I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 61: interview daimyo

After the secret conversation between Yunting and Shika Nara, they went back to rest.

One night passed, and the official meeting between Hokage and Daimyo the next day went very smoothly, and nothing happened in the middle.

After the official ceremony was over, when Yun Ting and the other party met again in private, I saw the daimyo of the Land of Fire holding up a small round fan to cover half of his face, speaking in his somewhat yin and yang tone Greeted enthusiastically: "Yun Ting, you should be fine if I call you the fourth generation like that."

Looking at the daimyo in front of him, no matter how he was dressed or how he looked, Yun Ting complained slightly in his heart while maintaining a smile on his face: "You are a daimyo, Yugong, and you are an elder in private, so calling me by my name is naturally a no-nonsense one." It's just right."

The daimyo smiled happily: "Hehehe, then I will call you by your name directly. I was still very surprised when Rizhan recommended you, after all, you are too young, Yunting. But looking at your surname Qianshou After that, I felt much more relieved. You must know that Konoha’s first generation and second generation are all Senshou. They got along very happily with my father back then, and even pushed the Nation of Fire to the position of the largest ninja country. Now that you and I have each inherited the will of our ancestors, we should make the Kingdom of Fire stronger again!"

"Thanks to the great love of the daimyo, Konoha will do his best." Yun Ting nodded in agreement.

He knew very little about the big name in front of him in the past.

On the contrary, Yun Ting, his daimyo wife, has had a lot of contacts after becoming Hokage.

There is no way, the lady of the daimyo issued dozens of cat-hunting missions in Konoha every year.

Every time, not long after finding it, the pet cat ran away again, and then found it again, and lost it again.

After so many repetitions, it can be said that Mrs. Daimyo alone has supported Konoha's many ninjas.

Even the other party simply lived in Konoha.

Originally, Yunting was still wondering why the daimyo let his wife go out and not return.

Now seeing the thin and hemp figure in front of him who seemed to be blown down by the wind, and recalling his wife with a body as wide as a ball, I instantly had the answer in my heart.

Looking at the daimyo in front of him with some pity, Yun Ting spent a lot of time on the current battle in addition to exchanging feelings with him in the next time.

Although the three wars are coming to an end, the war in the Land of Fire is still going on, but the intensity is much lower than the previous attacks by large groups.

But it is hard to guarantee that an unexpected friction will lead to a new round of major conflicts.

In this regard, Konoha, who holds the military power of the Nation of Fire, will undoubtedly receive strong support from the Nation of Fire officials, and will always maintain the same tone.

This is also one of the other purposes of Yunniwa who is Konoha Hokage coming to meet Daimyo.

It is said that people carry out political reform, and Yunting also needs to propose his own foreign policy to the daimyo and get the support of the other party.

Generally speaking, Yunting continued Konoha's previous strategy, but compared to the conservative concessions of the third generation, he was tougher and did not back down.

In a word, although Konoha is unwilling to expand the war now, and hopes that real peace will come, but if the enemy advances an inch, they will not give in at all.

With the case that the three generations were victorious on the battlefield in the land of land, but failed at the negotiating table, and witnessed the fact that the former had to take the blame and abdicate because of the great disturbance in Konoha, and elected a new Hokage, Yun Ting naturally knew how to deal with the outside world.

Regarding this, the Fire Nation daimyo thought a little and asked Yunting some questions before finally nodding in agreement.

So far, the conversation between Hokage and Daimyo, the two most important jades in the Land of Fire, has been perfectly completed.

The overall policy of the Nation of Fire has also been adjusted accordingly.

Overall, after this meeting, Yun Ting has a pretty good impression of the Fire Nation daimyo.

Although the opponent is not wise and powerful, at least he is not the kind of master who drags his teammates back.

Those who should cooperate know how to cooperate, and they will not have too many ambitions beyond their own abilities.

Yun Ting is still very satisfied with this nominal loyalist and actual partner.

After leaving the daimyo mansion, he didn't leave right away, and stayed here for a week. He met with many forces in the country of fire, and while improving relations, he also negotiated many economic cooperation matters for Konoha.

Of course, in his spare time, he would also go around the capital city to experience this extremely bustling No. 1 city in the ninja world with his own eyes, and carefully understand every detail of it.

He also specially gave the Shadow Guard and Ritsuko Yamanaka a holiday.

Leaving aside the former, he saw with his own eyes that the latter carried a large bag of clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and the like when he came back from shopping every day.

Sure enough, women in any world have a strong attachment to shopping.

Oh, yes, there is one exception for women.

That is Aya Uchiha.

During these seven days, even Baiyun Yeshan went out to play, but she endured loneliness and practiced unremittingly in the courtyard.

Occasionally, I go out once or twice, and I just go to the nearby ninja shop to replenish weapons.

So, is it worthy of Uchiha?

Even women are assimilated.


Seven days have passed~www.readwn.com~ Yunting and his party are also preparing to return.

Originally, they were planning to rush back to Konoha at full speed, after all, they had seen everything they should have seen before.

However, after hearing from the daimyo that the new Special Envoy of the Nation of Fire to Konoha would also go to Konoha, Yun Ting decided to take him along with him.

Just like Nara Shikama's status in the capital of the Nation of Fire, every special envoy of the Nation of Fire to Konoha is also very important.

In terms of decision-making about Konoha in many countries of fire, the influence of Konoha Special Envoy can be said to be only inferior to daimyo.

Anyway, it's just a little effort, Yun Ting will not let go of this good fate.

The new envoy Konoha is a stocky man named Daisuke Imai.

The moment he saw Yun Ting, he immediately smiled and greeted him enthusiastically.

After exchanging pleasantries, Daipo Imai pointed to the sedan chair behind him again, and invited: "Your Excellency Hokage, the journey is far away, why don't you come and sit in my sedan chair."

Yun Ting glanced at the short pocket sedan chair not far away, which could accommodate a small room, then glanced at the broad figure in front of him, hehe said with a smile:

"Thank you, Daisuke-san, for your kindness. As a ninja, I'm not used to sitting in a sedan chair. In addition, the road is very unsettled, so I'll just watch it outside."

"With His Excellency Hokage around, who would dare to offend you?" Daisuke Imai was full of confidence in Yunting.

But seeing that Yun Ting had made up his mind, he could only give up with regret.

Unlike these ninjas who went to heaven and earth, they are just ordinary people. If he is still obese, if he relies on his feet alone, he may not be able to reach Konoha for a week.

The sedan chair, a tool for nobles to travel outside, is naturally the best choice.

Soon, the team set off.

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