and then said to everyone with a serious face: "Everyone, let's follow our previous plan."

The others nodded heavily in awe.

"Then, let's start hunting Hokage!"


On the spacious and straight avenue, only Yunting and Ritsuko Yamanaka walked alone.


Suddenly, Yun Ting let out a little gasp, raised his hand and slightly raised the Hokage hat on top of his head, revealing a pair of eyes that looked ahead solemnly.

Although the front seems to be safe, but his strength is so strong that he still believes in his sixth sense.

‘Is the feast finally here? ’ He secretly said in his heart.

Not long after, less than three seconds, all members of the Shadow Guard who had been secretly following him before suddenly appeared on their own initiative and came to him quickly.

Among them, Hinata Tokuma hurriedly said as soon as he arrived: "Master Hokage! Suddenly, a large number of ninjas are driving here 200 meters ahead... There are 32 people in total, and the amount of chakra is the Jōnin standard!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the others except Kai Yunting suddenly changed~www.readwn.com~ Even if you are as proud and militant as Uchiha Aya, after Hyuga Tokuma burst out the number and strength of enemies, you can't help but feel a sense of powerlessness .

Only Yunting, while marveling at the generosity, paid more attention to Hyuga Tokuma's supercilious eyes that failed to detect the enemy's ambush in advance.

Some kind of secret technique that can conceal the figure?

Do not! Even with this kind of secret technique, it is impossible to cover more than 30 people at once.

The only exception is the sealing enchantment and the like.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Yunting's eyes.

"Master Hokage, do you want to retreat temporarily?" At this time, Baiyun Yeshan asked Yun Tingdao with a serious face.

More than 30 Jonin teamed up, and in terms of strength on paper, even people with the strength of the Five Kages have to avoid the edge for the time being.

A ninja is not a samurai, and there is no shameful thought of the latter retreating without a fight.

So Baiyun Hashan didn't mean to offend Hokage in the slightest when he said this.

Even Uchiha Aya, who is extremely proud, has no intention of objecting at the moment.

Regarding this, Yun Ting shook his head calmly and said: "No need, you just need to protect yourself from now on."


Baiyun Yeshan, I have seen it for a long time, Hinata Tokuma and even Ritsuko in the mountains heard the words and stopped trying to persuade them.

As people who followed Yun Ting all the way, they trusted this young Hokage very much.

Uchiha Aya, who joined halfway, looked at Yun Ting with a little doubt.

Since Hokage does not retreat, then as a proud Uchiha, she will naturally not retreat.

But the reason why this Hokage is like this is because he is completely sure?

Is it because of Mudun?

Uchiha Aya's usually deserted face showed a look of anticipation rarely.

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