I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 79: End and End Arm

"Immortal Law·Wooden Dun·True Thousand Hands·Turn into a Buddha!"

Like a **** on high, under Yunting's command, the countless giant arms on the Guanyin Colossus moved.

In an instant, I saw huge clenched fists hitting Nine Tails with the terrifying power of meteorites that destroyed the mountains.

Immediately, the latter was like a boat rolling over and over in a stormy sea, and was immediately beaten to the point where it could not find its north and south.

It wanted to resist, but whether it was its own powerful body or the extremely destructive Tailed Beast Jade in its mouth, it was like a baby scratching in front of countless giant arms that were constantly hitting, causing only insignificant damage. Soon it can only be completely desperate.

This is Yunting's most powerful move at the moment.

Dealing with the Nine-Tails who are only in the Eight-Tails state is definitely overkill.

But in order to ensure that Kushina's ninth tail would not show up, he still chose the most foolproof method as he had to make a quick decision.

Of course, this also has Sisi's idea of ​​renewing his empty reputation point purse.

The subsequent development is also just like that of Nine Tails under the "Difficulty of the Beast" in the Senshouzhujian War.

Even if Yun Ting thinks he can't compare to the God of Ninja World in peak state, but right now he doesn't even show his real body, the state of Nine-Tails in Eight-Tails will only be worse.

Such a comparison will only result in a shorter end time.

that's the truth.

Nine Tails in front of Yun Ting hardly had any power to resist, and was beaten into an extremely embarrassing situation by Hua Buddha on the top amidst howls of pain.

Soon, its body was firmly pressed to the ground by the huge arms, and it could no longer move an inch.

Yun Ting, who was standing on the head of the Guanyin Colossus, stretched out his right hand again, and the word "Zuo" that appeared on it was aimed straight at Nine Tails.

Kuo'an entered the house and lowered his hands.

Specially used to suppress tailed beasts.

After a few breaths, the originally surging red chakra on Kyuubi's body quickly dissipated visible to the naked eye, and its huge size shrank rapidly.

In the end, when all the nine-tailed chakras returned to the seal, the real Kushina reappeared in front of him.

Seeing that the work was done, Yun Ting exited the fairy mode and scattered the real thousands of hands under him.

When he walked towards Jiu Xinnai, the crowd watching from a distance also rushed over after seeing the end of the battle.

The first to arrive was Namikaze Minato, known as the fastest in the ninja world.

With the flying thunder **** formula printed on Jiuxin Nafeng's body, he teleported over with a "swish" when he saw the battle was over and the former reappeared.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

Looking at Minato, who was holding Naruto in one hand and Kushina who was still in a coma in the other, and did not forget to thank him, Yunting nodded.

Although something went wrong in the middle, but no matter what, the family of three is still living together.

The future has changed.

Naruto is no longer an orphan, and the Uchiha will most likely not be exterminated.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

From Yun Ting's point of view, this is evidence that the Hokage himself has done better than the third generation.

After a while, the large army followed.

When they arrived, they all looked at Yunting with high mountains and straight eyes. Obviously, they were too shocked and deeply impressed by the previous scene.

Amidst the prompts from the system to raise his reputation one after another, Yun Ting managed to maintain a calm posture on the face, but he was happy in his heart.

His prestige was growing again visible to the naked eye, and he was naturally extremely happy with food in his hands.

At this time, Tsunade also came over.

She also contributed a large amount of reputation points, and she still had a lot to say to Yun Ting, but there is still the wounded Jiu Xinnai.

She simply said "Congratulations" to Yun Ting, and then quickly went to Jiu Xinnai's side to treat his injuries.

Jiu Xinnai, who had just given birth, was already seriously injured, and coupled with the Tailed Beast riot, if she hadn't been of the Uzumaki clan, she might have passed away long ago.

Even so, the injuries caused by the tail beast transformation are still there, which requires Tsunade to take action.

In this regard, the latter is undoubtedly the highest benchmark among medical ninjas.

It is precisely because of the existence of the opponent who is well-known in the ninja world for medical ninjutsu that Yun Ting is not worried at all.

Even Minato thinks the same way.


Not long after, under Tsunade's treatment, under the amazed gazes of Konoha Hospital staff, Kushina's originally pale face gradually became more bloody, and her breathing became as peaceful as a normal person.

"Then I will be sent to the hospital to recuperate for a week. With Kushina's physique, he will recover soon." Tsunade finished his work and said to Minato beside him.

Minato breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and said with gratitude on his face, "Thank you Tsunade-sama!"

Tsunade waved his hand indifferently, then got up and made way for him.

Seeing this, Yun Ting said to the seal team waiting at the side: "Re-strengthen Jiuxinna's seal."

Kyuubi couldn't wake up again in a short time after being hit by his own Kuoan Ruyu.

This is also the reason why he just let Tsunade heal first and come after the sealing class.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Hearing this, among the Konohas, the group with the highest attainments in sealing techniques nodded and took action.

A long time ago, Yunting had preparedly arranged for the people from the sealing class to stand by nearby, in order to avoid accidents, and had to go back to Muye Village to shake people.

Now it comes in handy.

Industry specializing in surgery.

The members of the sealing class in front of us may not be strong, but each of them has a high attainment in the sealing technique.

It was the seal class who moved Nine Tails from Uzumaki Mito to Kushina's body and strengthened it.

Now it's time to do it again, naturally it's easy to do.

Soon, one by one had already been prepared, and the scrolls engraved with advanced sealing techniques were spread out by the members of the sealing class and fell around Jiu Xinnai.

Accompanied by the mudra of their hands.

The sealing spells in the scroll quickly jumped out one by one, arranged in the air to form an extremely complicated sealing circle, and finally turned into a small one, and merged into Jiushina's lower abdomen.

Resetting the seal is not something that can be done all at once.

Taking advantage of this gap, Kakashi suddenly came to Yunting, handed a white broken arm in his hand and said: "Master Hokage, after I shot at the second enemy who was hiding all the time, although I hit him, I still let him He ran away, and in the end, he only left the other party's arm. It's just that this arm is very weird, it doesn't look like it's made of flesh and blood at all."

Yun Ting took over the white severed arm and felt the slightest familiar breath on it.

He naturally knew what it was~www.readwn.com~Bai Jue, a biological weapon born through the divine tree. After that, Uchiha Madara made replicas in batches with inter-pillar cells and golems.

Although these guys are not very strong except for hiding and investigating.

But when the number goes up, there are always a few special individuals.

For example, A Fei.

Like the one who just shot, it is obviously the absolute best in Xiao's organization.

Being able to combine with Heijue, obviously this Baijue also has something special, not a mass product.

In this way, the white arm that Kakashi gained has some research value.

"Hiding in the dark, hitting the enemy with one blow, you did a good job before, Kakashi. In addition, this arm is of good value. I will give you a credit. It can be regarded as an S-level task. Remember to get it when you go back. Money." Yun Ting patted Kakashi on the shoulder and praised him.

"Thank you Hokage-sama!" Kakashi Poker rarely showed joy on his face.

Not only because of the addition of a major item to his ninja resume, but also because of the S-level mission reward.

Even he cares about money!

Especially during this period of time, he has bought a lot of books on regulating emotions and nourishing the soul, and the money has almost been spent.

Now that he has unexpectedly received such a large amount of income, he is naturally very happy.

The only pity is that the current novels are all the same, and he no longer feels as if he opened the gate of heaven when he first read it, and he was amazed.

Now he can barely comfort himself with quantity.

I don't know when another epoch-making novel will be released?

At this moment, outside a women's bathhouse in a certain place, Jiraiya, with a flushed face and "good material! Excellent material!", is peeking at it while writing quickly in his notebook.

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