In the following time, after Yun Ting rescued Teku Kanji and helped eliminate the enemies between Baiyun Hayama and Hinata Tokuro, he focused all his energy on the remaining ninjas within the scope of the Arrival of the Tree Realm them.

Since then, many ninjas who had been separated by the technique of coming from the tree world before had to struggle alone were killed one by one under the force of Yun Tingmu's avatar, and turned into fertilizer for the trees.

This is the power of wood escape.

Seeing that there were only a few people left in the assassination team of more than 30 people at the beginning, the remaining people did not want to do it anymore and took out the last resort and gave it a go.

"Bone Vein · Dance of the Fern!"

"Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Shockwave!"

"Earth Dungeon Mountain and Earth Art!"

"Ice Escape · Ice Blade Storm!"


All of a sudden, the huge bone sword forest protruding from the ground, the huge oval-shaped water prison, the condensed thick earth mountain, the storm composed of ice blades, etc. broke out in the tree world.

Under the impact of this extremely powerful joint ninjutsu, row after row of big trees were shattered.

In an instant, a large open space was cleared within the originally huge tree world.

The only remaining five people including Ruyun, Shui Wuyue, and Yi Kaguya endured their exhaustion, and took this opportunity to quickly gather together again.

Watching the tree world, which was like a nightmare land before, being destroyed by himself and others.

Just as they were beaming with joy, Yun Ting's figure appeared in front of them and said calmly:

"It's a little underestimating you. In order to show respect, then use this trick to send you on your way."

"Wood Dungeon Wooden Dragon Art!"

Watching a gigantic and majestic wooden dragon being born from Yun Ting's hands, the happiness of the remaining five people who just got up turned into despair in an instant.


The wooden dragon roared loudly, and its huge figure slammed into the last five people.


A huge shadow fell, and amidst a strong earthquake and mountain shaking, the five people were nowhere to be seen.

After the smoke cleared, it was over.

Yunting, who had lost the Wooden Dragon Art, walked to the final battleground.

I saw that under the blow of the wooden dragon, a huge pothole formed in front of him.

The bodies of the five people were nowhere to be found, only a small amount of blood and clothing fragments proved their existence.

Do not!

It should be said that someone found it.

Yun Ting's expression changed, and he saw a blood-stained figure suddenly appear on the ground below him.

"Lei Dun Lei Li Hot Knife!"

With the last of his strength, Yun, who was the only one left, slammed into Yunting crazily, wrapped in scorching chakra.

"Being able to use Lei Li's hot knife, I think you have a high status in Lei Ying."

Yun Ting said without changing his face, while arousing a series of tough wooden walls to superimpose on his chest.

boom! boom! boom!

Lei Li's hot knife combined with Yun's last will smashed one wooden wall after another, until after four, it finally stopped sadly in front of the last wooden wall of Li Yunting's body.

At this moment, he has lost the last trace of strength, and he has no more vitality.

Yun Ting pulled down the wooden wall, and nodded slightly to Yun Nin whose name he never knew.

So far, a total of thirty-two Jnin strength, which can be called an incomparably gorgeous assassination team, were wiped out under Yun Ting's hands.


"Master Hokage, the hiding place of the attacking enemy has been checked, and no abnormalities have been found."

After the war, Hyuga Tokuma, who was assigned by Yunting to check the enemy's hiding place, came back and reported.

Yun Ting nodded calmly, there was no surprise on his face.

This is quite in line with the style of the roots. Regardless of success or failure, the traces will be carefully erased, leaving no evidence that others can discover.

But do you really think that without evidence, I can't make a decision?

A cold light flashed in Yunting's eyes.

As for the root, he had planned to slowly solve it by boiling the frog in warm water, but time was always on his side anyway.

But now, after seeing how bold he is, his thinking has changed.

It seems that after going back, we will speed up the progress!

Otherwise, there will always be a time bomb by his side. Although it can't kill him, it will still involve a lot of mind.

"Master Hokage, all the corpses have been sorted out."

At this time, Baiyun Yeshan, who was in charge of cleaning the battlefield, came to report.

Even dead, the corpse of a ninja is a great treasure in itself.

In particular, many of the enemies who attacked this time are the owners of the blood succession limit, and the research value will only be higher.

The only pity is that the strongest ones basically turned into blood foam under the technique of Yunting Wooden Dragon.

With a touch of remorse that he should have left his hand before, Yunting looked at everything that had been packed around, and asked Ritsuko Yamanaka: "How long will it take for the people who came to meet you?"

"About an hour or so," Ritsuko Yamanaka replied.

After the battle, she channeled a flying eagle to deliver a message to the nearest Konoha ninja station.

There are a total of 28 well-preserved ninja corpses, and it is impossible for them to take them to the capital of the country of fire.

Naturally, manpower is needed to send it back to Muye Village.

"Since that's the everyone, take a good rest during this time." Yun Ting said.

Injuries and consumption are inevitable in a big battle.

There are no medical ninjas in the entourage, and now they can only heal themselves.

On the other hand, Yun Ting himself, apart from a little consumption of Chakra, still has plenty of energy, and the minor injuries he suffered in the previous battle have completely healed early on.

It can be said that his current state has not declined much after killing more than 30 people.

This is the strength of the Qianshou clan who inherited the body of the Immortal of the Six Paths.

Perhaps the only ones who can be compared in terms of self-healing and durability are those who can exert the power of tailed beasts.

an hour later.

The Konoha ninja team who came to support arrived on time.

In addition to sealing the ninja corpses into the scrolls, the accompanying team also specially brought a medical ninja to heal the injured.

After everything was over, the ninja squad each carrying a huge scroll bid farewell to Yunting:

"Master Hokage, let's go first."

Yunting patted the leader on the shoulder and said: "Keep vigilant on the road, you are carrying a lot of wealth."


The ninja team leaves.

Yunting didn't delay any longer, and continued to take Ritsuko Yamanaka and the members of the Shadow Guard to the capital of the Fire Kingdom.

As the breeze blows, the **** battlefield that was originally full of blood has lost its original smell under the baptism of time.

Except for the large forest that grew out of nowhere, few people probably know that an extremely intense battle took place here.

It's just that not long after Yunting's group left, a strange figure slowly rose from the ground where they were before.

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