I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 99: Temporary knot and cloud ninja peace talks mission

Remember [New] in a second! the next day.

The capital of the Land of Fire, the home of Minister Zuo.

The fierce battle at the daimyo's mansion in the middle of the night, especially the news that Kazuma dared to assassinate the daimyo at the risk of being disrespectful, became irritable instantly after Minister Zuo learned of it in time.

He never thought that Hema would do such a rebellious thing.

Although he didn't know about this matter, but he must know that he had contact with the countermeasures before, and it was hard to guarantee that someone would link the assassination of the daimyo with him.

"No! Shou Ming must be brought under control as soon as possible!"

Shou Ming was the special envoy who contacted Hema, and Minister Zuo immediately called his men to bring this person under his nose.

The latter is related to his innocence, and there must be no mistakes at this critical moment.

However, after a while, the fact that his subordinates returned empty-handed made his complexion turn pale.

As a veteran of political struggles, Minister Zuo didn't know that someone had set him up.

"No matter what, the body is not afraid of the slanting shadow. As the left minister of the country of fire, how can I be overthrown by others!"

Minister Zuo quickly pulled himself together, thought for a while, and immediately wrote to the huge network he had managed over the years to ask for help.

As a veteran aristocratic family in the Land of Fire, Minister Zuo has a great influence in the country. If he is really allowed to use the political capital he has accumulated over the years, it is really possible to escape this catastrophe.

However, Konoha, who had already planned everything, would not give him this chance.

At this moment, a person wearing a black robe and a cat face mask suddenly appeared outside the study.

When a group of guards saw it, they were about to draw their swords, when a pair of three-curved jade writing sharing eyes suddenly appeared in their sight.

It was Itachi who came.

As Uchiha's genius, after experiencing Anbe's life and death, his Sharingan has now reached Sangouyu.

A group of guards naturally failed to resist the Sharingan illusion.

So, while everyone ignored him, Itachi Shiran pushed the door open and entered the study.

"You are..." Zuo Minister, who was writing quickly, suddenly heard the movement, subconsciously raised his head, and before he finished speaking, he looked at Itachi's sharing eyes.

Then, Minister Zuo, who had been completely controlled by Itachi, put down his pen, took the common poison prepared by the former, and drank it without hesitation.

Soon, Minister Zuo died with a black face.

The action didn't end there.

Itachi continued to walk to the desk, put away all the letters written by Minister Zuo just now, then held the pen with his gloved right hand, and used the copying ability of Sharingan to write on a new piece of paper with Minister Zuo's exact handwriting .

This self-incrimination letter from Minister Zuo admitted that he and a group of accomplices planned to assassinate the daimyo. After seeing the incident brought to light, he committed suicide in fear of crime in order to ask the big name to forgive his family.

In this way, the entire plan is considered complete.

When Itachi left Cleanliness from the left minister's mansion without disturbing him, the guards who had been under the illusion before woke up one after another.

However, they didn't find anything abnormal, they just thought it was just a blink of an eye.

These people continued to guard outside the study dutifully.

Little did they know that its owner had already died.

It wasn't until the daimyo envoy came to summon Minister Zuo to enter the mansion that he found out that this powerful and powerful official had been dead for a long time.

In the following period of time, the internal shocks of the Kingdom of Fire continued, giving countless people who eat melons a lot to talk about.

First, a rare daimyo was assassinated, and the identity of the assassin turned out to be his confidant's guardian of the Twelve Ninja Warriors.

Then there are only two of them left after the Civil War of the Guardian Ninja Twelve.

However, when the tool was no longer worthy of the trust of its owner, this long-standing organization ushered in the dissolution.

In the end, the most exciting thing is that the mastermind behind all this turned out to be Minister Zuo.

Before the latter committed suicide in fear of crime, he personally confessed several accomplices in a letter.

So under the wrath of the daimyo, during this period of time, there was a big purge among the high-level officials of the country of fire.

If you pay attention, you will find that most of these people are people who fought against Konoha before.

In this regard, Yunting's goal has been achieved.

By deliberately stretching the line, use this as bait to catch those vanguards in the Kingdom of Fire who are willing to fight against Konoha, and then severely hit and destroy them.

In this way, it will not only eliminate some persistent diseases for the future Fire Nation to take power, but also deter others and maintain the current domestic stability.

After this shock, it is time for the Kingdom of Fire to slow down.

Governing a large country is like cooking a small dish, and there is no room for impatience.

With Konoha's strength, Yunting can easily take down the entire Fire Kingdom.

The reason for infiltrating it bit by bit is to completely inherit the Kingdom of Fire.

Otherwise, even if he could take over the Fire Nation within a day, such an extremely violent way of seizing power would only cause an extremely strong internal shock.

Afterwards, it would take him much longer than a day, a year...two years...or even ten years to stabilize the Kingdom of Fire.

This is not counting the 100% possibility of the other four major countries taking advantage of this opportunity to loot.

Power can kill many people, but can never govern a country.

With the size of Konoha, it is impossible to replace the Kingdom of Fire in the form of a snake in a short period of time.

So, everything has to be done steadily.

It's definitely off to a good start.

After defeating the diehards of the Kingdom of Fire and the Guardian Ninja Twelve. Yun Ting stopped the road of Konoha's expansion when he saw a good situation, and deliberately led the previous conflicts between the two sides to be deliberately provoked by Minister Zuo and his group. After that, the relationship between the village and the high-level officials of the Fire Nation was eased and returned to normal.

In the following time, it is also time for him to set his sights on the upcoming cloud ninja peace talks mission and the country of thunder behind it.

If the Kingdom of Fire wants to smoothly complete the transfer of power in the future, it is necessary to severely crack down on external peeping forces.

Who else is more aggressive than this group of cloud ninjas, whose strength is only under Konoha, who are qualified to be the targets of killing chickens and monkeys.

In this way, after the first step of the internal cleanup of the Kingdom of Fire, the second step is about to start.



Konoha, Hokage Office.

Looking at Asma Sarutobi, who was dressed in dust and dust, his face was much more haggard than before, Yun Ting comforted him: "Since the Twelve Guardian Ninjas no longer exist, Asma, you should take a good rest in the village for a while. I will arrange other work for you later."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Asma replied in a low voice.

He really needs time to take a break, think about everything that happened before, and re-examine his self-concept.

When leaving the Hokage building, passing through many unfamiliar street scenes along the way, and arriving in front of the gate of his own house.

It was only then that the preoccupied Asma suddenly felt close to her hometown.

The reason for this is that the rebellious boy at the beginning has now grown up after experiencing wind and rain.

Not to mention what kind of conversation Armas will have with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After meeting the former, Yun Ting immediately asked the female secretary beside him, "Has the Yun Nin peace talks missions been properly arranged?"

Ritsuko Yamanaka replied without thinking: "It has been arranged."

The arrival of Yun Nin's peace mission was several months earlier than in the original history.

This is naturally due to Yunting.

After sending a group of Genbu ninjas to the battlefield with Yun Ninja, a large number of fighting Uchiha ninjas also followed, which made the Konoha frontline stronger than ever.

Correspondingly, Yunin's casualties and pressure are also increasing.

In the end, even though the vast majority of people in Yunyin Village were still clamoring for a fierce battle to the end, the truly rational high-level people still came up with the idea of ​​a truce.

If we continue, let alone whether Yun Nin can win or not, the financial, manpower, and material resources spent will only become more and more overwhelming.

After all, the Land of Thunder is not a rich Land of Fire, and a war of attrition will be nothing but water for the latter, but for the former on the high plateau, even if its name is the most supportive of Yunyin Village among the five major countries, it will last a long time. Still can't bear such a burden.

Therefore, there is a mission for Yun Nin to come in for peace talks.

'I don't know if the leader of the cloud ninja mission this time will do something like hijacking Hinata again. ’ Yun Ting thought to himself.

I have to say that the leader of the cloud ninja mission in the original history is really a showmanship.

Putting aside a good peace talk, he ran to rob the members of the Hyuga clan just because of a pair of blank eyes.

Let’s not talk about whether he can escape being hunted down in Konoha’s lair, but if he provokes such trouble in such a crucial peace talk, is it really not afraid that the peace talk will be canceled directly and the war will break out again?

I don't know how Yunin's senior management selected this person.

Or is the latter secretly a hard-line militant, deliberately doing so to interrupt the peace talks?

Of course, no matter what it is, I'm afraid this person can't imagine that there are mountains as high as mountains.

Under the leadership of the three generations, Konoha Sao's operation is even more amazing.

Mingmingyun forbearance robbed the heir of the Hyuga clan first, but the former turned black and white, blamed Konoha for deliberately killing people, and even demanded that the head of the Hyuga clan pay for his life.

Such an unreasonable request, the third generation actually compromised! !

Afterwards~www.readwn.com~ if it wasn’t for Nisashi who looks very similar to Nizuzu to bring his brother to his life, I am afraid that the patriarch of the dignified Konoha clan, the head of the Hyuga clan would have lost his life in vain under the oppression of his own people, and in the end even the corpse He was also sent to Yun Ninja for research.

Such a shameful behavior is really against Konoha's reputation as the number one in the ninja world.

Talking about it will only increase people's laughing stock.

Now that Yunting is Hokage, naturally he won't let such a useless thing happen.

Regardless of whether or not Kumo Shinobi would rob the Hyuga clan, he would make it a reality.


Use this as a reason to attack Yun Nin, provoke a quick battle, and beat the opponent hard once.

This group of robbers will be cast into a shadow, and then other surrounding countries will be deterred, so that they will not dare to move lightly in the next few years.

In this way, I will not need to be threatened by the unexpected world in the future changes of the Land of Fire, and have enough time and energy to properly digest everything in the Land of Fire.

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