Konoha, root tissue.

"How's the mission done?".

Tuan Zang was high on the steps, overlooking the two men who were half-kneeling below, his eyes were unwavering, giving people an invisible pressure.

"Report, after hearing about the prestige of Danzo-sama, the lowly merchants did not dare to disobey, and promised on the spot that they would never dare to provide any more help to Tsunade. "They also offered to give Danzo-sama shares, and begged Tuanzo-sama to take care of them in normal times." "

At this time, Yamanaka Wind on the side took out a brocade box from his bosom and stepped forward and said, "Lord Danzo, this is a gift from the shopkeeper of the Short Book Street, saying that if you enter the Short Book Street with this object, you will be greeted with the highest standard just like the Hokage." "

Tuan Zang took the brocade box and opened it, and a wrench made of pure jade was lying quietly inside, and the lustrous luster that seemed to flow like a stream was a rare treasure at a glance.

He quietly put the wrench on his hand and bowed slightly: "The merchants of this short book street are still a little bright, since they are so sincere, there is no need to be too embarrassed in the future." "

Danzang didn't have any doubts about the words of the oil girl to take the root, and it was not surprising that a businessman, after learning that the battle involving the high-level of Konoha was involved, Mingzhe protected himself.

And all the members who join the root are the ones he has personally chosen to bear the darkness.

The team members need to be trained to "destroy themselves", and in order to keep secrets, Danzang has thoroughly trained them to be pawns for full mission.

The so-called "root" person has no name and no feelings. There is no past, no future, only tasks in mind.

This is the will of the root that Danzo preached.

"Yes, Lord Danzo, what are the next orders?"

"Without the financial support of Shortbook Street, I'd have seen how Tsunade would have struggled. Tuan Zang rubbed the white jade wrench on his hand and said slowly, "Three days later, let the members of Konoha gather here to discuss the next action, Tsunade took advantage of me twice, I want to see how she will deal with this third time." "

"Yes. "

The figures of the oil girl Takine and Yamanaka Stroke suddenly disappeared in place, and according to Danzo's order, she used the code of the root organization to transmit a message to the outside.

However, it was not only the ninjas of Konoha who were notified, but all the people of the root organization stationed outside, and secretly ordered that Danzo-sama had an urgent matter and let him return quickly.

When the two of them finished all this and reappeared, they were already in a dwelling in Konoha Village.

"Report to your lord, in three days, all the ninjas of the Root Organization will be gathered. "

As soon as they entered the door, the oil girl Takine and Yamanaka Stroke fell to their knees, and now they completely pressed their chests and torso to the ground as a way to show their loyalty, compared to the half-kneeling when facing Danzo.

"Good job, although my father said that there will be no grass, but I can call the shots and spare your lives when the time comes. "

Qin Xiaoyan was wearing a set of splendid robes and leaned on the bench.

She is the most mature in appearance among Qin Ye's daughters, with a beautiful face, a graceful figure, a pair of slender legs wrapped in black pantyhose, covered in the skirt, and the whole person exudes a charming and charming atmosphere.

The devil's muscular goblins stood behind her, all with solemn faces and cold breaths, and fierce evil qi rippled and hovered in them.

The owner of this house is also at home, but he doesn't show anything unusual about these goblins who live in his home, and he is completely entertaining.

"Thank you, sir. "

The oil girl took the root and the mountain stroke suddenly raised her head with joy on her face, and after her eyes touched the beautiful goblin in front of her, she suddenly burst out with an unparalleled enthusiasm and respect, as if she was meeting a god and goddess.

Qin Xiaoyan waved her hand and ordered the goblin behind her, "Settle down recently, do it in three days, Daddy's kiss, I am bound to win!"

Time flies.

For Konoha Village, these two days were very lively, because there were many guests in the house.

These guests were naturally the goblins that Qin Xiaosi had teleported over using the Flying Thunder God technique.

Because of the control, the villagers of Konoha completely regarded these green-skinned creatures as close friends, and welcomed them warmly.

After two days at the Konoha villagers' house, these sturdy goblins walked out into the streets for the first time and lined up directly in front of the Konoha villagers.

Many Konoha villagers stood by the street and watched, and some of them clapped their hands and applauded, without any strange feeling in their hearts.

At present, the root organization is holding a meeting with all members, and the secret whistle outside has long been secretly eliminated by the controlled oil girl and the mountain wind.

Because of this, the countless goblins that were teleported from the Short Book Street were like the Lighthouse Nation army stationed in Sakura Country, and they gathered into a torrent of black oppression, and walked towards the root organization's stronghold in a neat and powerful step.

Qin Ye put his arm around Tsunade, looked down at his goblin army by the window of the Hokage's office, and nodded with satisfaction: "The momentum is not bad, very energetic!".

Looking at the goblin offspring that have multiplied to this day, his heart is still full of a sense of accomplishment.

Then he pressed Tsunade on the railing outside the window, and said righteously: "The sons are so mighty, as a leader, I can't show weakness, and I must continue to contribute to the reproduction of the race!"

This is when the Goblins charge together from top to bottom.

In the root organization, Shi Shiran appeared and was ready to continue thinking of poisonous ideas to deal with Tsunade, Tuan Zang looked at the black crowd in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned in place.

There seem to be a lot of people coming to the meeting today.

Danzo looked around and found that not only the shadows of Konoha but even the members stationed outside had come to the scene.

"What's the matter, who asked you to come here?" he frowned.

"Ah, my lord, didn't you say that there was something important for us to return urgently?".

A group of personnel stationed abroad were even more confused.

For some reason, looking at the dazed subordinates in front of him, Tuan Zang suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

But no matter how he thinks, he can't figure out the situation.

Let all the members of the root organization gather, it is difficult to want to serve them in a pot.

Tuan Zang couldn't help but laugh at the idea that came to him.

In the entire ninja world, it is impossible for a guy who can destroy the root organization of the Konoha group to exist.

"Oil Girl Takes the Roots!".

Just as Danzo was about to find the oil girl in charge of the matter and ask the reason, a strong tremor suddenly came from above their heads.

"Damn, is this an earthquake?".

For a moment, the eyes of everyone in the root organization widened.


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