I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 90: Thought

Naruto Office.

After returning from the speech, Yun Ting reopened the crystal ball and turned the picture to the classroom, so he naturally noticed this scene.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

I think this child will be in shock for a long time.

After all, it is a thought that has been perfected by countless capable people in the previous life and has already been formed into a system. Now Yunting has made some changes in combination with the status quo of the ninja world, which is more suitable for contemporary thinking. Know how advanced.

Among them, Yun Ting also thought about adding the concept of peace in the teaching materials. It’s just that he thinks that his current position is too sensitive, and now that Konoha has just recovered from the end of World War III, he is not yet able to achieve this goal. Removed for later.

Of course, although it is stated that this idea cannot be publicized on the surface, he will also teach it to those who recognize the will of the new fire in private, so as to bring together more and more like-minded people.

For people who don't care about ideas at all and only have knives in their eyes, even if this book is not a complete version, it still looks like reading a book from heaven, and it is thrown away.

But for people like Itachi who really want to improve this ninja world, it is undoubtedly a blow to dimensionality reduction.

For the next time, Itachi's gaze was fixed on the book.

Even if a teacher asked him to get up to answer the questions after he noticed that his mind was distracted, but if the latter could answer them perfectly one by one, over time, he would no longer care about this fledgling genius.

It wasn't until the thinking class came that Itachi raised his head again and listened carefully to the lecture of this very young-looking new teacher.

To preach the word, the teacher is naturally very important.

Prior to this, Yunting specially recruited a group of young ninjas who are young and energetic, who have the courage and responsibility to change everything, and first passed on their ideas to them.

Then they teach the next batch.

The one who is currently teaching Itachi and other students is the best one among them.

For this person's teaching level, Yun Ting was very relieved, so he didn't look any further, and instead looked out the window thoughtfully.

Regarding the will of fire that I newly edited, it is not only taught in the ninja school, but also spread to the outside world.

It's just that very few people pay attention to it.

After all, among ninjas, most still like to chop people with knives.

Philosophers like Itachi are only a handful after all.

Therefore, this new trend of thought has only spread in a small area, and has not yet attracted attention.

But that day is not too far away.

After all, good things will always attract people's attention.

On that day, I am afraid that many stubborn people will jump their feet.

It's just that with their own power, as long as they don't really do anything, these people will not hit a stone with an egg.

Yun Ting is not in a hurry.

He knows very well that strength can kill a person, but it cannot conquer a person.

But thoughts can.

Therefore, for the sake of a smooth future, let the bullet of the trend of thought fly first.

Fly to Konoha Village, to the Land of Fire, and even to the entire ninja world, flying into the vast group that is ignored by daimyo, nobles, and ninjas.

Just wait for yourself to light the fire.

Then a single spark can start a prairie fire!


Konoha, Uchiha training ground.

swish swish~~

The sky filled with Kunai and Shuriken shot towards Uchiha Shisui in a dazzling way.

The latter did not open Sharingan at this time, but relied on a ninja knife in his hand to accurately block the extremely tricky attacks time after time.


Suddenly, a flying kunai got the thrust of another throwing kunai from behind, and shot at Zhishui's head with a sudden speed.

Zhishui's eyes were fixed, and he stepped back more seriously than before, then his body suddenly folded, and the pain in front of him passed by his hair.

It's not over yet.

In the next second, the passing Kunai seems to have planned to hit another Kunai that was shot before but died without a problem.

The latter turned around suddenly, changed direction miraculously and shot towards the dead end of Zhishui.

This is just the beginning.

Next, the kunai and shuriken near Shisui seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand. In a series of ding-ding-ding sounds, they turned beyond imagination and shot at Shisui from all directions. Leave a gap.


The unavoidable Shishui did not do anything again, but looked at the instigator of all this with admiration, and then when many kunai shurikens approached, his figure flashed and he disappeared instantly.

"Itachi, your throwing skills are amazing beyond imagination. I'm afraid there are not many people in the entire clan who can surpass you." The next second, Zhishui came out from the other side and praised sincerely.

The Uchiha clan is already famous for throwing skills, especially after opening Sharingan, the powerful motion capture ability can make the ninja tools in their hands play tricks beyond imagination.

Even so, in Zhishui's view, the brother in front of him, who is only six years old and hasn't even opened Sharingan, is already better than most of his tribe in throwing.

What an incomparable talent.

Especially this kind of talent is not only in throwing~www.readwn.com~ Chakra practice, ninjutsu, physical jutsu, and even illusion, Itachi has an astonishing improvement speed.

The current Shisui is called the first genius of Uchiha by the tribe.

But he himself knows very well that maybe it won't be long before the title of the first genius will be transferred to Itachi.

For this, not only did he not have a trace of jealousy in his heart, but he was very happy.

Itachi's talent not only makes Uchiha stronger, but also Konoha stronger.

It seemed to him the best thing to do.

Similarly, Itachi also respects the gentle and selfless Shisui, especially the latter, like him, has a broad vision far beyond the clan, and loves the village extremely.

Therefore, it is said that things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups.

It is quite normal that Shisui and Itachi, two rare aliens in the history of the Uchiha clan, can come together.

"Take a break." Shisui put away his ninja knife and said, looking at Itachi who was out of breath.

Although the talent is strong, the latter is only six years old after all, and after a series of high-intensity battles, his physical strength still can't keep up.

"Okay, brother Zhishui." Itachi agreed immediately without showing any signs of courage.

Then, I saw him sitting in the schoolbag that he put down before, and took out the "Will of a New Fire" that he had been reading for a long time, and continued to read it very seriously.

This has become his norm.

Except for ninja training and taking care of his younger brother Sasuke these days, he spent most of the rest of the time reading this book.

Even though most of the time he goes to the ninja school to teach, he has become his shadow clone, but as long as there is a thought class, he will be there in person, and seriously ask the teacher many incomprehensible questions in the book.

For this scene, Zhishui was no stranger to it.

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